
How do you motivate yourself to finish a game?

I ... don't.

So many games, so little time...

6 years ago

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Hmm. There are some games I use as breaks from other games when I'm having trouble finishing them in one go. The "break games" are ones where a round doesn't take long (say, Glorkian Warrior), or roguelikes and such where progress is reset every time.

6 years ago

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If I like the storyline it's easy, if I like the gameplay it's medium hard and otherwise, impossible (:

6 years ago

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How do you motivate yourself to finish a game?

Given how shallow the narrative is in most games, I don't find it especially difficult to pick back up a game that I dropped simply due to wanting a change of pace. I mean, it's annoying to have to relearn games with involved combat systems or strict optimization methods, but that's a bit of a different consideration. If I were to feel strong hesitatation to return to a game on general principle, then I think that'd be more of an indication that I wasn't really enjoying the game to begin with.

Smilarily, while I was obsessive about completions in the past [y'know, when it was far more difficult to get a hold of new games to play], I've since come to the clear understanding that the majority of games just aren't worth completing (of course, even with that understanding, it doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't still the inclination to make the attempt, at least for a bit longer than one probably should).

A lot of the time, the reason we feel disinclined to continue playing games isn't because we're less inclined to appreciate a game's good parts, but because the game has so many polish issues that we've slowly had our interest worn down to be point where our anticipation for future game developments no longer exceeds our level of exhaustion with the game's flaws.

In short, it's less about learning how to motivate yourself to complete any and every game, and more about learning how to determine where you want to end your play at and if it's worth the effort to get to that point, and how to adjust down until you find a satisfactory balance between effort and result for any particular game. I think once you've learned how to figure out when to firmly set aside games, then the games you don't actually want to stop playing yet will stand out more, and may more naturally incline themselves toward being picked back up... well, possibly? ^.^

6 years ago*

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If game have anime or movie, I will appreciate about its full plot.
Then, their story make me start up motivation and finish this game.
It's great way and useful for me.
Maybe you can try it.

6 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway - I hope you can motivate yourself to finish the games you enjoy!

6 years ago

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I was f**ked up by this SO many times. GTA:SA were in my library for solid 6 monthes with only one, final mission left. I was in a mood for GTA once again and was like "Ok, I'll spend my evening with this", and finished with ~40 minutes spent on mission and endgame cinematics. Same happened with few other titles.

My "cure" is limiting my singleplayer library to ~5 games at time. So I won't start another game until I finish or delete any of the installed games. And now I am forcing myself to finish a game before I start a new one. And I was NEVER disappointed in my decision. In my opinion the completed game on the library is always pays-off more than spent atleast 20 hours and long forgoten title, that you have to start from the very beginning once again in 2 years, because you remember nothing of the plot.

6 years ago

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Tell me :)
Even games I bought for full price because I like the concept like Die Young, Total War (well always playing these for ages), many more...

Playing Appreciated is really a good choice - join games you are interested in and you really play them.
Other groups have similar principles even for old games.

6 years ago

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won and marked.
Thank you Saikania.
Luck and good fortune be unto you and people you love.

6 years ago

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