1,080 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Xzares
156 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by lostsoul67
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406 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Vodeni
31 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OneManArmyStar
434 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vodeni
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31 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by adam1224
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14 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
2,669 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by VernoWhitney
28 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by steveywonder75
Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.
I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction on your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set a higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will cost like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.
I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:
If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket
If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction.
If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day
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Do me a favor and take a good look at my profile.
I've been here over a decade.
I have ~450 gifts given.
I have nearly 50,000 comments, most of those being from my time as one of the top Moderators on this site.
I know what I'm doing.
It's a bit distasteful to put this unsolicited advice on people's giveaways.
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well, most gifters are very thankful for my advice, even some who are around for many years
and it's not like i fatshamed someone to call it an unsolicited advice, when it's in fact helpful for most of the gifters, i know what i'm doing
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What you're doing is basically asking giveaway creators to recreate their giveaway at a higher level because some are "undeserving" in your opinion.
"You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly."
Happens that it also gives you have a better chance of winning that game you want. You may claim that's not your intention. But, you didn't create a PSA about this on the forum, you don't comment it on giveaways you don't enter. You just copy/paste it on the games you want, without even looking into who you're talking to.
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i have to tell you, that i posted this also in giveaways, which i haven't entered, most unrestricted GAs are so overcrowded that's not even worth to enter and even in games i already own (like this one), i'm looking for the game with most entries to bring the most attention to the topic, that's my only criterion
If i'm explainig something that's not asking for any action, i even said so, it's all in the hands of the gifter
sure, with all the blacklists from people opposing my opinion it will sure increases my chances to win something
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If you're just trying to bring attention to the topic, post about it in the forums (not that it hasn't been discussed to death) or put it in the description of your own giveaways.
But your own copypasta addresses the giveaway creator directly, not the community as a whole.
Again, if you had clicked on my profile for 2 seconds, you would see that I don't need your advice. I've made 5 times the number of giveaways you have, with them being a mix of Group, Private, and Public throughout all sorts of level requirements.
I don't expect you to know that I was a Mod for several years and a well-respected member of the community, that I helped mold this site in its early days, collaborating on Community Guidelines, Giveaway Rules, Forum Rules, Bundle Rules, Standards of Behavior. Beta testing this current design of the site, suggesting features to add, communicating on a regular basis with the site creator.
So yeah. If you post that on someone's giveaway, and they say "Hey I don't need your advice", maybe take a second look and say "Oh, yeah, you probably don't" and maybe consider editing or removing your post instead of doubling down and saying "well other people liked it". I know what I'm doing.
And if you're getting blacklisted from giving your unsolicited advice, maybe that should tell you something.
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i think the topic gets more attention, if i post it in giveaways and the positive feedback proves me right
470 isn't a number to me, especially in 10 years, i made 1/5 in 1/20 of the time and also made friends with people, who made a lot more giveaways and who share my point of view, so i know one or two things
you're talking of former better times, right? Where CG and mods were more active and autojoiners and other rulebreakers where punished for their actions. The userbase changed since then and i think you missed to correct your point of view accordingly
So yeah. If you judge someone just by their time registered here, maybe take into account, that he socialized with people, who are way longer around than him and know some things, so his doubling down is based on facts and maybe consider reconsidering your point of view instead of saying "i'm an ex-mod and here for 10 years". I know what I'm doing.
Since when blacklists tell you, that you did something wrong? You get blacklists for just existing on this site, you seem out of date with the changes on the site and the userbase
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I think you have a very bad and wrong idea of this site. It isn't a gambling site, but a way to share games you like or you don't need and a way to socialize among people with a common interest. Your tireless campaign against giveaway with no restrictions is going against this perception of the site.
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it's not me, who's having a bad and wrong idea of the site, its the users creating multiaccounts, using autojoiners or breaking the rules on other ways, but if you're fine giving games to them, so it will be
my tireless campaign aims at the goal, that something is done to fight rulebreakers, because the owner is mostly inactive and won't take action, so setting a level restriction is the easiest way to realize that goal
don't get fooled, i know a lot more (from a bunch of old users, who fight rulebreakers), than my 6 months would indicate
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so you're saying a lot of people who can't afford/can't acquire games on steam should be punished because there are people who break the rules? All you're doing is robbing perfectly legit people of the chances to get some games, all because you have this idea that people must give before they get. It's called steamGIFTS for a reason, you know.
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there are a lot of other ways to obtain keys and those 10 Cents aren't some made up number
Right, company saving sealife is called Shell, company who sells Oxes is called Oxfam and so on and so forth...
and what's about my argument, that gifting is usually mutual?
and you better not speak up, knowingly giving a key to a rulebreaker, because support didn't answered in 24h
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to get keys you need to be able to use money digitally, smart guy, and a lot of people can't for various reasons.
I did give 1 key to a rulebreaker because the person in question contacted me about the key and I panicked when support didn't respond in a few days. It was my first time dealing with a rulebreaker. Yes. One key. One out of almost sixty. I've been more careful since. But sure, people aren't allowed to make mistakes, are they.
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uhm, i think there are some offline possibilities, like Paysafecard and i think the cheapest option is 5 bucks, with which you can buy a bundle with multiple games on Fanatical, which should bring you even to level 2
but tbh, i think users who haven't access to digital payment options in the digital age are only a tiny fragment of the userbase, even our refugees from syria have smartphones
okay, then i'm sorry, you didn't explained the case that detailed last time, so i drew other conclusions
nvm, i took the effort again to check your recent winners and bingo, your third winner from the top (Gauntlet GA) got 2 red marks from 2019 and 2020, the next one got a red mark from 2016, others with red marks from 2020, 2014 and 2012, one with 5 red marks from 2012, one with 2 red marks from 2016, one with a red mark from 2018, next with 3 red marks, 2x2020 and 1x2018.
I think i saw 2 or more red marks with Half-Life 2: Episode One, so this one is debateable maybe, but there are still enough of your winners left, with other red marks and last time you assured me to check all your winners, did you took the effort to file a ticket for each of them and support told you, they already served their sentence, i doubt that.
So it's not one winner out of 60, like you want us to make believe, i checked 30 winners and i found 10 with red marks ( i spared one in the list above, because he had (only) a red mark with Half-Life 2: Episode One)
tbh, that doesn't look like a single mistake to me, more like ignoring the facts that i stated
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that's a lot of talking for someone who hasn't seen my ticket report history. Aside from that first issue I had, for the game Per Aspera if I remember correctly, I've reported every single one of the apparent rulebreakers I've found in my winners and asked for a reroll. The ones that were given the key despite the red marks are people who have already had a temporary suspension or other kind of punishment and were declared "in the clear" by a mod, so the reroll was rejected. I can literally show you screenshots of these tickets if you don't believe me.
and as for the digital money thing, I can only tell you that I speak from experience. I am 22 years old now and only a few years ago was I able to start using my own money digitally, for personal reasons I'm not going to disclose publicly. So yeah, these people exist, and it's the kind of people I think about when I set my giveaways at restriction level 0.
you seem to have a lot of free time in your hands, checking my whole giveaway history and each winner just to try to win a petty argument. I agree with the ex-mod OP, why don't you use all that time in something more productive and volunteer for the mod team yourself? Instead of telling people to be more restrictive and copy pasting the same thing everywhere, why don't you put your own work into making this community better as you claim to want to do?
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checking your winners, took me like 30 minutes, that's not a lot of time, like you're implying
but if you took the effort to file a ticket for each user, who had red marks i'm good with that, but don't understand you will still do unrestricted giveaways to have more work in the future, but that's your choice
and about that mod thing, i don't think it's that easy as boba represents it, but i have to talk to some old user first, to get more information about that topic
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if you can't undertstand the simple reason behind not restricting my giveaways is me wanting to be kind to those that are in a similar position than I was a few years ago, then I don't know what to tell you dude. I don't mind the extra work.
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i understand that reason, but it also means a lot of more work for you and that's what i don't understand, but each to their own
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sigh Where to begin..
The number of giveaways is important because it's to demonstrate that I know how the system works.
213 Group
67 Private (some with level requirement)
51 Public with level requirement
90 Public with no level requirement
1 Whitelist
The 213 group giveaways were largely because I "made friends with people, who made a lot more giveaways and who share my point of view", so I also have the benefit of "group knowledge". Looking at the current Moderator list for the site, and most of the current Moderation team were in these very groups. Thinking you know more than me is a joke, honestly.
CG was never very active in moderation. When he is, he's doing things on the larger scale with tools and information that the moderation team don't have access to. Like when he did a ban wave on auto-joiners. I don't know if he's done such waves since then, but this isn't a "new" problem. I'm well aware of autojoiners as you can see right here.
As far as how active or inactive the volunteer mod team is, I can't say. But they have way more Mods and way less tickets than back in my time. We had literally tens of thousands. They have re-rolls and the other small categories under control right now, which is good. The User Reports are always the biggest queue and some of the most difficult ones to handle.
If you're concerned about it so much, why not volunteer yourself? That's what I did back in the day.
Back in the day. You know we didn't have fancy scripts to check user profiles, right? I would actually go the user's steam profile, pull up their library, and verify their wins ONE BY ONE. I would check their gift won list to make sure their were no duplicates, because there was no system to prevent that back then. I would sleuth on my own and discover multi-account users. I did this as a user and submitted reports, then got tired of waiting on inaction and joined the Mod team so I could just suspend them myself.
I've suspended/banned hundreds and hundreds of users. I've deleted over 8000 giveaways. I once banned a well-known, well-respected, HIGH level user for multi-accounting. My banhammer was strong. Someone even made fanart of me with my banhammer. You think you know this site better than me? I've seen it all. Those 47,000 comments I have? Most of that is from handling support tickets. There are only a small handful of people on this site that have more comments than me. And mine aren't autojoin "thanks" comments, though I used to to type a variation of "Thank you" on every giveaway I entered. Still do on any non-public giveaways I enter (rare).
In fact, it even says in the site guidelines:
We encourage users to write comments thanking the giveaway creator for their generosity, although this is not required.
It's a divisive line these days, for sure. But rooted in the history of the community. I don't mind "thanks" spam. Even if they automate it. They know there is not benefit from it. This is a community based on generosity and some individuals are genuinely grateful and want to let people know.
So I just created over 150 giveaways. I scrolled through my messages and there were about 55 different individuals that posted their same unique "thanks" multiple times. Only 20 of these were level 0. Which brings me to another point...
Yes, 85% of the userbase is level 0. But the ACTIVE userbase is much different. A large, large chunk of those 970k accounts are inactive. They signed up to the site, checked it out, and left never to return. If I recall correctly, something like less than 10% of the userbase is active (probably less now, old numbers). So there aren't 970k level 0 "leechers" entering giveaways.
And 7 years ago, the % of Level 0 Accounts was essentially the same - 86.5% of the users were Level 0
The userbase hasn't changed all that much since I stopped being "active". It has only increased about 15% in the past 5 years. During the time I was active, the userbase grew 10x, and I always kept in touch with the community at large both listening to and leading the community in what we all believed was the best direction.
And I never really left. I have logged into this site almost daily for last 10 years. It's one of the ~10 tabs that's always open on my browser. The very first one to the left, in fact.
I don't care. Some people leech, yeah. Some people don't have the means to get games themselves. Some people don't want to put up a gift until they know the site is legit.
Some people abuse the system in any way they can.
So when I set a Level 0 giveaway, I have FULL knowledge of what that means. I don't give a fuck about these giveaways I created over the last day. I did it for myself, to clear out the "digital clutter" in my Humble purchases. I didn't check any of the winners of the ones that ended, I just sent off the keys. I don't care where they end up. If I ended up making someone happy, that's awesome. In fact, I'd be happier if a Level 0 user with only a few games in their account won and actually PLAYED the game, instead of a high level "Collector" that would never actually touch it.
You want to start a crusade, fine. Do it on the forums, do it on your giveaways, become a mod, or do a half second glance at someone's profile before you copypasta them.
It's like my first giveaway all over again., people thinking I have no idea what's going on.
Sit down and take the L kid. I know what the fuck I'm doing.
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I remember I already read that funny story where who stolen your steam account accidentally let in your inventory a game. Even the worst rule breakers can gift games.
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talking about some Fortnite stuff, which i had no clue about and which i had to google first, shows who's the real kid here
your post is full of arrogance, you want to stipulate where i have to write my suggestion and with that same arrogance you support rulebreakers not checking your winners, you're a real gain for the community NOT
i doubt there is anything behind your statement, that you know what your doing, except pure arrogance and i see no point to discuss this topic any further with a spoiled brat and certainly not taking any advice, where to post my suggestion
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"Take the L" does not originate from Fortnite. I played that game for a couple hours when it came out and never looked back, and I'm far, far from a kid.
In most areas of life, I'm not arrogant at all. But when it comes to this site and kids trying to tell me that I dont know anything? Fuck yes I'll push back with arrogance, because there are few that know more than me.
You know nothing of my life kid.
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to be precise, you were the first one, who told me, that i don't know anything, so that's not pushing back with arrogance, that's an attitude of a spoiled brat
sure, we should call you a half-god, because you know next to everything, that's just the arrogance i'm talking about
neither do you, kid
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Because that's exactly what you demonstrated by addressing me as if I knew nothing about the site.
You're welcome for all the free work and thousands of hours I put into this community.
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hahahaha 😂
I'm just here to drop a +1 to this sentiment
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Thank you!
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Thank you!
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Thank you for the chance!
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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You're welcome, enjoy!
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