Hello Steamgifts! :)

After giving away one of my games, the user who won did not seem too happy about the product.

I would like to know what are good games to give away that everyone can enjoy?

Thanks for any responses, I want to make everyone who wins my giveaway happy :)

8 years ago

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I'd happily use linux if game support wasn't so relatively dead for it
i fucking hate using windows.

8 years ago

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I find many of the Paradox Interactive games enjoyable. While they are a bit more expensive than some they are rather popular, so if you can catch them on sale those would be good. Also the associated and curated games from this group would be a good idea as they are rather popular as well. This is just what I can think of from personal experience and off the top of my head, there are certainly more out there

8 years ago

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Some people only want the newest expensive AAA games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, Witcher 3, MGSV Phantom Pain and Dishonored 2 but I'm fine with the smaller indie games like Spelunky, Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Starbound, SUPERHOT, Stardew Valley, Broken Age or Broforce.

Help yourself here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/wishlist

8 years ago

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Dont let them bother you, if the user is not happy, then dont join to every ga, join the ones that you are going to play... And im with PMR, if devs/gpu manufacturers would work for a native linux stuff, i would use it 100%

8 years ago

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if the user is not happy, then dont join to every ga, join the ones that you are going to play

There could be the circumstance that the winner did want to play that game, then actually played it for a while and found out it was not what they expected.

8 years ago

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We are on 2016, you have access to tons of videos of gameplays and reviews from almost all games... if you have half of intereset you could do research at least before wining games for free....

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't think there is a single game in the world that literally everyone would be happy with, but the steamgifts wishlist linked by MalekTaktak top 100 or so games are not likely to make anyone upset. May I ask what is leading you to believe they were unhappy with their win? (don't mention names or which giveaway precisely though) No comments on the giveaways themselves lead me to believe that personally, but ofc I don't know what may of been said in steam chat.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What this user said, why they were unhappy?

Answering your question I am always glad to see giveaways for games (or software) that are rarely (or never) given away.

Software Inc (it's a game)
Far Cry 2

Sorry for no links, I'm on mobile and it's too much effort (and sometimes my messages got deleted if I'm not fast enough with pasting the links).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I dunno, the games you've given away seem alright to me.
Like ambidot said, just choose some games you've liked, and make giveaways for them.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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propably he played it at work ;)

8 years ago

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