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Become the captain of a flying ship! Sell items, gather resources and build your own trade company in the clouds!

only tried 15 secs... isn't a lil' boring? just asking, Clover. artstyle is gorgeous and shared myself as a "good game"...

1 year ago

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Snagged a copy from Humble Choice a month or two ago but haven't played it yet. It looks super fun to me though, but I'm also a huge fan of casual simulation games.

1 year ago

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I am right now playing it. Whether you will like it or not, it will really depends on your taste. The part of my life I am in, I actually prefer a game like this. It's short and relaxing. You can learn the game at your own pace and complete it 100%. There are no time limits. Things never get overwhelming as there are no time restrictions to your quests. I think I am more than halfway through, and will complete the game in total of 8-10 hours.

1 year ago

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part of my life I am in

hella right, there. currently, i'm in a fully Ubermosh stage. kinda far :P

do you write reviews, n3ov?

1 year ago

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I do write sometimes. I recently wrote a review for Killer Frequency for a guy who is running a YouTube channel.

I have also written a few on my steam profile. Some are one liners or just a short paragraph. Others are quite detailed: You can take a look if you fancy.

I moved to a new city about 6 months ago so I am not really gaming much these days. Also the internet here is quite choppy. Besides that, I am under training at my workplace. So it's sort of a pressure cooker situation for me these days. So games like Merchant of the Skies are my go-to.

1 year ago

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one liners or just a short paragraph

luv those!

1 year ago

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