Ya, Bioshock giveaway! If you don't want to read the whys of its existence because you're having a great day and you don't want to read the rambles of some nervous chick going through a hard time, then just stop reading here. I won't hold it against ya.
Every day is filled with potential opportunities for new experiences and emotional growth. For example, I didn't expect to be driving my mother to the emergency room at 5am while she screamed and sobbed and puked from the pain. I've never had to be the adult in an emergency situation before. What a great friggin experience, right?
....passive-aggressive sarcasm aside, yeah, I'm a little stressed out at the moment. Last time we rushed someone to this hospital building because of screaming and sobbing and puking from the pain, it was my dad. And they misdiagnosed him, they said he had something really simple and treatable and then lo and behold it was friggin cancer. Which he died from a year later. And like, I should know better. The chances of that happening once in a person's lifetime are slim, and the chances of it happening twice are even slimmer. And the hospital has been completely redone; new emergency room, new staff, even a new company owning it (and they are doing a much more impressive job today than they have in recent memory of the last few years). And her best friend is a doctor's wife, and she came over and was like "oh yeah, the thing they diagonised your mom with matches exactly with how quickly it came on and how she's reacting to it, so it most likely isnt a misdiagnosis." But there's still that instinct of, "oh no, its happening all over again."
BUT...I do have a good support network of friends going on at the moment. Lots of people ready to chip in and help me out, so I don't feel like I'm facing this alone (dad's situation happened in high school, I was kinda the friendless loser in high school, so yeah do the math). One of them is a nurse that works there, so thats a huge blessing. And since I did get through this morning with minimal tears, I'm just kinda like "ok, you are the adult now. You got through this morning, you can get through however long this will take." And finally, mom's lucid enough to recognize that I'm stressed and sympathsize (a minor worry I had, that she'd see me crying and not know why and freak out and things would just snowball). Even said that it was stressful enough to have to rush someone to the hospital at her age, she couldn't imagine what someone my age was feeling. So yep. Even though my instincts are all saying, "it's exactly the same," I'm slowly realizing that it's not the same.
"BUT SCI," you may be wondering, "WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH BIOSHOCK???" Well first off, please do not yell so loudly. Second of all, I'm just wanting to keep my spirits up by being nice and giving out presents and stuff. And I've noticed that, ever since coming to this website, giving stuff away really helps me with stressful situations. And people get two of the greatest landmarks in gaming history + bioshock 2, so its a win-win situation! :D
If you read all this, thank you, sorry it was so rambly, and whoever wins I hope you enjoy the games.
EDIT: first of all, thank you all for your words of support and various gifs and pictures. They really do help a lot, and it's a blessing. And for a spot of good news, the hospital says that they'll probably be releasing my mom tomorrow! Basically, she has this thing called diverticulitis, which is one of the grossest things I've ever heard about (food gets stuck in a pocket in the intestines and then inflammation happens). But once she's had a few antibiotics, she'll be well enough to go home. I don't know if this means she'll be completely better yet, though. I personally doubt it, I'm pretty sure she'll still be on bed rest for awhile considering how much pain she's still in. But still, yeah, the worries of "its going to be a misdiagnosis again" have all but faded. Now its just the feelings of "my mommy is hurting, what do," which are feelings that I'm sure are normal and expected in these situations.
So yep. I feel a little stupid, freaking out about it so much. But, then again, it's the first time I've ever rushed someone to the hospital, and so yeah I guess its expected to have some anxiety. Nonetheless, thank you all for your kindness!
2,363 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by madsession
24 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by RowdyOne
219 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by wigglenose
71 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Atombomb2097
16,652 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by pAiNkiLLeRx24
240 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by FranckCastle
217 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by anditsung
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12 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by khayolin
148 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by Adamiix
788 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by alexfirehouse
42 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by antocapone
138 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by xxxka
Already ownin BioShock 1 and Infinite, would be alright to enter for the rest of the pack?
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Sure, whatev
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ty ^_^
and have a hug hug
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Thanks for the oportunity
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Best wishes for you and your mom. Been there...
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Wow your situation must be really hard on you, I myself have experienced quite traumatic things so I kinda understand. I hope you get through this stressful situation and feel better soon! I'm sure your mother is going to be fine, just don't loose faith. It's good that you don't have to face this alone, that would be just awful. Also don't worry about your text being rambly, it is always a good thing to get things that trouble you out. So yeah it's really nice of you giving this away, thank you! :)
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I already own Bioshock 1 and 2, may I enter for Infinite and Minerva's Den?
Also, I hope that your Mom gets well. (Sorry for bad English)
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Sure, its all good
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Oh, I'm really sorry for you. I wish you and your mother the best, health and strength. (and thank you for being generous)
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Being an adult is weird, but your mother will probably make it and you'll learn more about adulting as I have slowly.
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I already own this except for 1 dlc so I'm not entering, but I hope your mom will be okay. And I'm sorry about your dad =/
"And people get two of the greatest landmarks in gaming history + bioshock 2" This part made me laugh xD
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I'm gonna whitelist you as a sign of support and thanks for the awesome game!
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I wish your Mom all the best. Your dad would be proud of you caring so much about your mother!
And thanks for sharing such stuff.. thats really hard tobaco...
Be brave girl!!
gl everyone in the ga.. wont enter ;P so your chances are really really high ^^
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I'd like to thank you for putting out positive vibes in such a hard time.
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A few years ago I found myself in a traumatic situation and though I can't feel what you do, guess I still understand you.
Don't know if it is a good advice to take things as they are and hope for the best (sincerely, this doesn't work for me), but perhaps the best line of behaviour.
I really hope you'll cope with this situation and there is still a chance your mother will be fine, since the contemporary medicine shows miracles once in a while.
didn't enter the giveaway, but still thanks for being so positive at these hard times
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Sorry to hear that bout your mother. Hopefully it's just something small but that's tough to deal with, hope she gets better :)
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Hope everything will be alright for you and your mother
Thanks for this giveaway
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Wow thanks!
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best wishes for you and your mom and have courage !
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Don't forget to check, I can enter and I have the three games.
Remember, stress it's not a bad thing. It's just the "world" making pressure on people. It can be dangerous on how we deal with it (or how we don't deal).
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Don't be sorry for 'rambling'; it wasn't rambling, for one - not in such a negative sense - and it presumably helps to spill your troubles and thoughts somewhere. :)
I hope everything will go well. I do not know you, but if you ever need a place to store more of your thoughts, well, I do have a Steam account, surprisingly enough, and Steam chats are generally private. The best of luck to you, though, and thank you. :)
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Best of luck to you and your mom, stay strong! :)
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Wish both you and your mother the best.
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Wishing you the best of luck
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Very rarely there is a longer meaningful text here. But when there is, it is worth it. It makes me sad to hear what is happening in your life, but hopefully it will end happily. Be strong and don’t loose faith! The fact, you share your sadness is a good sign.
It is great to see many people wishing you the best. It makes the Internet, the world a better place.
All the best.
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Good luck with this and stay strong for your mum!
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