8 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by lostsoul67
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134 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by wigglenose
6 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Mayanaise
371 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by LhorXhor
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1,622 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by jiggakills
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65 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by MellowOnline1
7 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Aydaylin
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Those reviews, damn. Even Cyberpunk 2077 has better reviews.
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Not such a bad game, I personally enjoyed playing it. There are no glitches, there are certain decisions that are simply not suitable for the general franchise. But it's still fun and interesting.
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Can't make Wolfenstein without Blazkowicz.
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Honestly it was a really fun game imo. Good combat and Arkane's level design is good as always.
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this game is so much better than the reviews make it out to be. its great as a singleplayer game
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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From what I've understood to be the game's biggest issues:
There's a lot of subjective points on top of that they may or may not be based in some objective considerations (it's hard to tell, since they don't really come up off of Steam reviews, and the Steam reviews are.. what they are..), but the two points above seem to form the crux of why the game is so poorly considered.
If those two points ever get addressed, perhaps we could get a clearer view of any other issues the game may have (aside from, y'know, being "jewish propaganda", having "too many women", not having Billy as the MC, or other clearly subjective and likely also batshit insane justifications that seem to form the bulk of Steam's other negative reviews). As-is, the game's largely considered unplayable, due to the two issues "covering the bases", but those I know that've played it seem to consider it fairly well as a game otherwise (even if not necessarily being as favorable to them as the preceding games).
I haven't followed the game recently, so it's entirely possible those issues have been addressed. But Steam reviews continue to list those two issues even into the current month, so it certainly wouldn't seem as though they have been, and that despite the game having been out since mid-2019.
Really, rather than comparing to Cyberpunk- which mostly just let down certain gameplay expectations, lacked an epilepsy warning, and had a massively botched console release (do let me know if there were issues I wasn't aware of, on top of those!)- I feel a comparison to Arkham Knight may be better, in that criticisms are based more on significant technical issues. Though Arkham Knight did receive steady bug fixes from the start, so that's not really fair to it, either. Rather, a lot of consideration has been given in reviews and articles to the fact that Bethesda is the publisher of Youngblood, and.. well, rather infamous for their inattention to quality control or to consumer care.
So, yeah.. ultimately, the poor review score is quite warranted, while also at the same time not being representative of the agreeability of the core gameplay. It's a bit of an awkward situation, but we're still tentatively hopeful for an eventual patch to fix at least the co-op functionality. Though, being that it's Bethesda, it does kind of feel as though if a fan doesn't create the patch for them, they won't release it until they re-release the game in a remastered version..
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The poor reviews come mainly from 2 points which is a dealbreaker since the game is being advertised as a co-op game. I've played it a bit in the meantime on Xbox Game Pass and I kinda find it a bit broken, especially the weapons. I feel like you can finish the entire game with 1 automatic pistol (which you get in the beginning of the game!) as the enemies feel extremely weak. Bethesda never really fixes games, but damn did it feel like a disappointment considering the past Wolfenstein games.
Cyberpunk also got quite a decent amount of hate for not being able to run properly on last gen consoles (especially your 6 year old PS4 full of dust) and the poor optimization in the game. The AI was also quite wacky or just broken, which kinda felt like you were playing a game in a ghost town. I haven't followed Arkham Knight but Warner Bros usually cares about the games that they pump out.
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played the game in a free weekend or with the free buddy pass (not sure which one), I enjoyed the early gameplay till enemies were bigger sponges than the ones from The Division (another shooter). It felt weird.
However, the game is good enough, I wouldn't put a negative review like so many people :(
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Thank You! =)
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enjoy )
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