Oh boy, a Tomato Game giveaway! What's cooler than that?
Sorry, there's no question in here, but feel free to bump that dumb forum topic.
And don't forget to enter the other giveaways! :)
Tomato Jones, Level 1
Tomato Jones 2, Level 1
Tomato Way, Level 1
Congratulations, puzzle person! You did it! :)
Umm, actually this isn't a Tomato Game, but it's near enough... Ugh. Sorry. :)
Hopefully I'll be busy playing this game over the weekend, since I kinda forgot about it. :( So please don't spoil anything for me! :)
Good luck! :)
1 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by reigifts
35 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RevCat
11 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Chris76de
51 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ha14
22 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by moronic
355 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by aumeilo
1,918 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by dewdkorn6969
35 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by wigglenose
65 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by FruitCober
23 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by imsaleh0
297 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by jacoz26
0 Comments - Created 18 minutes ago by HowDareYou
13 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by someonequeer
Oh yes! I have no idea how I solved this. Btw I lost a 2 entry puzzle gib for this game before, I'm sure I'm gonna do it again :)
Thanks a lot for the gibs fiftykyu, I guess this is the first time I actually managed to solve your hardest part of the puzzle :D
I knew it, a fiftykyu puzzle without the ASCII table is not possible ^^
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Congratulations! :) So all that lazy ascii-ing on my part wasn't a complete waste of time... :)
I get the impression any puzzle I've ever made is either random impossible nonsense or completely easy, depending on if you've seen one before. I never get any new ideas, just keep doing the same stuff over and over again... :) Sucks for the new people, but great odds for the veterans... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well don't be unfair to yourself. Whatever you are doing seems to be working well if you ask me. It takes time and effort to solve, yet it is solvable and only a bunch of people are able to do it (I wasn't most of the time :D). However I think that Pi puzzle was probably the most complicated one I've ever seen on sg and the graphical solution required coding skills.
Also, don't we all repeat ourselves in one way or another, these kind of patterns form our identity. And yeah, I know you like patterns ^^
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Well, I think a lot of pointless activities take time and effort, but that doesn't make them any less pointless... :) At least there's profitz at the end for some lucky person in this one... :)
Hmm, I think that Pi puzzle was like all the rest, a good idea but a mediocre puzzle... Somehow, no matter how much time I spend on them, they all could have used a bit more... :) Too much "get the random brain wave or you're screwed"... Hopefully someone else will use the idea in a better puzzle, some day... :)
I don't keep bookmarks for puzzles, but I remember seeing some really involved ones in the old days... Not sure how many people are still making them, I'm kinda out of the loop... Oh well...
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I did it again :D 1/2*3/4 = 3/8 was the odds. It was close. I believe one day I will win a fiftykyu giveaway :D Congratz to the winner
Well some puzzles were not very complicated but required a lot of time to solve (either brute forcing or googling etc). Maybe I just skipped most of those super hard puzzles that's why I don't remember any of them.
Btw I'm curious because it was mentioned before. Did anyone blacklist you because they thought your puzzle was too difficult?
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Sorry! :) I wish everyone could win, but I'm not made of money unfortunately... :) Will have to see what's going on in the Summer Sale... :)
I suppose most people will skip a puzzle if it looks like it will require hours of screwing around... :) And especially for a mystery game that could end up being Bad Rats... :)
Hmm, I have no idea. Nobody's mentioned it, anyway. Let's see... The graph thing says 24 blacklists, but I don't know if those are from puzzles or just from being a big jerk... :) Alas... :)
Better luck next time, whenever that is! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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First of all congrats on your win LadyNarayan. Indeed it is good to know you completed the game and enjoyed it to the fullest :)
It looked like I complained a little bit too much about the loss "what a sore loser :D", I just wanted to point out some weird facts, I lost a 2 entry puzzle giveaway (my first and only 2 entry puzzle gib on SG) of this game and this one (4 entry) in one month, never ever won a fiftykyu giveaway and this was actually the closest I've ever got to winning one :D
Anyway, I'm glad the game found a good home and it became a well deserved win :) and thanks ^^
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Aaaand here I am!
"Unfortunately" I already own the game.
Thanks for all the giveaways :)
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Oho, sorry about that... Guess that explains why you didn't enter the other one... :)
This is more of a backup giveaway, so people who don't get "Near a Tomato" still have a chance to win... :) But there's no hint for it, so you'd have to get lucky, or maybe have seen this sort of thing before... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Congratulations on finding it, guess it was a pretty dumb way to hide something if only three people noticed... :) Better odds for the people who spent enough time staring at those keys, though... :)
Maybe next time i'll try to make one with more thinking, and less random noticing... :)
Good luck! :)
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Aha, look who got the prize! Good thing you didn't give up! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Yeah, I didn't have enough keys to give everyone a good chance, but maybe it will be in the next Humble Whatever Bundle... :) Or Indie Gala, that would be cheaper with Happy Hours... :)
Somehow I though more people would have noticed this one, guess you have to be a big fan of staring at Steam keys to find it though... :(
Well, a great year would be too much to hope for, but I'll take a great day, thank you! :) Hope you have one too! :)
p.s. If you're terrible at video games like I am, don't be afraid to set the game to "easy mode" to get past the tutorial - there's no saving until you defeat the first boss... So you get to replay the whole thing every time... :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Hello, sorry for the late reply! :(
Glad to hear that mod made this game playable! :) Sometimes I get the impression publishers should hire those pc port fixing modders, so the game works right out of the box... The PC version of Dark Souls was pretty broken, too... :(
Yeah, the difficulty does seem a bit off, as you say. Easy is "watch the game play itself", and hard is just too hard, for me anyway. :) If I had unlimited time I'd probably just force myself to play in hard mode until I got the hang of it, but... :( A great candidate game to send back in time to myself over a summer vacation... :)
Oh, ouch, Divinity: Original Sin 2, I couldn't resist buying it... But then I couldn't decide what to do at a certain point in the starting area, and kinda stopped playing it. Sigh. :( Felt like one of those games you'd have to replay a few times to see all the stuff you'd blocked yourself off from, maybe I'll just force myself to do A and not care about what I'm missing by not doing B or C or whatever... :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Thank you for all the nice words! :) Wonder if the Winged Cloud people will ever hear that... :)
I'm just too lazy, I never think to write a review, or even take a screenshot... :( Looks like I've taken one per year on Steam... :(
Guess I've been lucky to avoid catching the figure bug, or I'd be overflowing in them... :) Hmm, sometimes you'd get things when you buy stuff like http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/ANZB-1711 but it's been a long time since I bought that sort of thing... :)
Unfortunately, instead of playing more Divinity: Original Sin 2 I started this one... :) I should just stop buying RPGs, can't remember the last time I actually finished one... :)
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grats! :3
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Oh, wow. Somehow, I noticed the repeated vertical string with 666 right away. But it took me nearly a week to notice the repeated string immediately to the right of the first. What a devilish puzzle!
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There's usually something hiding in piles of leftover bundle keys, unless I'm being lazy... :) With all the letters and numbers sitting there, it's too tempting to pass up... :)
Aha, I was going to say don't forget to enter the giveaway, but it looks like you already own this one so never mind... :) Been having a lot of fun with it so far... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway, some day! :)
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dokY dokY LC has the potential of GOTY imho (or at least the meme of the year/season)
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Hmmm, I haven't played that one, but at least I don't have to feel bad for not buying it... :)
Actually, I don't even remember mentioning that game, so maybe you had a bunch of tabs open and wrote this comment to the wrong giveaway... :) But I don't see how anyone could have a giveaway for a free game, guess I'm wrong... :) Oh well...
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Oh, were you not aware of the awesomeness of this VN from Team Salvado? I mean it was also nominated in the Steam Awards a few months ago after all, http://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
I mean, I thought the hype and memes were all over the internet, spoilers as well sadly, if you are not careful. I think I recommended it to you too at one point, if I am not mistaken, but I might misremember. I think it was Gal*Gun that also had a Doki-Doki Field.
I did not comment in the wrong place, but I did find it funny the coincidence that the code for this gib involved the 'doki' part, well, with a capital 'y', but when I first read it, I thought I arrived to that by accident with my wild conspiracy theories, but in my mind the intro theme music from the game came to mind, it was something like 'nanana doki-doki' and some chimes.
Anyways, this was mainly just a random comment related to the code of the giveaway sounding familiar to me, I was about to write 7 times 'doky' at one point, but, when I actually tried the code here, my heart did go 'Doki-Doki' ;)
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For that game, I only know that it exists, and that apparently it's not what it appears from the store page. Haven't read any spoilers, at least not that I know of... :)
But maybe knowing that spoilers are possible is a spoiler, and that I'd be on guard for any weird stuff to happen... No clue at all... :)
Ahhhh, dokY, now I get it... :) Sigh... :) Hidden in plain sight, indeed... :) It's a good thing I don't try to solve puzzles, I'd be stuck at the very start... :)
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You could try giving it a shot if you have a few spare hours, it's fairly short and it's strong factor is in the reveals, after the stereotypical VN stuff that is just, obviously the initial facade.
Well, by calling the puzzle dumb, some might think you'd be implying that everyone who did not solve it is worse than dumb and those who did solve it a bit over dumb, and that was what I was trying to say earlier, the puzzle isn't dumb, just a bit tricky, elsewhere it wouldn't even be called puzzle.
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I'll install it so I don't forget... :) Usually I forget anyway, though... :(
Ahh, right, I don't mean that people who didn't solve a "dumb" puzzle are worse than dumb... :) Just that I can never say hey, look at this, this is how you make a puzzle. It's always hey, don't look at this, you can do better. :) If that makes any sense...
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Ah, I see, overachiever, always bettering oneself, that is one noble goal, I get it, that's really cool!
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you wanna know how I found this? go on, ask me, I dare you, I double dare you!
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For some reason I really want to say what... :) But I guess that's dangerous... :) So I'll just try a good luck! :)
Good luck! :)
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It did not involve random chance or noticing any satanic (maybe?) symbolism...just...extrapolation...
[q x-files theme]
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Spoooooky! :)
Say, with all your pattern finding, I'm wondering... :) Have you ever found a private giveaway that wasn't actually part of the puzzle, just that five characters you found were pointing to it by coincidence?
I remember being surprised Steamgifts didn't switch to six, or eight, or something... :)
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That's a really good question, I was actually wondering the same. It was always something I secretly hoped for, to just randomly insert some characters in sg or in the steam key redeem box and that the chances would actually lead me to something, even if something that has already ended or duplicate or something, but so far, nothing, just invalid. I could calculate the odds but I am sure they'd overwhelm me and my general luck, so short answer, no, I did not get so fortunate to just nail even one coincidence towards another giveaway by just sheer chance, private or public.
On the other hand, something like that did happen to me once, while playing DOOM 3. In that game, you have some sort of safes, that are protected by a keypad with 3-4 digits from what I remember, normally you'd find the code by carious means, like finding it written on the walls or ind PDA's and what not. I was at one point where I was desperate, stuck in a room with a safe, no code in sight what so ever and I was short on supplies, so I just started randomly pressing buttons on the keypad, until like the 2nd or 3rd try when I actually got the right cipher and the door opened. I was so mindblown at that moment that I was speechless. Eventually I had to return through that area and a scripted event threw a corpse there with the right pda with the code for it, but at that point I didn't even need it, since the safe was already open by that time.
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