


You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Well, not exactly.

Instead of a carefully laid-out warehouse, with everything perfectly aligned and uniform, imagine decades of stuff placed into storage, then forgotten. Barriers to your progress consist not of walls, but of surplus chairs, desks, folding tables, shelving, filing cabinets, stacks of Bankers Boxes, endless ordinary brown cardboard boxes, some opened, some still taped shut. Larger items shoved anywhere they would fit. Narrow passages, dead ends, dust. You wonder how the lights are still working.

Hmm. One can buy this as part of a 56-item bundle on Steam. I bet it will be excellent! Thank you!

6 years ago

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I wonder if there's a single game in that 56-item bundle... :) Outlook not so good... :)

Sorry yet again... :)

6 years ago

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Woot! This was a really good one. Oh, no, sorry, I was wrong. It's one of the worst games I've played. :)

FORCE TANKS is a pointless game that really does have no redeeming features.

6 years ago

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Aha, as usual it sounds like writing your review was more fun than playing the game... :) Sorry again! :)

You know, reading these reviews gives me an idea... Can you remember any of the non-garbage games you tried for in here? I mean, something you wouldn't have to force yourself to play? :)

I don't know any way to see it myself, other than manually checking the entries for each giveaway, and ain't nobody got time for that... :) It's possible I still have a few working keys for this stuff, and sending some to you would be easier than making another painful puzzle thing... :)

6 years ago

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Haha! There's no need to apologise. You didn't make out that your Ziggurat of Disappointment would be filled with blockbusters or anything! I am starting to wonder whether my promise to review these gems, even briefly, was a little … rash. ;-)

Oh there's no need to worry about anything like that. You make fun puzzles that are worthwhile regardless. One of these days I might be lucky enough to win one of your 'real' giveaways, but there's no hurry. As I've mentioned before I have far more games than I have the time to play already.

It's sort of cathartic going through these bundle-trash games so quickly; it gives me a feeling of completion that I don't get when I mainly play survival-crafting games, most of which go on forever. :)

6 years ago

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Games are supposed to be fun, right? So my suggestion is: if it's not fun, stop. :)

Or you could hmm... Just take a break from it, and come back to the idea later. Which (as I know from hundreds of unfinished games) is exactly the same as stop, but sounds better. :)

Seriously, I'm too lazy to check comments and entries for ~1000 giveaways, so if you remember trying to win any that didn't look like garbage, i.e. any you might want to install, please let me know and I'll check my leftover keys. I still have about 22000 unused from various crappy bundles and bulk purchases, minus all the revoked keys I don't know about yet... Hooray for developer meltdowns... :)

6 years ago

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Haha. Well I will still try to get to them, since I promised you I would, but since it seems you're in no hurry and I've been slack so far, I'll continue to be slack and just pick one two to denigrate every now and then. :D

I've been playing Fallout 76 a bit this week. I bought it because a friend of mine with far too much free time (well, far more than I have) said it was good and he wanted to play with me. It's the most expensive game I've bought in about a decade! And the first non-Steam PC game in equally as long.

It is actually pretty good -- I think most of the bad reviews now are just people jumping on the "let's bash Fallout 76" bandwagon for clickbait and advertising revenue -- but the playing together idea hasn't worked out well. He started a second new character last night and it's already higher level than my one character that I've been playing whenever I get a chance. And playing multiplayer games with mismatched levels isn't that much fun. sigh I should have saved my money and bought a bazillion more bundle-trash games. :-D

Oh well. It's not a bad survival-crafting game anyway, but it's not as good as Conan or 7 Days to Die.

Sorry, just rambling again. :)

6 years ago

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Definitely don't rush to review all the garbage, play something fun! :)

As for myself, I've no interest in yet another game launcher, Steam and Origin and Uplay and GOG are already too many for me... So I guess when none of the big new games are on Steam I'll have the chance to play some of my backlog... :) Oh well... :) Kinda bored with Fallout anyway, never even finished #4. :)

Hmm... Conan sounded interesting, but it felt like another one of those umm, online survival crafting base building pvp early access things, plus nudity!!! Which I guess it is. :) So I got bored fairly quickly... :( At least it wasn't 60 bucks. :)

6 years ago

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Yes, until recently I'd managed to stay away from most of the other game launchers.

I got Origin for a few free games ("on the house"), but that stopped years ago, I think, and I don't even have their software installed on my latest PC, which is now over two years old! I only recently installed uPlay for a game that I bought on Steam. It's crazy, but I'd still rather by Ubisoft games on Steam even when I also have to use uPlay via Steam to launch them. I don't have GoG and I don't plan to, but now I have Bethesda just for Fallout 76. sigh Why can't we all just get along!?

Conan is indeed exactly what you describe, except it has a single-player (offline) mode as well, which is where I've spent most of my time in it. The nudity is great, especially with one of the breast physics mods installed. Unfortunately the pubic hair mod I did have installed previously hasn't been updated recently, and stopped working with a recent game update. I kid you not! :)

But yes, most survival-crafting games are really pretty similar. If you don't like one, you're unlikely to much like the others. Even if they do have gratuitous nudity and jiggle mods!

Speaking of jiggle. I mentioned the Babylon Project to you once before. Another one has caught my attention, too: Wild Life (NSFW: If games like that had been around 25 years ago I might not have got married, and then I'd have a lot more free time now! ;)

6 years ago

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Yeah, it's annoying to have all these games hidden away behind a client I can't be bothered to run... :( I have some games on Origin like umm, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, but I only seem to remember them when someone else mentions them. If it's not on Steam I never see it. :( Oh well...

Aha, thank you, that looks like one I'd probably never play, but would love to send back in time! :) Not just the boobie games but also my RPG backlog, plus old style stuff like hmm, for example. Presumably it's a horrible game, but just the right sort of horrible for someone who loved Wizardry or Ultima or Bard's Tale or umm, all the other ones I can't remember... :)

6 years ago

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Well a few people have dredged up an old thread in the forums about "Playnite", which is supposed to handle multiple launchers. One of these days I'll give it a try I suppose. I'm always a bit dubious about adding my account credentials to yet another tool, which I presume would be required in this case.

Hahaha. I remember hearing about Grimoire. I thought it would never be released!

6 years ago

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