🎮 1) Follow our Curation https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30583719-Masafors-Group-of-Friends 🎮
I think it would be a win for you and for us.
Our curation is in german (native), dutch (belg. native) and english.
We search for a 4th Reviewer to handle all the reviews and we can offer you direct 1 or 2 casual games IF we know us longer (from sg, steam friends, other places) and you wrote longer Reviews in the past.
Contact me
🚨I will delete the GA if it don't reach 5 entries🚨
🚨If the key doesn't work, please contact me. If I can fix the issue I certainly will. If I can't, I hope you'll agree to let the support delete the giveaway.🚨
79 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by CaligoClarus
11 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Chris76de
9 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by freshduke
15 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by tabbou
319 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Xarliellon
47,318 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by misterhaan
134 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by wigglenose
13 Comments - Last post 48 seconds ago by NazaSekh
1,147 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Metalhead8489
156 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Ev4Gr33n
73 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Axelflox
991 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Venonat
1,319 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Masafor
11,089 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Hawkingmeister
Hi ; )
I checked members of Positive Thoughts on the maintenance rules violations, and you don't meet RealCV ratio requirement (no more 200 RealCV won than sent).
You have 1197 CV in sent and 1648 CV in won GAs. So you're short of 252 CV to be in the buffer (1197 sent + 252 = 1449 CV). That's why you're suspended in the group till 10th October, which should give you the time to fix your general SG ratio.
It's not about PosTho in-group ratio. So it doesn't matter if created GAs will be public, private or group only.
If you can't meet maintenance rules till 10th Oct you will be removed from the group.
Cheers ;)
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thats bad to hear in general but very friendly from you to tell me.
To be honest i totally forgot this rule.
I am not sure that i can fix it enough because my motivation to make GA's are low.
Too much rulebreakers, too much clear harassment where reports aren't looked at :o( and too much needed work time after someone win a GA from me. Because of my health level i am not in the condition to be able to handle stuff as harassment for a long(er) time. To give you a short look at the health level, i must think about the fact to let them cut my thick bowel completly out because all docs say my medicinepossibilities are at the end, i tried all -study medicine with high risks for me too-, the thick bowel have nearly no function anymore and my blood loose and pain level are very high. My immunsystem fight against my bowel 24/7 (since over 20 years) and damaged so much (the medicine too) that it give no other left options. Sleep in 1h intervalls at the night and the same wc (bathroom) running times over the day don't help on top of it.
All the time Montezumas Revenge is a shit thing :-D (sorry that joke was too tempting ^^ -i try to focus at the positive things and laughing, about a bad situation too, is one of them-)
Without the many nice people at sg i wasn't able to "overseen" the "bad apples" here. But with each months more and more of the nice ones go away or more inactive :o( and the bad apples act the same way (and partly clearly against the rules) as since 2 years. So it looks like a few users have "special bonuses". A good bunch of users gave up to try to do something against them, they don't want to spend their time and energy at that, i can understand that completly (and was at that level many times by myself), thats the reason why i am lesser and lesser active writing, look at threads, involve me at the community train or other community threads, puzzles and so on. I don't want to have each time stress because stress let appear/broke up wounds in my bowel and raise my blood loose and pain level -for weeks/months not only hours-, but for me it is no option to accept all "how it is" if some people harass other ones in very open shown and clear ways. I stand up against that, i will not let Tzaar and his "Gang" (as example Mully) harass other users or me. Only that way it is possible that something will change, maybe not more for myself but surely for other ones.
I try to set my focus at people and things that give me energy and a good mood and not take more energy as i have and make, in big(er) parts, a bad mood. In the end is this the reason to make lesser GA's because i have a bad mood when 40% of the winners are rulebreakers -Multi wins, not activated- OR extreme leechers with hundreds of wins but not give something to other ones -not against the rules but in my eyes "bad behavior" to take for years and don't see the possibility to give something back to the community (and the site can't work when 90% only take... -very clear signs are at the site statistics, Comments, Threads, GA's, not only the pur numbers but they tell a clear picture too-). You need to run behind them that they take their wins and proof all contact tries with screenshots to have maybe a reroll chance (with mostly a key they have looked at.... -so not a chance to know if the key is used then or not-) that the game will find a nice winner.
I wanted to make anyway a bunch of GA's the next days, so we will see what my few GA's will bring, maybe enough to be in the limits.
Friendly greetings and thanks for all :o)
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