Do You like layout of page?
I dont believe that you made such a great page.It's good,no,it's supergood.Congrats on doing such a great job.I wish you Goodluck mate.
P.S:Just a thing for Future,If you can allow users to make an account and favourite some topics like "EpicGames",and on login they see the latest on Epic like free games,news or stuff,tailored only for them;Then you can stand far out from the rest of the crowd.
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ohh, i'm really glad for your opinion. And you have great idea about this topic"free games" - i was thinking about that section, but for now I need to start with little less section to handle it by myself :) but in future i will do something like that. Thanks again!
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depends on your target auditory. if Poland, it's ok. if anywhere else - translate by chrome is terrible advice, translate on your end.
also, images are in way too large resolution for web. i have pretty fast internet connection but even for me it takes few seconds to fully load it, not even talking about mobile users
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looks ok - can't read - so sorry no point in me bothering
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Wygląda dobrze, proste, czytelne bez niepotrzebnego kombinowania (może dodał bym "pełny" dark mode (cała strona a nie tylko sama góra)). I jest nas tu sporo: (65,800)
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Jest zarąbiście możesz nawet zostawić tak (albo zostało zaprogramować "przełącznik")
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GAMEPLAY Z GIER and TRAILERY GIER in small grid mode (smartphones) are not that great
you need to scroll through the content if you press the first button to be able to press the second
it would be great to be able to press it again to collapse the content
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it seems redundant to have a dropdown for 2 options, just make a button for movies and one for tv series, also imo contact page shouldn't be in nav bar
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It's fairly good! I'll try to remember to check it out on mobile, once I can get to my phone. I'm sure I'll like that more. Making it into a clickable link, so I don't have to arse with copy/paste on mobile.
Does/will it also have alt text for its images, so folks with screen readers can know what you've posted? That's a very important part of a webpage. I'd also like more info on the cosplayers. Perhaps actual names, and a link to more of their stuff.
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going to 'o nas'(about us) you use fake comments on bottom page about your page-they are not 'film experts', some of the nameas are actors/actress names, but they are different than on photos...
why even putting any comments from 'specialists' about site?
Actually whole 'about us' page is copypaste from other site
If u gonna copypaste from other sites....thats stupid and you shouldnt advertise it here
Also why news are in Latin, some have only 1 word like 'ok', some are empty, some fake like 3 times same text etc?
Also these comments:
' John Miller Data 18 grudnia 2017
Here you will always find the most interesting news about your favorite actors, celebrities, and shows!'
it look so unprofessional, like why u even want any pros opinion on your page? iot looks ugly+you just made a page but coment about page is from 5 years ago xD
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hi, like i sad to someone else - For now i make only layout with simple posts and info to check how it looks. :) when i close subject of layout, i will step into content of page. So don't worry, every category will have mine information. Now it's only lorem ipsum ;)
Nie nerwowo, a chytrze :)
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even that i dont think u break for example gryonline or ign site popularity, so good work but just for fun
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Nice, looks pretty good.
My advice would be to use translations in the backend code of the site so you can easily have a language switcher on the site.
Best to do that before you get more actual content so the system is in place.
(And of course translate the text to at least English once you get more actual content).
That will totally increase the reach and audience your site can have (because people won't do google translate usually)
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I'm sorry to say I don't know plugins that translate automatically and are actually good.
(When I mentioned translations in backend code I meant to make sure that your site can switch all shown languages to another setting automatically when someone selects a language).
The actual translations would still need to be entered manually. Perhaps get a volunteer to help and/or use Google translate as a starting point and then manually fix whatever mistakes Google translate made.
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Can you really just use cosplay photos you don't have the rights to or don't have the consent to use on a web page which is probably intended to generate profit?
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hi, when i add names of cosplayers, links to them works, add also names of photographers i'm pretty sure i don't break any rights. Because it works like news of any other category (games, films). If cosplayer (that have personalized page for it) add pictures as public, all can show as news in other page.
This only applies to proffesional Cosplayer - public person. When some private person make cosplay and add to his Intagram (eg.) then no one can add them pictures of any site.
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Is this really the case? My believe was that cosplay pictures like drawings are protected by copyright law. You need to have the authors permission to use them. Especially if you want to use them for commercial purposes.
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There is a diffrence between public and private cosplay. Like i sad, a professional cosplayer becomes a public figure like an actor or model, and if you show them in standard of news/journalism you don't break any laws. But need to links to them Instagram (eg.), add names of model/photographer. I works for both sides - for cosplayers because it is free comercial, and me.
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Even if they are a public figure, their work, in other words their cosplay pictures, still remain their private property. Just because a person becomes famous doesn't mean that everything they create can be freely used and distributed without their consent. For example, just because a famous artists creates a movie and displays it on his homepage for everyone to watch, doesn't give you the right to take his movie und put it on your website just because he is famous. You still need to ask the artist if you can copy his movie and distribute it on your website.
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i get what you mean and you're right about this example. But Cosplay it's little more complicated, because it's not entirely original work and they don't have licence - they're making something based on originally heroes from games and movies.Their work is not inspired but reinterpreted, and that's the diffrence. It's still them work, but in same moment They don't have right to sell it.
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First of all, unless stated otherwise, every intellectual property created by anyone is protected and copyrighted. Unless stated in the pages of the original photographers or cosplayers where you got the pictures, that you can use them freely, or with attribution, etc., you simply can't use them. So pay attention to CyberDragon's words.
Second, the site looks incredibly good. Can't say much more, but yes it does look great.
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i will tell you same that tell cyberdragon - a professional cosplayer becomes a public figure like an actor or model, and if you show them in standard of news/journalism you don't break any laws. But need to links to them Instagram (eg.), add names of model/photographer.
when you deal with private Cosplayer, then you need permission to share
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That's like saying "if Jennifer Lopez takes a selfie and puts it in her Twitter, that image is not copyrighted because he's a public figure". And that's simply not true. I don't know from where you got the info you're repeating, but it's wrong. No need to comment this anymore from my part.
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that is your view. they just MIGHT have right to that IP for many reasons (bo akurat tej kobiecinie cdp zaplacil za przebranie za Ciri wzamian za prawa itp). So assuming automatically they do not have right to IP is wrong and makes your argument false. And as long as nyou wont become too big, noone will care likely
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w takiej sytuacji, masz rację, wszystko zależy od umowy z producentem - choć nie słyszałem jeszcze o czymś takim ,by producent dawał niezbywalne prawo majątkowe do wykorzystywania swojej postaci cosplayerom. Wtedy to bardziej cosplayer jest na umowie o "dzieło" - reklamuje grę za hajs, a nie za licencję.
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You're welcome and best of luck in creating one of the best Gaming Polish News Website 🙂 May I suggest having a calendar for upcoming games. I am pretty sure that would come in handy. I don't know how you'll do that, but I always check games that are upcoming.
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Looks good to me, feels smooth, functional and clean while also looking very modern, not sure if all info is easily avilable because I dont understand language, but Id say its pretty good looking site as my first impression. Hope you find your audience for it, good luck.
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hi gamers...
i'm trying to start a page where i will add news about gaming, Cosplay, films, and stuff like this. And i will really appreciate that if you can spare a moment and tell me if layout is ok for You or maybe tell me what don't You like... I'm preparing my page especially for mobile - i think it's better to look on smartphone. Page is done in polish language but you can always translate it by chrome.
My Page:
<a href="">look into my site</a>
Thank you in advance
EDIT: on Desktop version i change background from white to dark grey. Do You think now it looks better, then earlier?
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