I'm so sorry =(. Similar thing happened to me few weeks ago. Only thing you can do is move on and learn from this. Be more patient in trades, try to find someone who goes first. Don't take the first offer that comes, especially if the guy is too persistent and doesn't want to go first.
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I'd recommend reporting this guy to steam, steamrep, aswell giving him bad rep on steamtrades.com, however I'm not sure how this will help you since steam doesn't return scammed items, and you'll be the one blamed for going first.
Anyways, that's sad, sorry for your loss, gl next time!
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welcome to the club happens to everyone on steam :3 i was scammed 5 times but you will get over it :) dont worry he will pay for what he has done to you karma is a #####
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is the first time when you got scammed? If is it the first time , maybe you can create a ticket to steam , I got hijacked my account and i lost a lost of items from dota 2 , I create a ticket to steam and they rollback all my backpack, but they stat in clear : "is one time only!!"
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This only applies if you actually get your account hijacked by some sort of software. If he just gave someone money and expected to get something out of it later without any guarantees then no one will help him. The trade feature is there for a reason and trading outside of it was always stated as the risk of the user.
Don't post a ticket, the queue is too long as it is.
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I fail to understand why do we trade like this. Why don't we use the Marketplace for these transactions.
Rule of thumb always applies, "if it sounds too good to be true, it is".
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Breaking even or even having to pay a minor toll is way more preferable to a complete loss, though. Every time you do a "go first" trade, you are literally gambling getting scammed. There is a reason why there are so many scammers, after all.
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I know how it feels. Got scammed myself 2 times a while ago. Never go first unless you requested the trade first. If they did no matter what don't go first. Also if you have to argue for that long it's just not worth it. Tell the guy to shove it and get lost then.
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Ahh sorry to hear that. This is the issue. "I finally got tired and accepted to go first ". I've made some great trades simply because I didn't back down and wouldn't lower my price aka Civ 5 and dlc for less then 2 Tf2 refined. Sometimes its best to be stubborn.
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Tbh I understand the 'don't go first' rule most people suggest, but you should also understand why this helps scammers big time - they say they are scared to go first themselves, that you (or whoever is the honest party in the trade) might scam them and so on, convince people into thinking they are being reasonable not to go first.
The simple rule of thumb is don't trade with people who don't seem trustworthy. I am still to see anyone with proper time and money spent on Steam attempting scamming. Even if someone shady is outright fine to go first, I'd never personally be sure their product (game, keys, money) won't be revoked and leave me with nothing. So it gets down to this - trust your guts, and only trust the people who are genuinely trustworthy. If you have a tradable item and the person doesn't convince you well, ask for a tradable currency you can later resell - e.g. keys. As long as the trade consists of items coming from the 2 parties, you are mostly safe, even if something gets revoked (don't take my word for it, but I have this impression). In the end of the day, if your trade partner doesn't want to listen to your reasoning, you'd better step down and leave it be. Better safe than sorry, as they say.
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Sadly, people are often scammed for their first time by doing just that : trusting their guts / impressions.
It might help people if they started to think of scammers as a percent-chance random event.
"Toss two coins, if both are tails, the trade is a scam and you lose everything"
Modifiers are applied by playing other cards to scout for red or white flags. Active, game-populated account? The coin-toss becomes three flips, all tails is a scam. New account with only free / cheap / bundle games in it? One cointoss, etc.
Either way, the 'go first' model is always a gamble, and you should never gamble what you're unwilling to lose.
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Once again thanks for helping me through
And well about the trade I should say that everything seemed fine about him
He had pages of +rep on his profile, his steamrep was good and his D2LNG profile was clean as well
But finally he turned to be a thief
Here's something small for you guys which makes me feel better: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/zDeVk/interstellar-marines
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He had pages of +rep on his profile
Does not worth a single cent, not to mention to get trust. One can always ask friends / post random groups to get +rep posts on his profile, and at the same time can delete the negative ones.
Plus I'm not sure if you're using it, but if you're into trading then Enhanced Steam is a must - it gives links to each user's profile for various sites, including steamgifts, steamrep - a 100% sure way to recognize impersonators. (It's also really handy when it comes to store discounts and game's playerbase stats)
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I remember a time where I was in a stand off with another trader and he said he was scammed not too long ago and insisted that I should go first if I want the trade to happen. After a long discussion, we ended up not doing the trade, was he a scammer? don't know, but I managed to make the same trade to a different more trusted person and everything worked out fine.
Moral of the story: If a trade is not working the way you want it, then don't force it, there might be another trade not far away.
scammers prey on desperate; so don't be one.
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I'm so sorry.. Sadly it happens especially if you trade expensive items. I rather to use market, sell what i dont want and buy what i want, expensive sure, but safer. You cant really trust a stranger. I only trade for very cheap leftovers, low risk.
I wish you good luck.
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Dude, take it easy. You lost 40$ in pixels, but you will get something more precious instead. Scammers never gonna win. Karma is real and it will show up in near future. May be it was a kid who is starving and he really needs this 40$ to buy some food. Just accept it as a charity. You were honest and your intentions were good. I wish it was the worst thing that happen to you in your life. Stay strong, spread the love. Cheers!
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I feel you man, I got scammed once before too. by a Chic. A Friggin chic! A real one too, not a dude posing as a chic. I found this out later after researching some more about her. Turns out she's a chronic scammer. Those people lash out words that are too good to be true. They use their charm or whatever to put a spell on you. Also learned the hard way: Never ever ever ever trust your head down there. Or maybe your heart if she's crawled up that deep already. The heart usually is wrong. :( Trust the only part of your body that's thinking.
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Yes... I got scammed by some guy I found on D2LNG
He offered me 40$ for a couple of items
I was arguing with him for about an hour that I am cautious and won't go first
Damn he insisted so much
I finally got tired and accepted to go first but asked him not to let me down
And he said he's a man of his word
But at the end I found out how stupid I was and got blocked
Too bad I cannot do anything useful to get those items back
Sorry I have nothing to offer but sadness
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