
Sometimes I discover TV shows the way Columbus discovered America: I land on a property that clearly supports a lively settled population, and treat it like an unknown wilderness territory. "Say, has anyone watched this show The Americans? It's really good! And Keri Russell is in it!" That sort of thing. Anyway, my most recent discovery - "discovery" - is that Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, whom I know mostly via American Horror Story, have a first-responder EMT show called 9-1-1, which is like those shows have always been except really much better. I grew up with Emergency! and Adam-12 (my mom loved them both), so this has been a treat. Most of you who live in American TV-land surely knew about this already, but I was delighted and surprised.

Also, here's a copy of Go Home - Rage Incoming. It's an old key, but just newly revealed, so it should play like new. Please let me know if you have trouble with it.

Thank you!

11 months ago

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