
Following Raven Nightshade's suggestion, you recognize the value of utilizing stealth to your advantage.

"Raven's plan has merit," you acknowledge, nodding in agreement. "Let us leverage the shadows to scout ahead and gather information discreetly. While Raven is out, the rest of us will fortify our camp and remain vigilant."

With a nod of agreement, Raven slips into the darkness, her form melding seamlessly with the shadows as she vanishes from sight. Meanwhile, you and your companions set about fortifying your campsite, reinforcing your defenses, and preparing for whatever dangers the night may bring.

Hours pass as you wait anxiously for Raven's return, the tension in the air palpable as you remain on high alert for any signs of approaching danger. Finally, just as the first light of dawn begins to break over the horizon, Raven reappears, her silhouette emerging from the depths of the forest.

"I've scouted ahead and found signs of demonic activity deeper in the woods," Raven reports, her voice hushed with urgency. "We must prepare ourselves for battle."

With Raven's warning ringing in your ears, you and your companions steel yourselves for the inevitable confrontation that lies ahead. Though the path forward may be fraught with danger, you know that with stealth and preparation, you stand a chance of overcoming whatever challenges await you in the accursed forest.

Now, what choices does the reader have here?

  1. "Let's maintain a defensive position," you suggest, turning to your companions. "We'll gather as much information as we can from Raven's scouting report and strategize our next move accordingly."

  2. "We can't afford to wait here indefinitely," Aria interjects, her voice tinged with urgency. "Let's use the information Raven has provided to plan a swift and decisive strike against the demons. We'll catch them off guard and turn the tide in our favor."

Yay! Got the key. Thanks, Althalus.

11 months ago

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Woot ^^ Grats. Enjoy your weekend ^^

11 months ago

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