
Re-created with the key instead of gift link.
From Stand with Ukraine Bundle.
Just in case - issues are not expected, but allow me to remove this giveaway in case if there are.

Oomph, I wrote a nice reply, on the previous Kerbal giveaway, only to submit comment and discover you deleted the giveaway xD

But what I wrote was roughly this.

  • I'm hardly an expert on the matter, but from what I understand, gift links work accordingly to where your region is, as seen in Humble Store. Whether it's a gift link, or a key, regional restrictions are the same.
  • if you want quite reliable info, user sensualshakti creates great threads on various bundles, and gather data on regional restricitons form multiple users. If you want some actual answers, you can usually ask on a relevant thread (or search the comments to find out if somebody asked the same question) and have it answered by someone who knows a thing or two about regional restrictions.
    For example, thred for Ukraine bundle:
2 years ago

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Yeah, sorry about that, I tried to stay on the safe side and re-create the giveaways... until I hit the daily limit of 20 support tickets. We'll see how it will go with the remaining gift links!
Once again - thanks! I'll check the link about this bundle.

2 years ago

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I think you could edit out the gift links and put in the keys instead in the winners section of the giveaway (I'm certain it can be done after the giveaway ends, and not sure if it can be done before)
You can try here:

2 years ago

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I couldn't find the way to do it before the GA ends, but some will end soon, so I'll try then. :]

2 years ago

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You were right, it is possible to add a key at the end of the GA.

2 years ago

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