Will you get it?
I've been wanting kf2, so I think I'll buy this one.
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I paid double for Killing Floor before and didn't regret it. Worth it if you don't own it imo
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Hrm, I don't have the early unlock but I also don't particularly want it. What to do ... good thing there's 3 weeks left to decide.
Edit: Any region locks?
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I used to want Killing Floor 2 but haven't played the first... So, I suppose this is good... ish
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I just don't want to play the second and never go back and play the first. That's all. I'll still buy it though. Just rip the first one xD
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bought kf2 pretty soon and didn't liked it that much...
you prob. need friends for this
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Still going get it cause the months with w low early unlock have had nice other stuff...
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Definite skip. Zeds have been done to death.
Nothing of interest to me in August bundle either. The previous 2017 bundles all had at least one of my wishlist games in them, some more than one; so this bundle seems to be rapidly going downhill.
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Pretty poor reveal, would have liked to see another more chill (premium) game beside it.
Pass, I guess :(
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The early unlocks can pay for the bundle if I wait around 6-7 months and if they don't get rebundled in the meantime. Which Humble loves to do. The other games rarely ever worth more than maybe, MAYBE a dollar at best. But usually nobody actually wants them.
As for game for game trades, the games I want are either not sold on any trade section (like Azada 3, Lost Land 3, Drawn 3, Mysterium, Ironcast, Elder Sign) or they ask so much for a ROW key that I can just wait and buy it cheaper on some sale (Resident Evil 7, Yesterday Origins, Silence).
Sadly, this pack is just good for giveaways only. Pillars of Eternity was the first game in ages which I would actually play from the Monthly, but I already have it for a long time now. The last game I think I have added to my library from a Monthly was Stick of Truth. On top of that, the DRM-free games in this pack have pretty much disappeared, and the Trove they added instead has games I already own on Humble; some for years by now.
Frankly, no matter how I look at it, the only reason to buy this was to make giveaways, nothing more. =(
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You should look at Group Buys to sell any games you don't want from the monthly or to buy games when you don't get the monthly. It's much better than the trade section. I have given up on the trade section. It's cheaper to just buy games.
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Oh, thanks, I was already given one. Tried the game, got to level 4, the AI could not pass it in six tries, so I eventually gave up and removed it. It is actually a rather fun concept, but it really only works with actual people sitting in a room, not as a video game format (not even as a multiplayer one).
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The early unlocks can pay for the bundle if I wait around 6-7 months and if they don't get rebundled in the meantime. Which Humble loves to do. The other games rarely ever worth more than maybe, MAYBE a dollar at best. But usually nobody actually wants them.
i disagree. i sold many of the early unlocks for 4 keys (in some cases even 5). and i sold quite a few of the other games for 1-2 keys. never had to go below 1 key.
in this particular case, i bet you could easily sell KF2, Banner Saga 2 and Worms for more than the bundle cost.
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There are 20-30 exceptions since the Monthly started. Some games are around 4 keys now from the "normal" pack. But given their inclination to rebundle the games, they are getting rarer and rarer. Banner Saga 2 should be a good one though, at least until it gets in a normal bundle, which I guess will be not far away.
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If you paid once, you can pause 1 day before the auto-billing every time and keep the discount forever afaik.
Pretty scummy to abuse Humble that way though :/
After cancelling, probably resub? Not sure.
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I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing, because I absolutely don't see any point in pausing a day before billing. Why would I do that? For the Humble store discount? This isn't worth the bother.
I'm not talking about the Humble store discount for monthly subscribers, but the 10% discount for new subscribers to the monthly. As far as I know it's given again if one isn't subscribed for a certain period of time (i.e. after cancellation, but not for pausing). If so, then there's no point in pausing instead of cancelling.
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I can't remember exactly when this was but I got the 10%off after about 3 months of being unsubbed iirc, not at home right now but I'll try to have a look at the humble purchase history when I get back to confirm it.
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OK... just checked, i got the Feb 2016 for full price and then i got the april one for 10% off, so it was just the one month. Not sure if anything is changed since considering it was quite some time ago though :(
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How do you pause exactly and how is that different from cancelling and resubcribing later?
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pausing a multi-month package keeps your subscription so you can skip a month and still get the multi-month discount. Pausing a month-to-month probably only provides the advantage zombielenin alluded to above, of the store discount
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☞ View the SEPTEMBER 2017 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Killing Floor 2 with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF SEPTEMBER (1st September) for $12* to receive the SEPTEMBER bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the August Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Worms W.M.D has multiple region locks:
South America
Pay early and get " Killing Floor 2"
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Humble original: Volantia - a kingdom management game about piecing together the fragments of a greenpunk world.
Volantia will be available exclusively to Humble Monthly Bundle subscribers from September 2017 for 3 months.
After that it will be sold at your favorite digital storefront.
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for providing the poll answers!
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