So, here's how this works: read or get nothing, your choice. :)
Well, it's Clannad. You want to win this game. Great! I hope the Steam version is good, but I don't know, since I haven't played it. Maybe I'll get one later, in the Winter Sale or whatever. It's too expensive right now... :( Don't waste my money, please. Because I bought it for you, person who knows how to read...
How not to waste my money? Let's make sure you'll actually play a visual novel if you win one... :) But how? Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^ isn't going to convince anyone... :) Neither will Appreciate the opportunity! But how about this:
Write a Steam review of a visual novel you've enjoyed. As in "Thumbs Up" positive review. You know the box that appears in the Steam store page after you've played a game? Well, put something in it and Post Review. What did you like about it? Why should we buy it? And no, "Most boobies ever 8008135/10" isn't a review. :) Don't be a clown, write a real review. :)
Post a link to that Steam review in a comment here. Make sure it's public, since a link to something we can't access isn't going to help... :) And I'm lazy, so please don't make me hunt around on your profile for it. :)
Profit, i.e. click the big green Enter Giveaway button!
Now, I don't expect you to buy a popular visual novel right now, just so you can review it for the chance to win this game. You could, but that would be dumb. :) Why not write a review for something you've already played? Of course, if you've never played a visual novel on Steam before, why are you trying to win this? Go play one first, you might hate them... :) Oh, if you're lucky, you've already written a "Thumbs Up" Steam review of a visual novel, posting a link to that works too... :)
If this sounds like too much work for a free game, that's cool, I'll just keep it. :) And you're even lazier than I am... :) Otherwise, you have a month. Play something, write a review, and good luck! :)
Ok, so what if you've stumbled upon this giveaway but can't read? Google translate got you into Steamgifts, but you have no idea what all this English garbage is saying. It says if the winner of this giveaway didn't link to a real "Thumbs Up" review of a visual novel on Steam, I'll tell them to read this description. :) If they feel bad, they can hurry up and write a review, or we can ask Steamgifts support to change the giveaway to Bad Rats, or I can look for some reason for them to be suspended or rerolled or whatever... If none of that works... :)
131 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by JMM72
47,309 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by FranckCastle
18 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Lokiator
307 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by sfkng
1,225 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by TeDGamer
16,710 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by DrR0Ck
263 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Cromwell
29,611 Comments - Last post 27 seconds ago by Kingsajz
764 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by SilentGuy
3,735 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Chris76de
1,603 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Poisonorange
881 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by C3les
72 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by makki
11,070 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by jbondguy007
Onto reading now.
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You'll have to read faster than that... :) Hint... :)
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ppl who don't have history or reading VNs or even liking them already entered, I guess there will be tons of ppl who won't even bother reading as I see.
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That's ok, they can enter all day long... :) But they aren't going to win anything... :)
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A private giveaway with a link provided by you, after you see valid entry would be better I think, but still it's your GA, 4 weeks there is still a lot of possibilities to think of with ppl who made valid entries anyways :3
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Yes, I could have done that, but I'm lazy. :) Invite to private group would have worked, but I'm not interested in making a Steam group. :) And sometimes I think this place just sucks all the energy out of a person, like the smiley said... :)
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I have my review ready already, but steam throws errors at me at the moment. I'll for sure post it in 1-2 days, thanks for awesome gib!
(And consider joining us at 2hus as you're considered inactive by our bot, not sure if you want to stay in the group or not)
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That's ok, I also have my teasing ready, and fortunately Steamgifts threw no errors... :)
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Aha, looks like I've been kicked out, guess that answers that question. :) Have fun. :)
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I'm just kicking inactive people (according to the rules), if you're interested in joining back just let me know.
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Your group, your rules, no worries... :) Think I forgot about a few other groups, actually... :( Might be time to clean up... :)
I never did know anything about that Touhou stuff, was only trying to sneak a copy of this to someone, but once they made it clear they'd never take it I gave up. :(
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is the review overlong by any chance? I had a stupidly long review once that refused to go in no matter what I tried. Ended up reviewing it by putting a single placeholder character into the review and then edited the review in...seemed to work that way
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BTW, am I eligible for both giveaways if I played both good AND bad VNs, assuming I post a proper review?
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It's also gotta be thumbs up because you're supporting the author to make more fanfics.Comment has been collapsed.
I'm asking about other giveaway.
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Review a game you liked, enter this one. Review one you didn't like, enter the other one. Review both, enter both. :)
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Got it, thanks!
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I already bought this game for myself, so I'll just watch in the sidelines. Thanks for the giveaways! :3
Yes the Steam version is good, but everyone's opinion is different.
Also my (totally Sirius) review for my favorite visual novel Narcissu 1 and 2.
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I'd probably ask for a real review instead, if that were from someone trying to win this game... :) But if you already own this, it doesn't matter at all... :) I do feel bad that the "joke review" is so common, though... :) Unless the game itself is a joke, I don't know... :)
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I already own Clannad, so since I'm not joining... no harm no foul?
Yes, it's a joke review I made like 9 months ago, but at least it's kinda original. I do recommend playing Narcissu 1 and 2, especially since it's free.
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Exactly, I'm not going to criticise someone's review if they aren't trying to win the game. :)
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Even if the game is a joke, misusing the 'positive review' irratates the hell out of me.
You can still make a gag with a negative review, right? :X
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I made a thing!
Thanks! ^__^
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Aha, the first real entry! :) I knew someone around here could read... :)
I love to read too, but for some reason I don't enjoy non-branching visual novels much. :( It doesn't make any sense at all... :( But maybe I should take a look at eden* since it seems I already own it... :)
Thank you! :) And good luck! :)
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I say at least try it. I came into it not expecting to finish the whole thing. Haha
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I love kinetic novels. They may even be my favorite, on the whole: There's no fuss, no muss, no breaking of the flow [unless the writers screw something up].
It's just a beautiful representation of art and story, giving you something to relax and zone out into, that appeals to both eye and mind.
Well, it's really more appealing to people who love books/experiencing a story more than [playing] games, I think? :D
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I get annoyed having to smack a button to keep reading, since the automatic page-turning stuff never seems to be the correct speed... :)
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I hate when text is set to automatic instead of instant, but when it's instant, I don't have any problems.
I don't think I even really notice myself clicking at that point, since my mind is fully caught in the flow of the text- ie, 'read and then read the next thing'.
That is to say, I don't have issues moving from one dialogue to another, but if the dialogue itself is presented in a delayed manner, then that's a nuisance.
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I just finished playing Nekopara Vol. 0 last night, so things were fresh in my memory. clicky
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Aha, thank you... :) I thought NEKOPARA Vol. 0 was boring, but it was so short it didn't hurt much... :) And you could still wiggle the window around, if I'm remembering correctly...
Good luck! :)
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Eh, that one boring? >.<
But it is quite fun for me..
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Well, maybe it's more fun if you care about the characters, but otherwise it's just a bunch of random cat girls...
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Sad that only people who are writter are allowed here. Good luck for the Participants here.
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I'm not asking for Shakespeare, just a review. :) Look at the store page for every game, there's a bunch of reviews. Some bad, some good. Some helpful, some not. :)
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Link to review.
I wrote about Planetarian, which is both the first VN I played and one of my favorites.
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Aha, thank you, I remember not playing that game for some reason. Maybe the store page sounded too depressing? Which means I probably shouldn't play this, either. Oops, too late... :(
Good luck! :)
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Only my 3rd ever review. Thanks and meow!
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Aha, thank you! :) Think I was avoiding that one because it said "Otome Game" which doesn't sound like my sort of thing at all... :) But I guess you never know if it's good or bad without playing it... :)
Good luck!
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Ok here :3
World End Economica - review
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Aha, you're making me want to install that game, stop it! :) I'll never finish the games that are already installed... :) I did enjoy the Spice & Wolf cartoon, though. Well, I don't remember much but I seem to remember enjoying it... :) Thank you! :)
Good luck! :)
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I will also listen an audiobook for the first book of Spice & Wolf, and for the next if there will be more audiobooks.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Some sort of Steam error, not letting you write one? :( There's a month to solve it, if that's possible... But Steam support will probably take that long just to puke a random nonsense reply at you... :(
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Ouch, sorry to be nosy... :( But now I'm reluctant to reply, unless I can write something so inane there's no need for you to say anything... :)
Hopefully I can trick more people into reviewing visual novels... :) There are so many useless Steam reviews, really, I don't want to read all the meme nonsense, I just want to know if the game's worth my money. :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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I'm not going to say anything about the game, but yeah, stuff happens. :)
One thing which isn't a spoiler - apparently this game is called "Clannad" because the creator thought it meant "family" in Gaelic. Guess it's like people who get random Chinese characters tattooed on their arm - yeah, that's nice, but it probably doesn't mean what you think it does. :) And you're stuck with it forever. :)
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I got several review for games like nekopara, but their are all in Chinese. Am I still qualify for this GA?
---------------edited below---------------
Sorry I dont know how to do the hyperlink.
It's not long, I can do translation.
The story in this episode is focusing on the daily life before the neko.1.
Most of the points are on cats and how naive(maybe I should use the word "innocent" ) the cats are. It's a little bit sad they dont really reacting with the main character(me).
The playable time is short, compare to the neko.1. But you can touch the cats (and even the sister).
Overall, it is worth how it cost and relaxing game.
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Sure, it might not be a useful review for me, but the world is a lot bigger than me... :) Any "real" review would be fine, even if I can't read it. :)
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Just use the google translate plugin :)
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Hmm, I think google translate works when you already have some knowledge of a language, the grammar or whatever, maybe you don't know all the words but you can pick out different pieces of a sentence, word endings etc. Maybe you notice it's translating a person's name, since it doesn't know it's a name. :)
But when I know nothing at all about a language, it's all nonsense... :)
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Sure- but it'll give you enough that you can tell if it's a legitimate review, or if it's someone making a declaration on which is the superior cultivar of banana. :P
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You might want to provide a link to one:
"Post a link to that Steam review in a comment here. Make sure it's public, since a link to something we can't access isn't going to help... :) And I'm lazy, so please don't make me hunt around on your profile for it. :)"
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Posted and translated. Thanks for the reminder.
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Thank you for the review, and the translation! :) Hope it wasn't too much of a bother... :)
Good luck! :)
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umm if I played buch of visual novels, but let's say, they are not the steam type (ʘᗩʘ') (if you know what I mean).
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It's a Steam copy of Clannad, so a Steam review or nothing, sorry... :) If you want to win a non-Steam copy of Clannad, I'm sure you can find one the same place you found your other visual novels... :)
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oh, probably those places are loooooong gone (>10yr :P).
I guess I will have to play duplicity and train for after life, a month should be enough
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Yes, I think it's not too much to ask for people to play one visual novel, and write a review, in a month... :) Even I could probably do that... :)
I think for the people who quickly throw together a garbage "review" just to win a free game - why? If they can't play a single visual novel in a month, why are they trying to win one? :)
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reviewed and almost forgot about it :) :)
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Thank you! :)
Several people have reviewed that game, but I keep forgetting it exists... :( Even installed it, too...
I'll have to find a free week to play all the reviewed games, since a lot of them sound interesting... :) Hope there's a big discount on "Free Week" in the sale tomorrow... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the great giveaway :)
I've read the description like I always do :3
Here's my review:
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Thank you, not sure I'd call HuniePop a visual novel, but at least it's a real game. :) More than a few of Steam's "Visual Novel" category are hardly games at all... :)
Good luck! :)
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Review of The 39 Steps
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Aha, thank you, the name sounds familiar but I have no idea why... Oh, it's an Alfred Hitchcock movie also? Hmm, wonder if it's one of those movies I never saw but only read about? :)
Good luck! :)
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Here's my review for Shan Gui:
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Aha, thank you, that game looks so familiar... Think I installed it but forgot to play... :( Oh wait, Steam says 55 minutes? Ohhhh, Idle Master. :( Reinstalling before I forget again... :)
Good luck! :)
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I have played and finished Sakura Swim Club that you gave me one day out of nowhere, so I would say I'm a quite experienced and well-read visual novel player. I will however pass on this one to give other people a chance. Thanks for sharing anyway
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Aha, that's the comment I forgot to reply to... :) That could be expensive, if I were to make a habit of it... :)
If you actually want to play Clannad, write a review of that thing and take your chances... :) But there's no harm in leaving it for other people, I guess... :)
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I've played too many good VNs... help me decide which to review:
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal-
Higurashi Episode 1
Nekopara (either 0 or 1)
Bad Rats hah, just kidding
One of the Sakura games... nah, unlikely
Go Go Nippon
And a crapload more of VNs I can't remember right now.
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You choose, you're the one who played them... :)
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I like all of em, I'm just a lazy bastard that can't get his arse off the ground to write a review for em, lol. I guess my latest was Ame no Marginal so I still have the feels in me.
But I shall let my rage out on Cho Dengeki Stryker downvote first.
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A review for a VN I liked:
Thanks for the GA!
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Hmmm, Bionic Heart? Think I bought that in a bundle, but forgot about it. Then I got the sequel and promptly forgot about that, too. :( Sigh. :) Thank you! :)
Reading these reviews is making me curious - what's the last visual novel I actually finished? :)
Good luck! :)
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Here's my review of Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi. It's my first review, and I couldn't really be bothered giving an in-depth review as I think the other reviews on the page do a better job. I did really like it though.
I would have reviewed planetarian as I loved it when I read it, but I don't own it on Steam.
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Aha, I thought Higurashi was one of those meme things by now, interesting that you managed to go into it blind. :)
Maybe it's too restrictive to ask for a Steam review, but as I'm giving away a Steam game, it would be nice if the winner is going to play it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Edit : Maybe my review not quite helpful at all >.<
Neko 1 and Neko 0
Well those 2 pretty fun for me, and They have good CG.
Not too serious story and light joke good for my heart.
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Aha, yes, those are quite short reviews, but thank you... :)
Good luck! :)
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Why did I never play a VN game on steam?
Of course because I read Japanese better than English therefore I almost only play Japanese version...
Do you ever know most Japanese VN game removed their Japanese subtitle on steam version?
But this one is HD remaster and steam exclusive right now.
Well, I write few reviews on steam; however, this GAs seems not for me unless I can play some VN game my own fast enough.
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There is no need to hurry, this giveaway is open for one month... :)
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One month is a little bit hurry, for writing a review.
It take more time than playing in most cases to me.
Maybe I should try some VN game that only released one Chapter.
Which will be much faster :)
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You know, now I'm curious if Clannad on Steam has Japanese subtitles. I didn't buy a copy for myself, so I would have to guess from the Steam store page... Looks like Japanese voice, English subtitles, English interface. Checking screenshots, it seems to be true... But it sounds like you already knew that... :) Strange...
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I don't really know that.
It's just an expect.
Because I always keep my eyes on almost every Japanese VN games, actually anime games in steamer's classification, that I have interesting and can buy easily without an international cargo, such as on steam.
When a Japanese get a "Made in Japan" game on steam, they will try to extract subtitles from their old copy to translate their steam version to Japanese first. That's why when you search every popular steam game title (in English, of course) in Japan's google, google always suggest you "日本語化 (translate to Japanese)" as key word, even for a Japanese title.
That is because more than 90% Japanese publishers removed Japanese subtitle (but us Taiwanese do provide Japanese subtitle in games that Made in Taiwan, it's stranger :P), which almost become a common rule in Japan. I don't know why.
And more than half of Made in Japan games even do not allow people that from Japan IP purchase it on steam. This is really stranger. XD
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mm...this review is pretty terrible but here it is. Would've been better if this was around when I read it around the end of July.
That's the only one I actually read the whole way through (guess the hours hints at that), the rest really were card farming. But hey, Clannad has no cards, I'm really in this to give it a shot.
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Aha, yes, I see what you mean, that is a bit vague... :) Guess it's impossible to write a detailed review of something you played months ago... :) But thank you! :)
Good luck... :)
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Well I decided to skim some of the positive reviews, for those that weren't jokes..I'm not sure what you can talk about without spoiling it. Generic "has good art, beautiful backgrounds, music, fully voice acted" is great but you can read that off the steam page lol.
This one (not by me) is pretty fair but to me also encroaches on spoiler territory a bit. Only of things in the first hour though so perhaps not as bad.
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I would enter this, but the vast majority of VNs that I play haven't made their way to steam yet. I do want to play this one cause I've heard so much about it
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Well, if you don't already own some Steam ones, you can check the Steam store for free ones, and hope you pick one that's not garbage... :) Otherwise, there's usually a bundle running somewhere with a mediocre visual novel in it... :)
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Do reviews I've already written count? If not I'll write a new one just for this =)
Thanks so much for the giveaways, and for encouraging interest in visual novels!
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"Oh, if you're lucky, you've already written a "Thumbs Up" Steam review of a visual novel, posting a link to that works too... :)"
Thank you! :) Somehow that's four more games I've never played... :( Without Within looks cute, might have to give it a try if I remember to stop reading these comments... :) Will probably have to wait for the weekend, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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I guess I fail the "can read" part of the requirement -_-
Thanks, and glad I could share something new!
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Don't worry, there's a lot of people failing that "can read" part... :) You read more than most... :)
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holy shit!!!! 1st GA of clannad in SG! well I played:
fate stay (out steam ofc),
if my heart have wing (steam shitty censored version, I know you can patch but the patch allways broke the game T_T)
eden (as next VN I'll play)
Plan to buy grisaia when they have a decent discount
Link to a spanish review of narcissu and long live the queen
I worte this review one year ago and LOL "si os ha gustado esto, clannad cuando la terminen os gustará." I can see the future :_D
and finally THANKS! (no, isn't a script :p)
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Aha, thank you! :) I played Long Live the Queen a bit, but saw it was going to take more than casual playing to finish, and forgot about it... :( Don't think I've even installed Narcissu... :(
Good luck! :)
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so bad! give it a try to narcissu, is a jewel! and... FREE! anyway just a few hours ago the kickstarted for the new series has finished
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This giveaway is making me install so many games, now all I need is a spare month to play them... :)
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Thank you for this chance.
Here is my entry ticket
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Aha, thought I played that game, but the store page says I only have 1.2 hours on record - sounds more like Idle Master than playing... :( Thank you for reminding me about another game I forgot to play... :)
Good luck! :)
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