
A tavern is a place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food, and in most cases, where travelers receive lodging. An inn is a tavern which has a license to put up guests as lodgers. The word derives from the Latin taberna whose original meaning was a shed, workshop, stall, or pub.

In the English language, a tavern was once an establishment which served wine whilst an inn served beer and ale.[citation needed] Over time, the words "tavern" and "inn" became interchangeable and synonymous. In England, inns started to be referred to as public houses or pubs and the term became standard for all drinking houses.

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One day... one day I'll open a gaming (board and video) pub

9 years ago

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Nice one, good luck with that!

9 years ago

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Hvala puno!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good choice of pic :D

9 years ago

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Nice description!
and thank you for the giveaway! :)

9 years ago

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And then at some point, inns became puticlubs :D
Thank5 Number!

9 years ago

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Interesting description :)
Thanks Number!

9 years ago

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The word latrine can refer to a toilet or a simpler facility which is used as a toilet within a sanitation system. It can be a communal trench in the earth in a camp, a hole in the ground (pit), or more advanced designs, including pour-flush systems. Latrines are still commonly used in emergency situations, as well as in army camps.

The term is derived from the Latin lavatrina, meaning bath. It is nowadays still commonly used in the term "pit latrine". For most people, it has the connotation of something being less advanced and less hygienic than a toilet. It is typically used to describe communal facilities, such as the shallow-trench latrines used in emergency situations, e.g. after an earthquake, flooding event or other natural disaster.

9 years ago

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Thank you =)
Didn't know that.

9 years ago

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