Thanks. I know the game - I finished it 10 years ago. ^^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, now that you made me think about it, I played quite a few (semi-)obscure games which I loved in their time: heretic 2, throne of darkness, severance: blade of darkness, s.w.i.n.e., revenant, sacred, drakan, dragon's blood, pirates: legend of black kat, warlords battlecry and spellforce (good concept, but high level heroes and companions can destroy everything alone), myth, cultures, warrior kings, legacy of kain, enclave, lionheart legacy of the crusader, dark messiah of m&m, die by the sword, army men, emergency, praetorians, police quest: swat 2, panzer general, knights of honor, dink smallwood, deer avenger, (a grand strategy game similar to Colonization in which I always played Portugal, but I don't remember the name), (a diablo clone set in medieval China, but I don't remember it's name) those are well known but since I really love them, I will list them: ToEE, Total Annihilation and NWN.
I really wish that at least Severance: BoD and Revenant will get a sequel or remake!
Jeanne D'Arc was pretty good for it's time. Funny thing: until the mission in which you could switch between Jeanne, la Hire and Jean de Metz I did not realise that there was a leveling system and I pretty much played with level 1 characters. Today it's not worth playing it anymore since M&B does everything this game does, but better (with the exception of liniar gameplay and army control: in Joan D'arc you can switch in some missions from 3rd person to top-view RTS and manage / recruit units).

8 years ago*

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Today it's not worth playing it anymore since M&B does everything this game does, but better (with the exception of liniar gameplay and army control: in Joan D'arc you can switch in some missions from 3rd person to top-view RTS and manage / recruit units).

I love M&B and have over 1,300 hours but I still want to get this game because I never played it when it came out and the setting and story intrigue me:) However in general I agree that the M&B series does a lot of things other games tried and still try to do, and just do it multiple times better.

8 years ago

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Well, I mean that it does little compared to similar modern games, unlike UFO Defense or Transport Tycoon Deluxe (for example), which can still compete with today's modern games of their genres (I really believe that to be honest).
I would also play it once more, but out of nostalgy more than anything else. :P

8 years ago

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Since we seems to have played and loved the same games, I don't know if you have ever try Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War but I think you may like it ;)

And of course thanks tristetea for the giveaway :D

8 years ago

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Thanks, I love old-school missed games like this, I cannot get enough of games based in the time period either:)

I hope this doesn't offend you but have you considered giving away some copies of games like this in BundleLicious 2.0? I do not know if they technically count as bundle games, but I guarantee you would get entries!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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That would be awesome, thank you:)

8 years ago

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beaten it up many many times before 7-8 years ago ;_; still have a cd :) played it last year again when I found it in my box I've forgotten about
could still play it hundred times and would never get bored :D
thank you triestetea for the chance and for reminding me once again about it :D

8 years ago

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Vielen Dank!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh this one brings back a lot of memories! Thanks a lot Tristetea!!!

8 years ago

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Thank you!!

8 years ago

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Thank you, very interested in visiting what seems to be a classic!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the game, Looks like a really cool classic

8 years ago

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