reply to blinkdog: The enzymes needed to create the first bacterial life can be created inside comets (this is proven) so either they where created on earth and then they turned bacterial. Or they were created on the comets, and after landing turned bacterial.
since there were no people around back then, we'll never know
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Anything that is alive indigenous to somewhere other than the Earth would constitute as an alien. This includes bacteria.
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But you need special sun glasses to see them though
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What this wise and no doubt handsome user said. :-)
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And with each galaxy with at least millions of stars(or maybe more than thousand of billions) it would be arrogant to say that we are the only intelligent life out there.(I can't remember who said this, maybe you know?)
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I though that the expansion was because the distance between galaxies became longer.
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By expanding, they don't mean it's "procedurally generating." Just everything is moving away from everywhere else, so distances between places get larger, but more stuff isn't being made.
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yes, it would be stupid not to, i mean the universe is is incredibly FUCKING BIG, it would be stupid to think that we were the only ones in it.
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There has to be extraterrestial life because of a simple logic: it might be somewhere far, far away and take a long time to prove it really exists, but this is more likely to be proven than that our planet is the only one that developed life forms.
But there are lots of turn downs related to alien life:
However, I like the idea of humans and aliens playing games together. Whatever the technology will enable games to be experienced when that happens.
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I wouldn't say the chances of extinction are high. Once a species starts colonizing other solar systems it would be hard to kill them off. As for expansion, what we've seen here on earth is that the population in highly developed countries is actually dropping. The only thing that keeps the numbers rising is immigration from countries which are not as highly developed. So once most of the planet is highly developed, we should actually see the population drop or at the very least the expansion will be much slower.
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Will man ever be equal? How long will it take, especially considering how to support the quickly growing population? There's a graph for population and another for development rates and status. When you overlay them, will they ever cross each other? And what will happen at that point?
And if you have a look at the age of different species on earth, the oldest ones are the simple life forms, they get younger the more complex they become. So we know that some critters survived for a good million years, but complex life has yet to prove it can stand the test of time. And regarding extinction, just have a look at extinct and endangered species. Some might have spread all over the world, but yet they are losing the fight or have already lost. It happens everytime, all over the place. And if a population is reduced below a critical mass, genetics will make them degenerate.
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Science fiction aside, the odds are insurmountable that there must be some other life out there. And it would be unlikely and highly arrogant to assume they'd happen to be anything like ourselves or anything on our own planet, so it's really anybody's guess as to what form it exists in.
Although hey, I'd be pleasantly surprised to come across other, even vaguely humanoid life.
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"If there wasn't other life out there, it'd be an awful big waste of space..."
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There are more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on earth.. in each of those galaxies are many star systems.. in each of those star systems are many MORE planets.. do the math.. with that many planets in the universe, what are the odds that Earth is the only one that supports life? I think somewhere out there, there is life but none or very few have managed space travel strongly or fast enough to actually get to us yet. just my 2 pennies!
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American's have already confessed to creating UFOs and even using them to invade other countries for spying purposes. There's pilotless stealth planes / helicopters, drones, etc. One of the drones is nicknamed F.T.O and is a duel bladed remote controlled helicopter with UFO (as seen in the movies) shell around it, an infra-red camera mounted on the underneath. They used this to spy on kidnapping cases and terorists out in the what-whats, etc - lots of people have reported it as an alien UFO. Terorists have just recently shot one of those american drones down and now has access to top secret technology (even we don't know of yet) and camera records, data collections, etc. They got in big shit for that and it was released to the media.
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Yes, it is relevant... Human-like aliens you think about or people have claimed seeing when someone says Alien has all be fabucated from America (they have even ammitted to doing this after being pressured), Hollywood, Area 51 (fake moon landing at the back of it), and Drones / advance technologics (which they have been trying to keep top secret or are using for spying on others). The only aliens therefore are Extraterrestrial bacteria - but now they can even considering that they where introduced by human suits, etc, cross contamination. Over the years, there's been nothing and you can quite be sure it will remain that way.
America your government is continuously lieing to you all as well as the rest of the world!
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Here's a thread then - CIA spy drone shot down in Iran (2013):
It was these spy drones, which everyone once thought to be aliens visiting from another planet... they have been doing it for years and years, still do. When they get caught, most of the time it's a big coverup, alien theories generated by the public themselves or else it's a whoops we did wrong!
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There's even evidence that the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat from outer space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the "New World Order". It's was originally fabucated and for a purpose of control, now it's died down into drone cover ups story created by the public theories, for the public (let the viewers think it something else to throw them off track) as well as research and technology project funding. Aliens itself is complete bs! Nanobots (confirmed created, even on an actual virus) and Drones (confirmed, but meant as top secret advance tech) are the future.
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I do believe much in conspiracy stuff but that is an interesting concept, I mean, if used right it could actually bring human kind together right? Not necessarily a bad thing, unless the "New World Order" is some kind of Big Brother thing with no freedom.
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UFO - Unidentified Flying Object, mysterious object seen in the sky for which, it is claimed, no orthodox scientific explanation can be found. A plane or hot air ballon could be considered as an UFO, however it's normally stereotyped into Alien crafts, stealth, round objects with blinking lights, etc...
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I was thinking, if the universe is infinite and that makes the probability of life elsewhere 100%, then the probability of finding other humans would also be 100% right? I mean if there are infinite possibilities there is also a 100% probability that somewhere in the universe the exact same conditions that we have were gathered and there is an Earth exactly like this one and "we" are also there right now posting on this forum right? Would that mean infinite worlds like this one and infinite variations of it?
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I do.
Do you believe we can shoot aliens?
I do.
Do you believe that, if other civilizations actually exist, they have what we call hallways as part of their architectural culture?
Probably not.
My guess is they have something like hallways but with crazy lights and stuff, like this.
EDIT: Giveaways ended long ago but I like the interesting discussion going on so I'll leave the thread open.
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