Hi, the key is a duplicate, unfortunately... I could not activate it

7 years ago

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It actually works for me, are you sure you don't have the game already? :/

7 years ago

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Yeah, I'm sure... It's not in my library, and I wouldn't have been able to enter the giveaway if it had been.

I just tried to enter the code again and it again gave me the Duplicate Product Code message.

What do you mean when you say it works for you?

7 years ago

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It said that I already have the product associated at the key. I got the key a long time ago, I don't know how can it be duplicated because I earned it in a page. And beacuse I already have the game, I wanted to give the key

7 years ago

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OK, well, apparently these things happen. I personally don't know exactly why, but apparently even if you get a key from Indiegala or Groupees or some other site, it can be a duplicate. It's happened before. Anyway, it's a dupe, so I wasn't able to redeem it and I can't mark it received. But if you want you can create a ticket and ask support to delete this giveaway and that way my "not received" won't affect your ratio and anyone who looks at your profile won't think that you just didn't deliver because you're shady or something.

Oh yeah, and I guess if you already have the game in your library, you can't check a key for whether it's a dupe or not. The "you already own this game" message overrides the "this key is a duplicate" message.

7 years ago

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