
Fantasy Friday gifts the well received RPGMaker-engine-made Labyronia adventures, the sequel! It might seem obvious, but did you know the word "sequel" is derived from the Latin word sequi, which is also where we get "sequence"? It makes sense! But did you also know we get "consequence" from it too? This is why learning Latin can teach you a ton about English and other European languages, but it also makes English one of the hardest of languages to learn because we've assimilated so much from so many different cultures and languages. It makes those crazy word rules like "i before e except after c" and such! What was I talking about again? Oh yeah! Happy gaming!

I'm mainly here to give away smiles through games but I make music (mostly game remixes) for those interested. :) If you have a project that needs tunes, I am for hire!

thanks! and i thought your blurb was interesting :)

5 years ago

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Usually I'm making puns and nonsense, for once I tried to be educational! :D

5 years ago

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