I loved the originals and still play HW2 with complex today, so I really would love to play the remaster as I hear it is pretty awesome. Also thank you for this giveaway
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How did you get a copy for free? Was there a glitch? (Just curious)
I remember my brother was into homeworld for a long time, and the intro cinematic was pretty boss. What do you think of this remastered version?
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I ordered the collector's edition, complete with replica banana ship. When the postal service delivered it I missed the delivery and they left a notice. Then I had a lot of stressful stuff happening that actually made me forget about it (imagine how bad it was if it actually made me forget about that!) and they never sent any further notices like they're supposed to, so when I rediscovered the original notice a month later and went to the post office they'd sent it back to the seller. My copy came from Amazon UK since all the Amazon US copies had sold out, and for whatever reason the seller said they couldn't simply resend it to me so they just refunded me in full and no one ever revoked my already redeemed HW key.
As for your question about the game itself, it's really everything a fan of the original could hope for. There are bugs in multiplayer, like how the game tends to black out if you alt-tab out and then back in, but they've been doing a good job of addressing those issues. The audio quality is markedly better since they were able to use the original recordings to make the new game, and the visuals really bring it up to modern standards. The UI improvements have also been outstanding. In the original for example, you had to go to a full screen menu to queue up research or production. Now it's just a window off to the side so you never have to take your eyes off the battle.
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Wow, that sounds like quite a hassle! I haven't had to use Amazon's customer service very often, but when I have they've been very accommodating.
It's good to hear that the updated version is well done, I was always really interested in playing it back in the day but the scale of everything and the number of ships to control kind of intimidated a younger me :P I really hope devs make more of these updated versions of classic games we love (assuming it's not a shitty cash grab or anything). I won Grim Fandango Remastered a few months ago and getting to play it after waiting all these years (never got it back when it was first out) was a great experience. Now I just need to finish it....LucasArts adventure games aren't the easiest...
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Amazon was actually very accommodating. It was the seller who was being strange and refusing to help.
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I like the cut of your jib, sir or madam or other. Whitelisted.
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I've seen a bunch of complex vids but never played it so I can't make a comparison, but from what I've read it's slated to be released for Remastered in September.
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I played the hell out of HW, and even more with HW2 since it had better mod support. I remember the good old HW2 mods like PDS, Complex, TFS, etc., I did some voice acting for PDS 5.x and was involved with the Dustwars mod, but sadly that one was never finished.
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That's funny, because I was just looking longingly at a copy of Homeworld:Cataclysm I came across in my computer desk. Oh, the fun I had with that series. I loved that it had RTS-combat that actually took place in three dimensions.
Either way, great giveaway! Thanks!
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It's sad that they couldn't include HW:C due to the source code being lost, but I have every confidence that it will be released as a mod or DLC eventually.
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I still hold out hope that they'll find the hard drives, someday. One of the original developers thought the hard drives still existed in a box in someone's garage or closet. A mod or DLC would work, but I would think getting the virus programmed would end up being far too much work.
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It shouldn't be too much of a problem. There are already units which cause an enemy ship to switch factions.
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I went to the trouble of buying an old hard copy, only to find it could not run it. Still have it. It is a couple of discs and the instruction booklet is one centimeter thick with small print. Not for the faint of heart. Would love to finally play a working copy, ie the Steam version. Thanks.
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I never played the original HW games. I would love to play them, and the remastered one sure seems like the best entry point.
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What a great chance! Back when the first game came out my brother and I were huge into LAN parties. He's older than I am so his friends gave him a copy of this. I only got to play it once, but it was fantastic. Fond memories have this game at the top of my wishlist. And this one seems to come with 4 games?! Both in the classic releases and both in the remastered.
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Whitelisted, but you also already knew this. Yay unnecessary thoroughness?
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Many happy memories of the first HW, from the single-player campaign to the amazing multiplayer battles on WON. Spent a lot of late nights with college friends in our dorm room on the same server, waging desperate warfare across the sea of stars. The fact that IPs such as Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, Star Wars/Trek and others all had amazing mods developed for the game demonstrated an active and creative fanbase.
In fact, the original BSG:Fleet Commander mod team is working on upgrading to HW:Remastered, which would be both fantastic and devastating, because I doubt I'd be touching any other game in library for awhile if their plans reach fruition.
In any event, this is a great giveaway.
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i played the HW2 way back when, and i really liked it, but it was borrowed from a friend and that was before i knew how to pirate a game or be able to buy any games at all, or game stores existing in my country too... so yeah never saw it again xd.
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I played the first Homeworld as a kid, but didn't get far...I never been able to play RTS games that much, but still I liked having so many ships in formation and the epic scale of everything. If I will play HW will be this version for sure.
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+1 to that! I'm generally not into RTS games but the story, the acting, the epic quality of it all really made it such an enjoyable experience that I was drawn in anyway.
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Back when gaming stories were about terrible sammiches, Homeworld was a rare masterpiece of storytelling. Even today it's still excellent, especially for being able to make you care about a large group of people rather than just specific heroes.
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Much sadness. :'( That part is the reason that every time I play the story now I save all 500,000. I refuse to let any more of them die.
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Very true, but when it came to voice acting it was usually awful.
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Fo sho!
Adagio For Strings
And this game introduced me to Yes!
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Back in time 1999 when Relic put this great first Homeworld into my hands...
Unforgettable to me remains the mission, I had to expunct a space-sect in. And then find out that we had the same ancestors: the ancestors of the fanatics were also among the expellees, only they were not just stranded on the desert world, but in space - felt like someone stabbed me in the heart that moment. ;)
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Whitelisted. Welcome aboard the space-feels train.
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Because reasons (basically many people derped, myself included) I wound up getting my copy of Homeworld Remastered for free. Since I still want to financially support the remake I've purchased a second copy to give to you
jackasseslovely people. Comment below with why you would like (or think you would like, in case you haven't played HW before) to own this game. If I like what you've said then you'll be temporarily added to my whitelist and invited to a giveaway for Homeworld Remastered. It doesn't have to be some heart warming story about how your mom died when the original game was released and she sounded just like Karan S'Jet so the game helped you deal with your grief. dafuq? It'll just be whatever comments I randomly decide I like. Unless there are a lot of exceptional comments I only plan to invite about 10 people total.Update to end all updates: Thread closed and everyone's been notified. Thanks for your comments, everyone.
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