A lot of groups I know don't allow for no-CV games for GAs. I get the reasoning but on the other hand, a lot of great games that have been given for free briefly (and mostly grabbed by bots like the Alienware freebies) are never again seen in a giveaway on SG because what's the point if you're not making any CV for it right?
It's a shame because a lot of keys are left unused and some of these games are well worth playing.
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well, Fluffster, a compelling argument, i kind of neglected the fact a lot of no cv games are not trash, heh, and, well, yeah, its a shame not to be shared, to whatever end SG value for both creator and winner...
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When people give only keys/games away when they have a advantage from it and when they don't get something for it hoard them without to use them in a way, then they are greedy, selfish and maybe worse as that.
It give groups that accept high rated "freebies" and don't allow the bad ones.
My group is one of them :o)
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I always thought it would be ideal if the creator/mod of each individual group could choose whether no-cv GAs would be counted in group ratios, or indeed, choose whether they could be created at all. Not sure how feasible it would be, though...
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you mean, like, an option in SG to count in or not no-cv games to group ratio? okay, that is even one step further than i considered it, mhm... i mean, sure, any group can allow or not allow no-cv games in their rules, but it is my experience that it just gets tough to manually micro moderate buncha GAs, so a lot of under-the-rug things go by. that is why i actually though of this topic, heck, even if there is a no-cv GA, why even make it count towards the group contribution... anyhow, nice to know im not the first one to consider some mechanism! thanks for the insight, PsychoApeMan!
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chucks! That´s some interesting questions you raise, I´ll start with my bottom line regarding this topics headline - HELL NO!
one might argue that in that case it would mean that Full Value and Reduced Value could also be counted as different making it excessive, i agree, which is why i am here for your opinion.
I can´t even find anything excessive about that, honestly I don´t understand why group CV is calculated any different than overall CV at all.
from the FAQ
If a giveaway is invite only, region restricted, or limited to a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add contributor value if it receives 5 or more entries. This is in place to prevent small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.
which leads me to another question - When a GA doesn´t reach those 5 entries, is it even counted towards group CV ? apparently it doesn´t count for overall CV after all
regarding the question you raised in the other thread - I agree and think it would be more fair, if whitelist was treated the same as splitting GAs over several groups, but hey - I can be a stickler for numbers sometimes ; )
anyway, on this occasion, thank you for your ongoing generosity & a heartily congratulation on reaching that elusive X !
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ha, well, seems that i have a first person openly agreeing, on more than one topic!
i actually threw in the "excessive" part here to play it down a bit, but im not saying to some extent it would not also make sense to go fully aligned with overall cv.
as for whitelist combo, i mean, i really thought i made a good argument there, but nobody took the bait... i really dont know why a whitelist is not on the same "level" as a group.
of course, i respect all you said its not only cause we might have agreed, heh..., thanks heaps for the X congrats gawds, i should have used X instead of 10, looks so cool!, all the best out there, anothabrotha!
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mean, if that GA is not counting to user stats
That's not true. It's always counted. In user profile there is a "Gifts sent" field, that contains number and total cost of all gifts you sent, and both those numbers are affected by No-CV games as well. If you hover your mouse over those number you'll see a hint with "Contributor Value", which, indeed, not affected by No-CV games. And in group you only see number of giveaways and total cost, but not contributor value, that's why it's also affected.
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yeah, yeah, i do understand the part about Gifts Sent there was even a hidden text in my discussion stating that, but its just a +1, which, like you said, does not really add to Contributor Value. as MSKOTOR said here i guess the group stats page is basically a simple list of contributed users, and no crazy cv related math there. of course, thanks for the answer, Ryzhehvost!
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I know level 10 users that are only level 10 because of freebies that aren't marked as free.
And because they use 30 accounts + bots to grab a lot of copies from each freebie.
I am sadly not able to name them here. I would like to do that....
The "loophole/exploit/abuse" in a group can be prevented with group rules.
For all other GAs you don't have this "security" option.
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this thread arose from my celebratory lvl 10 rant with stat dump available here, if you want to backtrack how my twisted mind works, go right ahead!
in order to completely tangle you with links, as an introduction i would use the topic started here as an intro, as what i am about to say here is similar.
when a No-CV game is used for a Group GA, would it make sense that contribution of that game to Group ratio of the creator after it has been marked as Received should account for 0, as it is to the users CV anyhow?
i mean, if that GA is not counting to user stats because of the nature of the game besides the +1 in Gifts Sent, how come it is affecting and improving the creators stats in the Group, basically equalizing the worth of No-CV game and any other game.
one might argue that in that case it would mean that Full Value and Reduced Value could also be counted as different making it excessive, i agree, which is why i am here for your opinion.
in a long stretch, my incentive for asking this is because how it is right now, it could be treated as an exploit when No-CV game is used for Group GAs, as, well, it carries the same weight as a "normal" game, yet even the creator does not really care if there are 5 entries, as 1 is all he needs to improve his Group standings.
cannot lie, i myself have resolved to this "cheat" tactics a number of times. even though before i never saw the point in creating GAs for No-CV games i usually left those keys as first-come, first-served bonus on other GAs, i realized its a convenient way to improve your stats in Groups that allow No-CV GAs.
now, if you got this far, its only fair you get some treat, try this one on for size! and look for more in originating thread, wink!
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