Wizardry 8 alone is on flash sale for 4.5 more hours for 75% off BUT if you buy the 6/7/8 pack it is 85% off (as it says just 8 is on the main page... US store). So if you buy make sure to get the right one!

1 decade ago*

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Very good deal. Now the publisher needs to put The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour for 85% off

1 decade ago

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Anything at 85% off is good, even straight adventure games. :P

I just remember spending days beating my head against the brutality that was the early Wizardry games, truly the great grandfather (with Rogue being the grandfather of course) of today's roguelikes. Nothing like getting a high level specialized character and seeing the word ASHES pop up in the console days before memory cards. :) Then again at least you got two strikes first.

1 decade ago

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Man, I hope so. I think I still have those CDs around somewhere, but it would just be so much easier to play them on Steam. Although, I would probably only play 11th Hour (the one I haven't beaten).

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Argyle31.