
Amazing game where you can massage anime chicks <3

10% release discount

LOL, thanks XJ9 :3

7 years ago

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Ačiū ^^

7 years ago

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actually, it looks like they massage you! :)
thanks for the level 8 ga!

7 years ago

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They actually do, but you have tet-a-tet massaging battle where you massage each other :3

7 years ago

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ha ha.. ok.. i'll have to get this game one way or another! :)

7 years ago

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Thanks XJ9 =)

7 years ago

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Thank you :)

7 years ago

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Thank you XJ9! ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thxs for the ga of a new game!!:)

7 years ago

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Thanks, must try that game ;)

7 years ago

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thanks for the high level!

7 years ago

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what the... XD

7 years ago

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I giggled and blushed when I saw the win, thank you so much :3

7 years ago

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You can go massage yourself, also i wonder what is the group you gift mostly to?

7 years ago

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I'm pervy enough to do that xD

Euh that would be bundle quest, touhou, my winter wonderland event is all the invite only ga's I put new once up on a regular base so feel free to join anything you like!, and for a short time also Poor But Generous, a Christmas group for those who can't spend a lot these holidays event by RedDevilMM :3
They're all 3 on invite only tho.
Or sometimes (rarely) others to help a hand here and there
Occasionly I also do group thing for LavaU community ^_^

7 years ago

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Thanks for the explanations, think about giving more to publics in the future, you are like level 9, and entering 7-9 publics, yet you give nothing to them, you probably wonder why you win publics not often, i thiink its because low level people dont make high level gifts and high level people switch to group only, so there are plenty of high levels and little to no gifts

7 years ago

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I assume you never saw my previous events around :(
Am I a level 9, yes, does that mean I have to make public ga's?
I know I never did many of them. Or won't make them easily any more :(
Have you ever even considered that there has been so much sht and drama that I stopped doing that and withdrew myself to non-public like my events, groups and whitelist giveaways because I have my reasons for that...? Just know I have my reasons for it.
And SG is still a free place where you may choice how to run your giveaways.

Please do not judge me if you do not know my story. I even put you on my whitelist before I read this.
Cause you seemed like a nice and funny person. I hope we still can be friends sort of on here.
But I cannot promise if I'll do more public once cause I'm a event maker with invites to avoid the rotten and drama I already had here with public ga's. And yes even in higher levels.
Not to mention in my events I always have a drama llama spoiling it for other people too.
Instead of giving at the rate I am now, I honestly considered to leave alot of times, this is why some groups adopted me. They're higher levels too, they're keeping me strong to see the good beyond the bad and the drama that goes on here sometimes at SG. :)
I hope you atleast still can enjoy my event, it's already running for a couple of weeks altough for reasons I had to reboot my topic sadly enough after all my work in the first version also due one person that went wild on it. And it is mostly bundled stuff but I try and give what I can.
Doesn't that count a little too? I'm trying to be a good girl here, not a bad girl.
And my ratio =/= leech or something.
So I hope that cleared it a bit up?

Anyway I really hope you'll win a few giveaways back no matter if it's invite, whitelist or maybe one day even public! but I truly hope to see you pop up now and then. :3

7 years ago

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Please do not judge me if you do not know my story

Its funny how you write that wall of text while completely missing my pointt.

You say

I stopped doing that and withdrew myself to non-public like my events, groups and whitelist giveaways

And yet we are talking here in one of the public giveaways you joined for a chance to win, so basically you abandoned that public train, yet not really. Hope youll have time to think about that in the future. I never called you leech on the 1st place, so i dont see the reason of that table flip.

7 years ago

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Maybe I completely did miss the point yes, I'm fresh awake and my brain isn't working yet.

So I cannot join public ga's?
I'm trying to understand what you mean, I truly am.
It never excludes I won't ever go public again, I just need time and have put more focus on events for the time being due reasons (which I prefer not to explain due not calling out TOS)

And nah you never called me a leech, but I'm just trying to explain that I join things I want to play and not every single public/private/group just for the +1
Cause I know there are many around that join only for the +1 :(

7 years ago

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I never said you cant, i'm just trying to raise the awareness of high level people to that problem, when people before level 7 making mostly publics for level 7 and below people, and people after level 8 are not making publics at all, but switching to some other nieche.

7 years ago

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Hmm that is true, but that could be for a reason too maybe?
I don't know :s I cannot really say as I cannot speak for them.

The higher levels are indeed rising slowly.

And heh indeed, maybe I went a bit over the top with my events, but I still do it for all levels (divided up) to try and give everyone a chance, every level
I'm not even sure if I'm doing it right or not! But I do hope I make some people happy with a game ^_^
I'll sure take it in consideration to try and go more public when I'm ready for it but I still do not dare to promise it.

7 years ago

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I'll sure take it in consideration

That's basically all i wanted.

7 years ago

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So friends again? xD
You're still on my whitelist lol, I probably will never take you off :P
I like your ratio and your humour still :3
So once again, I truly hope you win some of my gibs <3

7 years ago

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And yet we have more and more people on lvl 8 9 and 10, like 200 lvl 10, 250 lvl 9 and 500 lvl 8

7 years ago

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And yea i'm not blind, i can see those hundreds of privates for forums, and that you joined this site like half a year ago, and have like 2500 gifts sent, its huge amount.

7 years ago

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ended 38 minutes ago

lmaoo lucky me

7 years ago

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There will be more.

7 years ago

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