Put System Shock 2 ON the Bundle List!
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I can't comment on that, I'm not the one that decides on it.
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Kind of hoping you guys will nip these bundle list petitions in the bud.
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Well, Jade gave permission for bundle list petitions in the other thread.
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jade likes the drama. I'm talking about the responsible mods. :)
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While I absolutely hate - no, loathe the amount of band-wagoning fortixers, I doubt making an antagonizing thread in response will do anything.
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I'm listening to you. I just don't have any power to make it happen. :(
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Y'know, I'm curious. Why am I on your blacklist? I have no idea who you are. Otherwise, I agree that this Fortix business is pretty stupid. I'm surprised at the amount of people rushing to defend Fortix because it's 'special'.
P.S. Not that I care. I already have SS2.
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"Since it's price comes out to match that of it's sales price, ($6 - $1) / 2 = $2.50, it can't be abused any more than if the game had been on sale!"
To be fair. Fortix is actually MORE expensive in the bundle so....
Also just wanted to say, your thread in 3 hours only garnered 40 replies .. But the Fortix one garned way more in 20 mins. (not picking on you, just saying it goes to show "the community" has much more passion about Fortix ..)
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I don't see what's the big deal. There are far better things to complain about within the realm of SG.
Although Fortix giveaways are not for CV-farming, how often do people giveaway gifts of bundled games?
From my experience, it is exceedingly rare unless it was a BTA/Tier 2+/IR game.
How abusable is this exception to the rule?
Laughable; be careful not to die doing so.
Has the bundle system been completely black and white without room for subjectivity?
No, there are many ways in which the system is inconsistent, some games are bundled when they're clearly not, others not bundled because they were part of a multikey or during a different "bundlekeeper"'s era, others because the discounts were irrefutably small, etc.
And what's stupid about the Fortix petition?
Are we all idiots for having an opinion, for supporting a trivial notion, or for trying to protect a tradition?
And if it's so stupid, why do you care?
[]() Oh yea, #CutForBieber
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To be fair. Fortix is actually MORE expensive in the bundle so....
I'm pretty sure you mean the opposite. What a coincidence too, because the new weekly HiB ($5 extra for BTA) is MORE expensive than System Shock 2 on sale ($2.50). It's also MORE expensive that Hard Reset on sale.
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Why? My point is still proven that the Steam sale is much more effective at gaining CV. I thought you said the whole point of the bundle list was to prevent CV abuse? How can you abuse if Steam sales are better than the bundle?
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Why is it more exploitable? So any game that goes on sale in the Steam store for 75% off is exploitable?
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Any game that has a full price like SS2 is exploitable if in a bundle(which it is now) and kept off the list.
On the other hand, you pay around the same price as the Steam store for Fortix, cheaper if you're in the "bad" Euro region, to get around the same CV.
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Umm... what does the amount of money devs get have anything to do with relative bundle value?
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If you buy 100 copies of Groupies for $1. You are getting 100 copies of Fortix for $100.
If you buy 100 copies of Fortix on Steam store at regular price, you are only paying $99.
Its cheaper to buy it in the steam store then the bundle.
(Yes I know you get the other games as its a bundle.. however, those are bundled so no CV boost)
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Okay... so why is it exploitable if you're paying around the same price anyways?
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SS2 costs 2.50 on sale. It costs $10 full price.
Fortix "on sale" (in bundle) costs $1. Its $0.99 full price..
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It doesn't matter if it's sale price or not. To quote your original thread
So there's no way to contrib boost (cv boost) with this game (Fortix).
This is the main argument you use as to why Fortix should not be bundled. You also can't CV boost with SS2 or Hard Reset.
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Go ahead and make a thread of the other games you don't want added to the list. My point was, for many, fortix is a staple to the sg community. My fear is once it goes on the bundle list, it won't be given away (as frequently) or even looked at the same (as many bundle games do)
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Oh, I also wanted to ask why showing more passion about Fortix means it gets to subvert the rules.
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Rules change all the time. Specially when enough people want them to change. They definitely don't have to. But if the majority of a community want a change. You just might see it. .. Ultimately its up to whomever pays the bills for this site.
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Unfortunately, it doesnt sound like the rest of support are going to consult him.
If cg says it is exempt, I will accept the decision.
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And rolling around like spoiled little brats isn't going to change the results.
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