
Over here in NYC our fair-weather seasons spend as much time flirting or feinting as they do actually being seasons. This March has been mostly mild so far, with a couple of whoops-cold surprises, and for the last couple of days the skies have been teasing spring. It's not actually spring yet - I know we'll still need the layers and the scarves - but it's close enough for the longings to start to stir. And I am finally, at long last, kicking the weeks-long cough that has been dogging me.

Anyway, here's this game! You should enter to play it. The key is old, but it's been secreted at our underground cryogenic storage facility since I bought it, and it ought to spin up just fine. If you have trouble with it, please let me know.


1 year ago

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Thank You :)

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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