Been very depressed these few weeks, here's a late community train contribution.
If you came from another ga, here's a bonus. Thank you.
Old HB key freshly revealed, sorry if it doesn't work.
Visit my art if you want, stay safe and take care.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Thank you, and I appreciate the suggestion.
Not the easiest to birdwatch in urban Singapore, but this reminds me to head outside with nature a bit more.
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I know how it feels...For me contact with nature is the best...Birds, forests, hiking. You should also talk to some people, do not isolate yourself...Please, take care!
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Thank you <3
I've added a few more gibs btw
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Ive actually occasionally seen the female one around, never the male ones though.
Usually just see sparrows and mynas : P
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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I hear you, I’ll take a better look next time.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Oh my! I looked for it, thrilled by the bid conversation, and seeing the photo reminded me of a "Petirrojo".
I went to the Spanish version and yes, it's the "petirrojo" !
What's so special? Only child memories when my father said the bird I was asking the name for was a Petirrojo... and days later visiting a bird shop to try to buy one (to the astonishment of the shoppers)
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Surely it's connected. That's how memory works.
I'm sure you always think of Aurora when you look at the sky. Well, even if you don't :)
When I speak to my father later I'll remind him of the story. He won't remember about it but I'm sure that he will be happy.
It's curious the things we remember when we are adults about our childhood. Thus the importante to listen, play and be with our children while they are still very young.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Echoing appreciation for the random bird conversation! I will keep an eye and ear out for them a bit more now /^v^\
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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That's true. When we pay more attention, then we can see a lot more. Birds are hard to take a closer look at them, but when you are quiet and patient then you can have amazing encounters :) This week I could see for the first time Common kingfisher(I live in Poland) and that was incredible, no words for that! European Robin(:)) is on "my list" too, but it can be very similar to Red-breasted flycatcher sometimes and it's hard to say for me what a birdie was that! :) From such a big distance, at least. However, birdswatching is one of my favourite ways to just take some break and relax. Contact with nature is a great healer. I hope that everyone can have a chance to do that, no matter where you live!
Thank you Robin for your additional giveaways. That's very nice of you but I just hope you will get better soon!
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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That is ok, thank you for trying to share your passion with me.
I’ll lookout for wildlife and attempt to get out of the house a little more.
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I've added a few more gibs btw
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Not going to enter, but I feel you about being depressed. Same here. Hold on there!
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I'm sorry you're also feeling depressed. Treat yourself kindly, and thank you ;w;
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I've added a few more gibs btw
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Thank you Pete, I appreciate you bearing with me and for being here. I'm not sure what to say though if I do reach out : P
I've added a couple more gibs btw
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Thanks for the giveaway! Sorry to hear you are depressed:( I found the most effective way to get over it is to talk to people and make friends! Hope you get better soon ❤️️
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Thank you for the kind wishes. I've added a couple more gibs btw
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I know these dark places. I hope you'll find a path out soon and with little harm.
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Sorry to hear that. If I could be of any help, please contact me on steam.
Hope you feel better!
EDIT: BTW, nice art!
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I already own this, but thanks for the generosity. If you need a random stranger's ear, I'm available.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Late is better than never, that goes for trains too.
Sorry to hear that you are in a bad spot now, you can add me on Steam if you want a listening ear (I'm not licensed or anything like that, but I can listen pretty well)
PS: your art lloks great!
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So sorry to hear about your mental health; those internal battles are the hardest ones to fight. I don't know where you're from, but with COVID-19 a lot of free resources have been made available to help recover from depression. Even if yours has nothing to do with COVID, they should still be available for use. I hope things start to look up for you soon.
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Depression is really bad. Try to call a family member or a friend who can cheer you up, or do a hobby that makes you feel good.
Also, you can look for associations who are offering free help by phone while the lockdown is happening (they exist for LATAM).
I hope you get better soon.
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Really beautiful art, love the use of gold!
Depression sucks. :( I've been really struggling with it the past few months as well, but slowly getting through the worst thankfully. Getting through each day can be a struggle to say the least, but hang in there & keep fighting. Sincerely hope you're able to feel better soon. virtual hugs
p.s. it's seriously cool of you to still be giving away games even when you're not feeling the best. Be sure to treat yourself kindly too, please. ♥
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I know that feeling. How it can drag you down. Don't know what you are going trough, hope you got/find someone to talk to, that helps a lot. It's okay to feel down but don't give up - it's okay to rest, to take your time - but also try to keep fighting to improve on better days.
Sending you some good vibes 🙌
And really cool art there, I like it.
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Lovely art, Southrobin! You've a good eye for complimentary colors. Really lifts the artwork!
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Nice gallery, Robin, and neat idea with the bonus train. :)
I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling, and I don't know how much this may help, but within the past year I've read that observational studies seem to suggest a link between depression and a person's microbiome (the bacteria within the digestive tract) and that increasing the diversity of (fresh, nutrient-rich) foods in your diet and/or consuming more probiotics (commonly found in fermented foods) can help quite a bit. I also find that exercise and spending time out in nature have an amazing affect on mood. :)
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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I know all these may look just like a "birdswatching? well..that's cool! but how is that supposed to help me?" but remember that simple ways are the best. It can be anything, music, art, contact with nature, sports, games or whatever, everything that can help you to smile and express yourself. CallMeKap said that diet is important too, that's true(!) and don't forget about physical activity. But what is the most important, don't isolate yourself, talk. If you have friends, family tell them about your depression, if not - talk to random people. I've been depressed for a very long time and isolation is the worst you can do. Because of hard depression I studied at home for so many years and I didn't have contact with people(just teachers), therefore I don't have friends but If I feel really sad I'm looking for contact with some random people from Internet who wants to help. Sometimes it's even better to talk to strangers about our problems. I'm getting by(somehow, but I am!) and remember that you are never alone! :)
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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hope you will feel better soon ♡
really lovely art!
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Sorry to hear about you feeling depressed lately. It can be so easy to get stuck in rut and so difficult to pull yourself back out. I wish you the best of luck, the best of health, and hope that you have some people around you who can be there to support you.
(Also, do you mind if I enter for definitive upgrade? No problem if you object ;p )
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Thank You! :)
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