
As it turns out, I have some time this weekend to do some giveaways. I also wouldn't mind some more public CV for my own personal statistics. (I guess this really is all that is left once you hit max level, messing around with your own numbers. ^^")
Since I just recently dropped around 200 keys on level 0, I guess I should do something for the other end of the spectrum.

So, here, 60 keys in 2 days, in two packs that last 24 hours each. As the Steam price of the game (or at least the price I originally recorded in my spreadsheet) gets higher, so does the level.

Some are keys, most are Humble gift links. Some will be delivered by email.

One last thing. These are, in general, games that were rated good within their own genre. I won't stop or reroll or blacklist you if you enter for a +1 only, but I'd rather see 3 people enter when they want to play it than 300 of those who wouldn't.

I would give a kidney for this game <3
thank You 4 the chance!

8 years ago

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I can't afford to give a kidney, but I am pleased to be able to enter this level 10 giveaway for one of my wishlisted games. )

8 years ago

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4x! Count me in!

8 years ago

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Thank you:)
Definitely gonna play this game!

8 years ago

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Hello Talgaby.

I had a question regarding the HB monthly, and I have , a vague recollection that you answered something simmilair in the past so maybe you know what the answer is that I seek.

Well here we go :)

Last month I bought the HB monthly (xcom2). afterwards I didnt unsubcribe to make use of the 10% shop discount (which was a good thing because another sale came by).

Last week I got the mail, payment succesfull, --> forgot to unsubcribe, I thought whatever, I can refund because of EU laws. And lets see what the bundle brings.

However when made the search how to refund I found in the TOS that I cant.
Is this true or is this for outside the eu only, and they wont advertise that the EU can ask for refund?

(didnt reveal any of the keys yet)

Thanks in advance, and have a nice weekend!

ps have fun with your statistics ^^

Best regards Navaro

8 years ago

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Essentially, yes. Technically, you can also refund after revealing the keys, since they can revoke them.
They have a loophole, since the bundle has some DRM-free games you may have downloaded, but that can be checked.

Start a normal support ticket in the refund category. They actually have it: payment and refund, refund, purchased the wrong product.
They will probably offer to refund to your Humble Wallet. If you plan to use their store again, it may be a nice idea to take it since it is easier for them and it saves HB some fees.

Also, next time just don't forget to pause/cancel/pay for the next month as soon as you have time to visit Humble after the reveal. It saves a lot of headaches. ^_^

8 years ago

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I found that part in the refund section indeed but there I also read about the non refund part.

And it was a combination of forgetting and thinking of having more time to unsubscribe ^^

As you say it would be the best to prevent needing to refund, it would have also made it impossible to use the 10% discount during the sale. Something I have to consider for myself.

Thanks for the info again!

8 years ago

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