
Do you own (or are thinking about owning) the App Game Kit software: Cool
You know it literally has NO instructions, right?: Not cool.

Here's you chance to own a 1000 page manual to help you do whatever this software is supposed to do.
Can this help you build a game for your S3 phone? Check
Does this explain troubleshooting techniques to minimize programing issues? Check.
Is there a list of winning lottery numbers for the next 10 years? Check.
Will it let you know who your real Dad is? No

If you own the software but don't have this DLC, what is your problem? Seriously.
Don't give me a "road less taken" or a "earned not given" speech, the answers are right HERE! ...For FREE!
You are wasting your time trying to 'self-learn', when you could already be making sexy robot ladies (or whatever this program does).

Don't be a fool, press the "Enter Giveaway" button; and leave the learnin' to the squares.


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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oh I could really use that...

9 years ago

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Will it let you know who your real Dad is? No


9 years ago

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I'm not very good at advertising, I'm all about the truth :)
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I've put you on my White List.

9 years ago

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Well thanks, I returned the favor but I've yet to make a wl giveaway since my wl is kinda short for now.

9 years ago

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