
This game here is, when I post this giveaway on 2019-01-13, the #1 on the SteamGifts community wishlist, and apparently, by a decently long shot—still gaining new people who put it on their wishlist.
Yet, I have no clue why.

GRIS is an artsy side-scroller with a token amount of gameplay that tells the story of a nameless girl who… essentially, goes right and seldomly does stuff with stars, light, then songs, to recolor a world that looks like as if someone dumped the entire sketchbook of a late 19th century chinaware artist on screen.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think low of this game or consider it bad, I just do not get why so many people are into an artsy game like that. Voiceless and textless solemn stories about a surreal world, where the plot is essentially zero and is consisting of allegories and metaphors have their audience, especially in the anime scene, but also in comics, film, and literature.
They are, however, always a niché thing, since you also have to be an emotional person, an artist, or just someone whose head tends to be in the clouds to enjoy those—many people prefer an actual plot in their stories, even if vagueness can open up many possibilities for interpretation and exciting guessing.

Yet, here we are, GRIS is the most sought-after game of the SteamGifts community, so, here, have one public giveaway for it. The first fully public, although another uses came pretty damn close by posting a level 1 public giveaway for it.
I am not even going to annoy myself that nobody in the one million users bothered to make a totally public giveaway for the leader of the community wishlist, I gave up on hoping any decent humane behaviour from you bunch months ago. (Still, kudos for that one Russian user for getting really close! At least someone here still gets what the site is supposed to be about…)

My record of entries was 16 655 the last time I tackled the top of the community wishlist. Let's see if you guys actually want the game or just added it after some YouTube/Twitch video for looking pretty and forgot it. (Update 1: Based on the first 4 days, nope, this is looking like something around the 13-14k mark. Unless this is one of those incredibly rare giveaways that gain entries at a steady pace after the first 50 hours, then it will be way over 17k.)


Whaddayaknow, three copies in two giveaways at level 0 public posted after this. And only one was a group promotion! There may be some hope in SG after all. ♥

Edit 2:

Hey, first gut prediction three weeks ago was 21 entries off from the final score.

Thank you! 💙 😃

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6 years ago

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I agree it is kind of strange to find a game like this on no.1 I am surprised too. But this time I'm glad as it made you do a gib for it. Totally not missing out on my 1/16000 chance :)

6 years ago

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Thanks, Talagby! This is actually a game I want lol - I don't really have time to watch streamers anymore lol

6 years ago

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appreciate you sharing a copy of the #1 community wishilist game.
Hope you have a nice rest of the weekend!

p.s. I have no idea why its # 1

6 years ago

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gl everyone

6 years ago

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Thank you so much! I was immediately grabbed by the artwork and the surreal nature of the game, and while I could go on and on for hours telling you why I am so interested in this (even despite not being an artist and definitely not being emotional), I'm with you; I don't know why everyone else loves this so much. It's like Dragon Warrior to me in that regard; it was my first JRPG (and arguably THE first JRPG), and it's not so much grindy as it is that grinding is the intended experience, so it doesn't have modern luxuries like warrior classes, extra party members, or, you know: a story. And yet, the Dragons Quest franchise is as hot as an active volcano right now with a crowd that seems to care only about story and characters.

6 years ago

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Artsy games are for being in the moment, an escape into something different from the mundane everyday. And as everyone's everyday is different, some people get immersed, some don't. I'm sure there's some artsy game that "gets" you too.

6 years ago

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Not necessarily games, but sure: my favourite anime is Revolutionary Girl Utena, which might as well be called "Allegories instead of Story: The Series".

6 years ago

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I've been thinking about watching that one, I guess I have a reason now.

6 years ago

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People have different tastes than you do, talgaby, whether you understand it or not. It happens! I don't get why people like speedrunning or RTS games or truck simulators - I'm just happy they're happy and keep it moving.

Anyway! Thank you for the chance.

6 years ago

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It is not about that. I can understand people liking this. But not why it is the most sought-after game, when this is a niché title. Its first place on the community wishlist is like as if we found out that the favourite anime of the entire user base is Ergo Proxy. It is a good anime, sure, but something as far away from mainstream as possible, just like this one.

6 years ago

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It's clearly doing something right. Maybe a lot of people find it beautiful? Artsy games are a big enough and established enough niche that perhaps more mainstream, traditional gamers could think 'all right, if I'm going to try ONE art game, it might as well be this one'.

I'm surprised, too, but like a happy surprised.

6 years ago

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I didn't get why people liked truck simulators either, until I actually tried one and got hooked.

I think it's a combination of sightseeing with beautiful vistas, relaxing but engaging gameplay, and progression systems combined with great pacing - the driving is largely relaxing with periods of intense concentration, and the way they're mixed keeps you constantly engaged. It helps that I have a wheel which greatly adds to the immersion.

6 years ago

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The write up is interesting, thanks for that and the giveaway.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you for the chance! I genuinely like this type of game and I'm really interested in playing this one.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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ty =)

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot!

6 years ago

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Well its kind of beautiful, so that helps getting No1 spot :) Thanks for sharing

6 years ago

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<3 Thank you! <3

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks ! 🐺

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you for the wishlisted giveaway talgaby <3 <3

6 years ago

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I'm actually really surprised that it's number 1 on the community wishlist! O_o I myself have it wishlisted because one of my friends gave it such a glowing review!

Thanks for the giveaway!

6 years ago

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I like eye candy, and if thats wrong, then I dont wanna be right

6 years ago

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It's on my wishlist because I don't think it's worth full price, but I'd like to see whats the buzz about and it looks nice.

6 years ago

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The guy doing the giveaway from Russia said in a comment that they forgot about region restrictions and that they'll instead buy a key from humblebundle

6 years ago

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