
humble bundle

Check the winner. I have the game, yet I can enter.

5 years ago

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Da clic en la imagen y te debe salir que ya lo posees, yo también puedo ingresar a sorteos de juegos que ya poseo pero siempre reviso si lo tengo de esta forma, así evito participar en un sorteo de un juego que esta en mi biblioteca.

Click on the image and it should come out that you already own it, I can also enter draws of games that I already have but I always check if I have it this way, so I avoid participating in a raffle of a game that is in my library

5 years ago

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yeh. i know. I was just warning you to check your winner, check if he has the game before sendiing your key.

5 years ago

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Thank you for the chance!

5 years ago

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thanks for the game c:

5 years ago

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