I feel like they're trying to give incentive to just buy more games to immedietally get the higher score or in other words... P2W.P2W.P2W.P2W.P2W.P2W.P2W.P2W.
Hey, I have no problem with it since I'm unable to even compete at an insignificant level. I'm non-existent in this 'race' for the higher score, especially since you have to contribute to get the 3 wishlist games.
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They don't give the wishlist games to every single person. They give it to 30 people of the team but it hasn't been stated how they choose the winners. If it has, then it's in an obscure spot, because I've been looking.
It's 'P2W' because despite that being the whole point of the summer sale, you get points from the packs, which require cards which you get from buying games.
Yeah, so you buy games which get you cards which get you packs which get you points.
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I don't think you understand what "pay to win" actually means. It's "the more you pay, the greater your chances are". That's clearly not the case here.
"At the end of each daily period, the team with the greatest number of points will be deemed winner. Any user who has earned points for that period’s winning team will be entered into the sweepstakes for that period."
"Alternate Entry: To manually enter the Sweepstakes, each eligible entrant must print his or her name, address, city, state, country, postal code, email address, Steam account name, and telephone number, as well as the day of the sale that the entry is for, on a self-addressed 4”x6” note card and mail the completed form to: [...]"
I don't think you've read the rules, have you?
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I have read the rules. I can say the same for you.
Pay to win means you pay to win. What are you, blind? The team that wins is the one that gets the '30 people get 3 games from their wishlist'. How do you win? You get points. How can you get points quickly and efficiently enough that you can win? Get packs. How do you get the cards for the packs? Buy games to get the cards. How do you get ga- Oh, yeah, that's right. You buy them. Paying for games which give you the winning circumstances. That's pay to win. Pay. To. Win. If you can't understand this, there's no hope.
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I'm sure you can send a million postcards to Valve so you don't have to purchase anything from them.
Your chance to win does not solely depend on how much points you contribute so it's not pay to win. It would be a classic pay to win situation if the person that contributes the most points won.
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I fail to see the cleverness in your terrible back-talking. A million postcards wouldn't cover the obvious purchases I have made to Valve neither would it excuse any insults towards me when I have a legitimate reason not to buy anything during this steam sale.
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Thoughts? Chances are so slim. It's not going to encourage me to craft more badges.
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I think it isn't intended to make you craft more badges since if you're on the winning team (or even one of the losing ones) you still get a free card and are eligible to win the 3 games regardless of the amount of badges crafted.
I do however suspect that this is just a smart stunt from steam to get users to clean up their wishlists so that it becomes useful data again, i'd imagine for instance that steam would feature a sale on the frontpage over other sales if the game is on many wishlists.
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I don't see anything specific about this topic, but I would guess that they can issue the games basically immediately upon choosing the winners and the games. Of course since it seems fairly clear that the chances of winning will be rather low, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
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Not random!
"Prizes: Each winner will receive the top three (3) single game titles ranked in his or her Steam Wishlist, which are currently available for purchase at the time prizes are awarded. Prize value depends on games in Wishlist;[...] "
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Yeah, I just put the three most expensive games on my wishlist on top now. Even if the chances of winning are low may as well put the whole three games above $20 on there on top.
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850k points generated within 5 hours. A regular badges gives 1 point, a Summer Sale badge 10 and a Summer Sale Foil badge 100. If I simply assume that the average Steam user who contributes generates 15 points (which is probably too high, but whatever) then the chance to win those 3 games is about 1:9000. That is of course a lot of guessing and speculation, but I think it is very realistic to say that the chance to win is somewhere between 1:2000 and 1:20000. In any case, you have to be very lucky to win those 3 games, even if you crafted a badge each day and even if you have a very optimistic calculation about your win chances you still end up with far less than 1% total chance to win.
If you think about how quick the games get added to your Steam library then you probably also think about how quick the money from the next lottery jackpot you win gets transferred to your bank account.
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At least 1,36M users per team. The top 30 of these will win... We don't have better statistic of contributors yet, but my guess is unless you are with the high rollers you won't get lucky.
One tactic is to wait untill your team is going to win and throw in a lot of points...
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Not top 30, just a random 30 from the winning team.10 days = 300 people will win.I have a nice feeling that I'll win this ^^
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I think it says somewhere that you need to contribute at least 1 point to be eligible for the games, so odds will probably be 30/final day score of 1st place. Mind you a fair amount of people probably have more then one point but it'll be at least that.
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I hope they are immediately added to your Steam library.
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