
Hi, take 2 min to read this and get a second chance to win this game

I just created a new Steam Group for people who gave more than they received. Here are the actual requirements to join this group:

  1. Your account sent/receive ratio must be at least 2 (RCV).
  2. You must have sent at least a giveaway in the last 2 months.
  3. Your sent RCV must be at least $500.
  4. You must ensure your ratio stay at least at 2.

RCV mean Real Contribution Value. You can calculate your RCV on You can too know the RCV by overing your mouse on your sent/receive amount on steamgifts.

If you meet theses requirements feel free to request an invitation.

Your second chance!

G00d luck everyone



6 years ago

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I just wanted to say thank you very much Alfred!

6 years ago

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your welcome have fun !

6 years ago

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