this is a huge scumbag thing to do. there is so much traffic on these promos that most people cant even get to the site to get there 1 free copy and yet there are others that get multiple copies just so they can regift them here for CV. this is about as low as you can get and should honestly earn a suspension. or something, of course this is an OPINION so hold onto your panties and save your whining for your parents please kids.

10 years ago*

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Who cares? The games will be marked with * and they won't get the CV.Also when these free games are being given away here it's great because it gives us max points to enter more giveaways, so i don't know why you're complaining.The games given for free are shit anyway, i only got myself one copy just for the xp.

10 years ago

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because getting points is hard to do without this..... no sorry

10 years ago

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games marked with * still give full CV you know.... the bundled CV is easy to unlock...

10 years ago

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no they don't. Games with asterisks next to them give you 1/4th of the games worth to your CV.

10 years ago

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No, they give full CV up to 20% of the value of your non-bundled games. (The first $25 count as non-bundled too)

10 years ago

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Entirely agreed.

10 years ago

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Although I agree with your stance, there are many better ways to put it.

10 years ago

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yea could have been less ragemode i guess lol but eh you get the point

10 years ago

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"so hold onto your panties and save your whining for your parents please kids."

Makes me want to disagree with you, even though I don't.

10 years ago

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Also what's wrong with panties . - .

10 years ago

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He or she is assuming that the audience is male. Which often isn't the case.

10 years ago

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That is what i felt when they give away Pixel Hunter. I voted the game because the game looks nice and I really want to play it but never received a key while others got multiple copies and leeched for cv.

Edit: Pixel Hunter

10 years ago

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this is mostly why hate this, if they aren't interested in the game they should just ignore the promo. Although they never do and their first thought is to profit from it. The forum doesn't help much either when theres always a daily "Vote for ****, get a free key"

10 years ago

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I think we can all agree that it's a rather pathetic thing to do.
Nothing we can do about it, though, up to whomever is in charge of to do something about those lame-Os.

10 years ago

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It's as saying "being lame is lame". It's something we all agree on, and something we can only observe, as the ones we're talking about won't change a thing just because we mention them on SG...

10 years ago

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I agree that taking more than 1 of a limited amount of free keys for the sole purpose of gaining CV is dirty. But you are seriously over dramatising it. At the end of the day, those keys are going to end up with somebody who doesn't own the game and the only one really whining here is you. I suggest you take your own advice.

10 years ago

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hold onto your panties and save your whining for your parents please kids

Why don't you follow your own advice.. you make a thread to vent your opinion then tell people not to do what you just did.

10 years ago

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saw that coming

10 years ago

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"hold onto your panties and save your whining for your parents please kids."

Well that's a bit hypocritical if nothing else...

10 years ago

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indeed but thats life

10 years ago

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this is like saying youre an asshole but thats just life...doesnt make it right

10 years ago

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then im so wrong its right.

10 years ago

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Im new to this. What is CV?

10 years ago

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In the real world, this. Here, its this.

10 years ago

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The real world? Where can I download it? Is it on Steam?

10 years ago

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It's an MMO and not on Steam. I can't find any way to download or buy it, I only found an article on a wiki about it.

10 years ago

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It's a F2P MMO but it's very pay-to-win. So much of the content is behind a huge paywall.

10 years ago

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Wow! This looks sick! I'm gonna play all day! From now on, I'll be a no-life!!!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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If you start making free giveaways before support manages to remove them from the list, they get deleted. If you try again, you get a suspension.

10 years ago

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well thats reassuring, just sucks that it creates extra work to clean up the mess

10 years ago

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People will be people. Always trying to take advantage of every situation to profit themselves.

10 years ago

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Hi Bunny :D

10 years ago

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Mr. Kipson :>

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Hey volf. :D

10 years ago

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Still waiting on Steamgifts 2 as CV will not mean the same in that site so all the CV whores will wake up and stop the gaming of the system

I get loads of bundles which means I end up with keys for dupe games. I stopped gifting because the CV system is just a farce. I can buy a game for $0.5 on 95% sale and get $10 CV get pay for bundles games (On average they cost about the same and get nothing)

Now I am in a bundle group on this site and it is based on gift to win ratio, let your ratio get too low and you are out the group. So have gifted 5 times more games in a couple of weeks than I have in years on this site

CV is just arse! :)

10 years ago

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yea ive never liked the idea of CV, to me it skews the whole idea of gifting and why one would do so i nthe first place. personally i just give my bundles keys and such away to people on my friends list or hold onto them till i see someone that is down and maybe a new game will help male them feel better somehow.

10 years ago

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At least WGN found a way to deal with that: GAs are monitored, and people making GAs with WGN free keys get their key revoked (=a not received gift, unless they buy it for the GA winner). And they also get a shame "scumbadge steve" on WGN.

10 years ago

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