
Hey everyone! I've got a question (or two?) if you're willing to answer.

Assume that you like RPGs with good stories (good gameplay too, but you want to get a story out of it as well, and not a token one!)

  1. Where do you go to find RPGs with good stories? Do you just look for a 'storyrich' tag on Steam or do you read reviews somewhere? Where do you read game reviews?

  2. If you don't read game reviews at all, would a blog that critiqued an RPGs story as well as the gameplay appeal to you? Or do you really not give a damn about the quality of the story since you play RPGs for the gameplay more than the story itself?


Yes, in a year or so I want to start a blog and review stories of all kinds - books, games, whatever. But I don't know who does this WELL for games, so... tips please!?

  1. People's reviews from forums or gaming websites that I visit regularly.
  2. For me gameplay is the most important thing, if the gameplay is bad I won't really enjoy playing the game even if it has good story.
6 years ago

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Thanks! And I agree about the gameplay - just like a novel should have good grammar regardless of story, a game should have good gameplay regardless of story.

Any specific forums or websites you use? I'm looking for examples to read of what "works" for people in terms of reviews.

Thank you!

6 years ago

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  1. Gaming media, friends, youtubers. Never targeted RPGs with good stories, always looking for good and interesting games... and sometimes it's story-based RPG. :)
  2. I believe good times for a blog is over, a lot of people got lazy to read long structured texts and most prefer videos they don't have to focus on fully. Anyway, I enjoy games with strong focus on story.

Thanks for the giveaway.

6 years ago

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Eesh, yeah... I HATE watching videos of games or reviews of... well, just about anything. I much prefer a quick read, but that's just me.

Which gaming media do you usually check out? I'm looking for specific places to go read stuff.

Thanks very much!

6 years ago

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Czech gaming magazines and Facebook communities (which I guess is not much useful to you) and Steam Curators (e.g. Designer Plays, IndieGems, The Mad Welshman). That's all I can think of at the moment :)

6 years ago

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For me, the combination of both good storytelling and gameplay components make the best rpg's. If I had to choose one, gameplay is more important for me personally. Reviews help me prioritise which ones to play first. I suspect if you asked people for their top 5 rpg's, a lot of people would have very similar picks. Recommendations from friends with similar tastes is also important to me also .

Best of luck with your blog. Post it up on the sg discussion forum if you release it as I would like to read/see it.

6 years ago

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Thanks! You say reviews help you prioritise - where do you go to read reviews? Just on Steam?

Thanks much! And I bet you're right about top 5.

6 years ago

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I personally like getting a balanced set of reviews for expensive games I want to buy. Sites like pcgamer, eurogamer as well as negative reviews on steam give me an better overall picture of games. I find the negative well written reviews make my mind up on whether the faults are enough to put me off the game or not. The positive reviews can tend be fanboys of the series/developer and provide too much of a rose tinted view of things.

6 years ago

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If I'm invested in a good RPG I can generally enjoy the story even if it is a bit cheesy. If it's a bad game that then will ruin any story for me. RPG games that actually have a great story (like the Witcher) are actually as rare as rocking horse poop.

6 years ago

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Yeah - maybe check out Bastion if you have a controller. It's simple and the story isn't amazing, but it's a quick game that I found fun and interesting. And the story is told as voice over - so you don't have to read it!

6 years ago

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Well FalconTrek, I don't find many RPGs with value of any kind. They are a rare breed. Generally I don't trust gaming sites and ignore metacritic and the like - instead I go to people I trust, who have opinions I consider to be largely in sync with my own. A critique of a game is fine, but it is more about the depth and how closely your views on other things appeal to me.

If you enjoyed Fallout 3 then nothing you say will have value to me, because our opinions differ too significantly for me to find overlap. If you enjoyed the Dragonspear expansion made for the rerelease of Baldur's Gate then I will actively use your opinion as a bizzaro-critic - if you say, "up," I will assume, "down."

Thanks for putting this up.

6 years ago

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Well said! You're welcome for the game.

And that's a great point - you have to figure out if the person reviewing something likes the same type of stuff you do.

My favorite RPG in the last year or two was Bastion, probably fwiw. :) Thanks for your words!

6 years ago

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I mostly go for trailers and 'history' of the developer

6 years ago

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History of the developer is a GREAT point, thanks!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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mmm, known good developers is a good source for good RPG's and of course online reviews (but I must admit I only read those if I'm already interested in a game... I'd read a blog about RPG's if I knew it was well written; didn't contain spoilers and I could find the time to read it :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for this heads up!

6 years ago

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I don't read reviews, I prefer demos. If I had to find a good RPG, I'd probably do what you did, ask the community. The story is important but I pay more attention to the style and the gameplay.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The story is part of it but without decent gameplay it's probably not enough fun to keep me at it. I usually stumble upon games and actually check some steam reviews.

6 years ago

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Thank you for the game!
Mostly I choose from my friend's reviews on Steam. I have many RPGs lovers on my list.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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