If you write about something that happened to you this week and you win this GA, you are free to pick another game from my barter.vg tradeables. Applicable games are ones that you don't own, from the base tier. One paragraph is fine, but if your post is especially interesting I'll double the stake to two extra games :-)
Good luck!
1,178 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by Tyln
16 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by spodamayn
65 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by yush88
229 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by LinustheBold
72 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AKFalcon
74 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by paco7533
28 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gramis
17,374 Comments - Last post 46 seconds ago by Warriot
125 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Vee79
276 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
152 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
84 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by lokonopa
48 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by venturercatt
11 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ExcelElmira
This week? I failed important exam.
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Hmm... I just played games all day this week, and the one before that, etc... Not really living an interesting life. xD
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This week I tried to make an origami whale following instructions from a youtube video but the end result wan't so great. I used a considerably smaller square of paper and some of the folds were quite hard to make in such a small scale. Still, I have some more paper and I plan to make other stuff next week when I finally finish an university assignment that's taking a long time to finish.
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It never occurred to me to learn origami using youtube videos. I should probably add this to my endless list of things-to-do-and-try in life :-)
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Nothing particularly interesting here -- watching SGDQ right now, and there was the fourth of July, of course (here in the 'States) -- cousins came over and we had lots of food and fireworks. Oh, and the cops stopped by the neighbor's house a few spots over when they were setting off some of the illegal fireworks, and didn't leave until the end of the night -- they probably got a large fine. And meanwhile, there were still tons of illegals going off all around the other surrounding houses... :D
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I hope you don't mind, but this comment lead me to do some searching. I found this article which I think explains the tons-of-illegals expression. Interesting. Especially in this day and age, where (as an outside observer) it seems the US is going in exactly the opposite direction.
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Heh, possibly poor colloquial phrasing on my part -- I actually just meant the illegal fireworks (although many of those do come from Mexico! :D). There's quite a few cities in California where fireworks are banned outright, but in the cities where some types of fireworks are allowed, plenty of the illegal ones are also constantly going off on the Fourth of July (USA's Independence Day) and the cops just have to play a slow game of whack-a-mole to try to prevent it. Usually, they and the fire department just drive past making their presence known; this is the first year I've actually seen them shut someone's celebrations down. (Also, my profile lies -- I'm not currently in Santa Ana.)
The obviously-illegal ones that people set off in neighborhoods include a category called "mortars", that use a vertical tube launcher to fire it about 100 feet in the air and then it explodes into a bunch of colored bursts. (Why noooo... I've never used those... ... of cooouuurse not.....) But around here, even Roman Candles and the standard firecrackers aren't allowed anymore. It varies city to city though. And of course legitimate firework shows are able to get licenses allowing them to use mortars. If people are smarter about it, they'll launch the mortars from their backyard instead of on the street -- makes it harder for cops to pinpoint where it came from.
That said -- it's not surprising to see that article for Santa Ana. I went to school there, and many of my friends were, and are, illegal immigrants. The citizenship process is not as smooth as many believe it is, or should be. Some of my friends, although technically not citizens, speak English far better than some natives and actually have trouble communicating in their own native tongue. Santa Ana is predominantly Mexican, but there are many Asians living there as well (Cambodian, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.). There is good and bad within each of those communities, but I think that can be said of any ethnic community, or just about any grouping of people in general. I typically refrain from getting too political on the net, but I'll just say that I wasn't happy with either of our 2016 presidential candidates, and I definitely miss Barack.
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I wonder if misreading your previous reference to "illegals" says anything about me? I hope not lol. In any case, sorry that you didn't win this giveaway, but I do consider the post above to be very interesting, so here's a key for a game on your wishlist: Open Sorcery - 6CFHA-LF3EB-
(I'll post that last bit somewhere else which would be easy for you to find)
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Thanks so much for that! -- I'm a sucker for the programming-influenced games, even if it only really references it on the surface. :) And I wouldn't worry about your head -- it probably imagined a Benny Hill-esque sequence of people fleeing the cops and got stuck on the comedic value. :)
P.S. Something I've been curious about for a while, I bothered to test on the key you provided -- I switched out the 0 (zeroes) for O (capital "Ohs") while redeeming the key, and it still redeemed correctly. I think there's a few other characters like that, but I hadn't ever actually tested it.
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A few days ago I managed to hold back tears when my crush told me that he gets asked out by someone like every week but he just wants to be alone
Rip my poor heart
(Thanks for the giveaway!)
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Ask him anyway!
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Eh it's complicated, he lives overseas and long distance relationship isn't what he's looking for
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His loss. Being alone is overrated. Travelling alone, on the other hand, is seriously underrated.
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I really want to travel alone somewhere once I graduate, I've never done it and it seems like a great adventure, though it's also kinda scary
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You really should. Practically every country nowadays has mobile data services, so it's really simple to get around, find stuff to do and book accommodation and tickets. This is true also for countries where most people don't speak English.
I assume crime is another concern, but if you avoid the countries that are especially crime-ridden and behave sensibly elsewhere you'll be fine.
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I made ice cream for the first time yesterday. It was... okay.
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I used to make ice creams a few years ago. In terms of flavors and richness the results were great (even if not really cost effective). Texture however was always far below what I was used to with commercial ice cream, at least with my very basic ice cream maker. Was texture the main downside with your ice cream?
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Yes. I don't have an ice cream maker, so used a recipe that requires manually churning it periodically as it freezes in the freezer. In the end, once I thawed it out to eat it, it went from firm, icy and cold enough to burn my mouth directly to almost liquid and still cold, with no creamy stage in between. I figure the main problem is that I had to use a recipe without heavy cream, as I didn't have any and the nearby stores had already closed when I felt like trying to make ice cream for the first time and I didn't want to put it off. So with little fat to trap air and not as much air infused with manual churning as a machine would, it's no surprise it didn't turn out creamy. Also, I used too much sugar and brought down the freezing (and thus thawing) temperature of the mixture, so it was too cold to eat at the stage where it was semi-melted.
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I finally got my mom to play with me; I picked Rayman Legends and taught her everything as she played through the tutorial level. She was pretty amazing at times, even completing the secret room with the spiked wheel, but at the section near the end, she kept failing so many times she decided to silently ragequit :'D
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I missed the boat getting my mom to play video games, at this age I'm glad she's willing to learn to use a smartphone. I did play a few video games with my girlfriend. Over-the-shoulder co-op games like Her Story were a reasonable success, but anything that requires dextrous skills less so. Your mom sounds cool.
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Thanks! It did take quite a few tries to talk her into it, normally she doesn't allow me to use the console if she's home. And I feel like the whole button-pressing did strain her, in a sense, since that was the first time she even used the controller properly. I wish I could have a partner to play with though! Preferably someone closer to me age-wise :)
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I ragequited with rocket league which resulted in deinstallation :D
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This week started interesting, I was in a family meeting, with cousins and uncles that I did not see for some time, at this time of year we have cultural festivities referring to saints, where we lit large fires and ate regional foods, in short, it was very tasty wine Hot and barbecue.
During the week I followed the normal routine, and some purchases of games and hardware.
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This week I played some drums and played some games and ate pizza.
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