
The most realistic VR flight simulation game! Currently supports HTC Vive/Oculus Rift along with Thrustmaster HOTAS, Logitech, Microsoft, Mad Catz, Saitek Pro and CH Products flight controllers.


7 years ago

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You're welcome! Since you've already activated the key that you've got from me, would you please not forget to mark the giveaway as received? Thanks :-)

7 years ago

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Hi Eiion, I was not asking for a reroll. I was just asking for a nonactivated games check according to

1 week ago

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Yes you did - you've opened a Request New Winner ticket.

In the reply you've got to your request in which cases we can reroll. Since I denied your request, it is implied that there are no issues with your winner's account.

Apart from that, there's some things to consider:

  1. Staff should not never be contacted in private: Any and all issues need to be addressed with tickets (there's the Other ticket category for such things), not by commenting on a staff member's giveaway.
  2. If every giveaway creator asked us to check their winner before sending the gift we would needed a little army of new more moderators who'd do nothing else but check winner's all day long.
  3. The discussion post you've linked says "[..] and you would like us to check for violations.", i.e. ask for that - which you didn't. You merely stated that their profile is private, which is not against the rules.
  4. The discussion post also says "If the winner does not want to disclose, it is a simple matter of rerolling the winner." - meaning that if a reroll request is denied, then there wasn't a reason to approve it.

If you have questions then open a ticket. This is not the place for it.
Have a nice day.

1 week ago*

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