Either you:
Regardless, I want you to know: I need to know more about you. If you cannot be stalked through Steam, you will automatically be discharged from the event upon the end, and added to my blacklist.
I am obsessed with looking at you. I need to stalk you to understand things about you. This will help me to make my conclusions, and figure out if you qualify for the next round! Do not forget! No private profiles! We need datas here! Oh yeah, and if you meet more than one super secret requirement, I will possibly add you to another special whitelist spot on my own gigantic whitelist! Maybe my blacklist can surpass it eventually?!
262 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Carenard
79 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Fluffster
390 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by BlackbeardXIII
77 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Kappaking
17,427 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by gonsi
8,477 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by crez3088
14 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AllTracTurbo
221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zkndlin
next round to test my luck
thank you
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You know... even if I don't pass any requirements to not be blacklisted, I'd still join this. That's how much I love story-rich RPGs. Thanks for hosting this one! <3
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I want to bump... but I want to see more of your video bump material... ooo, the dilemma... ><
A wishlisted one? Am I blessed? :o
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Yes you are! I thought you were going to be blacklisted by the Candy-Chief.
I'm glad you have immunity. :)
Good luck!
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Aww, stop it, you! So sweetly stalking me... I feel like you're my fanclub XD
I'm glad you have my back! I hope a really special gib comes along and forces you to join so I can wish you some luck myself ;)
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Naah, sorry, I certainly don't want to annoy you too much :D Just wanna bring you an extra boost of luck!
There's no denial in your observations, since I'm a fan of your lovely artstyle and pretty much like your comments here on SG and also appreciate your opinions. So does it make me a fan of yours? Very likely. :P
Thanks, I'm looking forward to this one irresistible gem of a game and then my willpower will be in danger. xD
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Even if I had not somehow made it onto your whitelist at some point I still would have entered for this as it's on my wishlist. Really appreciate you giving this away.
My data is a small price to pay.
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Data!! It's all about the data these days!! Give me demographics so I can hit my target audiences!!
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Why this sucks.... I was already scared of jellyfish, now I'm not setting a single toe in the sea ever again, brrr 👀
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just in Australia, and well, you are not safe there anywhere tbh :D
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I read of one guy that drank some liquid in a fridge that contained them - some doctor carelessly left it in there, and it was not labeled or some shit. Crazy ass story, but he was lucky enough to have properly geared lifeguards nearby (I think he was working on the job as a lifeguard at the time), so he lived through the ordeal. Cannot imagine ingesting the things!! Read plenty about them though!
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well, that's the lesson - do not eat other peoples food! especially those not labeled and not looking good enough to each own knowlegde wtf
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Honestly, it didn't even need to say "commonly found in the waters off Australia."
I mean, its sting is 100 times as potent as a cobra. OF COURSE it lives in Australia.
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This one I will join! I have enjoyed Torment: Tides of Numenera so much, so this is a must! ;D
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Ah, my buddy says he liked Planesape far better, but I suppose not everyone will agree. I have heard many argue this is their favorite game of all time though... to this day!
Not sure if/how Enhanced Edition is different... Too lazed to check. ;)
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Yeah, I have noticed that other players prefer Planescape. But also they have played it before the Tides of Numenera, so their expactations were already high enough.
I got Tides of Numenera from my beloved grandma, so it will always be special and great game for me. :3
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I have played neither in its entirety, but started the first one a long time back. Maybe one day I'll try them!
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Hi, as my profile is friends-only, mind if I friend you so you can stalk me? ;)
(also, funny event there ^^)
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You indeed may without need to ask! Thanks a lot, and it's not a necessary thing. There is a figuratively vague meaning to my "stalking of profiles through Steam", hence why privacy settings can be a downfall for some. I am scanning for specifics, but I cannot really get into detail, since that's what makes it interesting... As far as private profiles: Just wanted to warn against that (since I blacklisted maybe 3 or 4 out of the 121). I don't know unless their profile tells me, so I have to assume the worst!!
If those entering are open with me, I can then use a fair and honest approach and check to see if they meet any of several possible rules that can qualify them for either a whitelist, or a pass due to meeting some criteria.
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That's coollll
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I'm a survivor.
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Definitely not special but I survived Round 1! yay!
Are we telling secrets about ourselves here?
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I wonder if anybody will catch onto... what my secret rules are. You have immunity for some reason though!
I won't change the custom rules currently that I have in a specially sealed box in my brain, but they might get a little more exclusive or restrictive as I go.. depending on how the blacklist evolves and transcends things.
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I loooove secret rules so I may suss them out (as soon as I get over my December insomnia phase, which should be any day now, hopefully, and my brain starts working on more than caffeine) and yay for immunity!
That's almost poetry, right there.
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mmm...a very wishlisted of mine....enter or no to enter that is the question XD
Some years ago i played it and all of this game was mindblowing, and i'm a old table RPG player =P
Maybe this time with the luck on my side i can finished it and write a review of it 😎.
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Looks like your "get out of jail free" card is in place too, so nothing to lose! Unless, you lose the giveaway... but... well, you know what I mean, I hope.... ^____^
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Loud and clear ;-)
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Well, since I want this game, I guess I'll take my chances on the potential blacklist... XD
Thanks for the unconventional giveaway! :)
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Round Two is the round to blacklist clowns who want this crowned jewel, unless they're found to be worthy, not dirty
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I literally have the original Planescape discs sitting next to me.
Do I install that and not play it, or win this and never get around to playing?
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Even though I think you put too much energy in this crusade (but I know your reasons) I have to admit I admire your determination. Checking all the entries must consume crazy amount of time :O I also have to say I kinda envy this incredible motivation cos with a will as strong as yours and such a focus on the case one could achieve literally anything they could dream of.
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You should have seen me when I was healthy! I'm a work-a-holic... and bi-polar.
Bi-polar? What does that even mean? I'm Bi-WINNING!
But... I'd probably be wasting hours running or biking or swimming 25 - 50k mini-marathons and climbing rocks, and the like... Just a different part of the body that gets more training and stretching out of necessity/adaptability. I appreciate the words!
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Maybe you are actually a member of Facebook, checking all our data to sell to the russians. :)
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Here's my profile: The years might seem a bit strange, but... it's because I know a lot of Ancient Aliens, and this isn't from Earth. If there are profits, I just have to find the dotted line to sign!
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Oh,It reminds me of remike.
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Thank you, Superfabs. You can stalk me anytime, btw
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[Note to self]: I can see this, so I count myself blessed, but I'm not on Superfabs' wl yet. must do this interact stuff more and better.[/Note to Self]
Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone!
I won't enter as I already own this and cannot enter anyway. 😛
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Dodged 1st, tested waters,
weather's cold,
dodged an arrow,
wait.. am I in Rust?
Aaan.. playing this! BANzaaaaiiiii!
EDIT: Than Kiou for the chance, if it's the last time you hear from me :-O
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Whoa, that's a lot of info. It's too cryptic for even myself!
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Just in case..BANzai is from The Karate Kid, I just emphasised the first three to fit in here..
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Well, it only makes sense to want to know more about the great, magnificent and EXTREMELY humble Tyrant of Tea! Stalking me is so popular that it is a recognized sport in the Olympic Games! Both summer and winter! SO, I shall give my adoring fans and the candy-brah a tasty morsel that isn't part of my steam profile.. despite popular misconceptions, I am NOT the reincarnation of famous jazz musician, Charles Dickens!
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That gif is perfect.. ahem BECAUSE, it perfectly encapsulates the pure confusion all who have heard this information feel for days after! But, if you believe yourself of sound enough mind to stalk me, then I welcome the valorous attempt! Perhaps your efforts shall bear fruit and I may even reveal a tastier morsel than that!
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Such a brave soul, I raise my teacup in honour of your tenacious stalking! And tenacity is a virtue that must be rewarded! partially swayed by the incredible gifs BUT, I mustn't reveal too many of my secrets in one place.. it would be far too dangerous if some poor soul stumbled upon too much at one time! Could you imagine the shock?! Therefore, for the sake of national security and the mental safety of that potential poor soul, I shall spread my misconceptions across multiple of your giveaways, until you either go insane or I run out of them.. but, in honor of your tenacity, I reveal one more secret for now: I have misconceptions for days!
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Wooooow... this is so amazing!
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Well, teacups are known for their overly dramatic silli- AHEM being amazing!
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I plan on holding out until you give away Half Life 3.
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What if my radioactive blacklist decays at a rate so fast... that I cannot offer it in time?
Wow, I'm reaching... ......
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OK, now things are really getting interesting! :D
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I know!
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