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potatoes... that are holy!

I wonder what holy potatoes taste like?

1 week ago

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I imagine... like... potatos

I mean i dont suppose holyness have a taste. It would be weird for that to have a taste wouldnt it? Right?
Should be spiritual or something.
Ive eaten sacramental bread(christian church) both before, during and after mass- tasted the same.

I imagine Hannibal Lecter wouldnt notice a difference between a civilian, a priest or a saint (but would likely eat all three none the less)

All good, i love potatos anyway

1 week ago

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"Holy" means "separated". Separated, for example, for special event of eating eat. That's meaning can be shared with others examples. PS5 can also be holy, if it is separated only for playing games and nothing more :))
It is not like taste, it is more like characteristic of aim and goal for item.

1 week ago

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Omg, i think i would die without knowing this meaning of Holy. So its kinda like special or specially for, exclusively for an occasion? Interesting... But i guess thats only in the context of other similar things not separated for such right? Otherwise way too many things would be holy. Like Ps5 i suppose is meant for games like every other ps5. The bread is for eating but then the bread set apart for a ritual would be holy...? Im guessing, first contact with that meaning

1 week ago

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That is christian definition based on Bible. Certainly, that meaning is sharing more with special attributes/items/even people (in ortodox church very strange, but well presented) with church-based sense, but as a joke it can be shared to other things :)

1 week ago

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Holy shit is a separated poop?

1 week ago

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Hyperbolized meaning, but anyway :)

1 week ago

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You're probably right , but it's kinda disappointing nonetheless :)

1 week ago

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Probably holier than normal Potatoes.

1 week ago

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My mom is Norwegian and feels that potatoes are fairly perfect. So I'd say holy potatoes just taste like ... potato. Because they're already perfect.

1 week ago

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I think SG severely lacks a thumbs up button/counter.

Im thumbing this up.

Perfection isnt impossible, only rare. Like potatos

1 week ago

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My fiancée is fairly perfect, but she aint no potato... not even a couch potato 😊

6 days ago

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The giveaway ends on Oct 7

edit: are you using some script to create the giveaways? seems like you have several GAs ending in october

1 week ago*

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ESGST... could have sworn I had set precise end date, oh well, not worth fixing for existing ones.
... apparently end time got messed up to... I had set the template for Sep 28th 10am central... seems to have broken after terraforming mars... wonder if because I changed end dates for the DLC side carts it broke the template for some reason.

edit: well... at least sending GA's will be easier... wont get hit with 60+ all at once lol

1 week ago*

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6 days ago

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