Hi. I'm Taigo and I'm a potato.
But nothing special, going to study law in IL, love food and cats, etc etc.
I want to personally discourage anyone from visiting IL. That's all I really want to do here. Please don't. Is no fun here.
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Because it gives us something to bond about. Plus it's not too bad for the price.
Except for the fact that the state is broke, but who's paying attention to that
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XD I'd gladly go, but.... Cmon, I need something to complain about :3
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Thank you -.- I'm glad it's a shared feeling, not just me hating my birth state XD
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I'm Zeruel and I'm an alcoholic... Whoops, wrong thread!
There's not much else to say. I'm an estonian male, who really likes food... mmm, food....
Anyway, I'm trying my best to become a psychologist. :)
EDIT: I can suck at english, like for example, I can mix pronouns up, so don't take it personally if I call a man a she and the opposite. xD
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Estonia's like the biggest country... This is how we sound
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Nice idea :) I will edit this post later with some who-am-I's :)
If I won't forget about it :P
Not editing what's above so everybody could understand what happened here ;)
Although most of people here thinks Jonathan is my real name it is just a name of main protagonist from one of my unfinished books. I live in Poland. I'm 18 years old for nine years now ;)
Since I was like 10 years old I always wanted to be a doctor. I had a goal in life and things were easier in those times. I applied for medicine studies and I even made it but only for paid studies. As we didn't have that much money to cover my studies I had to choose something else. That's how I became Paramedic. I've studied for three years and then worked just for two months only to realize this is not a job for me. From now on I am in limbo, I don't know what should I do with myself in terms of career. For the very first time in my life I don't know what I want to do.
I always was a little introvertic and shy so it prevented me from living well. Things have changed when I was stuying. New place, new people, new beginning. I become more self confident. It turned out I can be even in center of the interest. It was coloful time with nice adventures. Until I've met a girl ;) We were together for a very short period of time but our break up was like the end of the world for me. Mostly because she was a love of my life... Nah. I was just young amd young people tend to overreact :) But it affected my good mood and I was feeling down for the whole time. Then my sister has died and things were even worse. Until I've met a girl :P We were together for a couple of months but this time was like a sunshine after a long period of raining. This relationship helped me easy my mind after my loss. But then again - a break up. And me down again. The worst thing I started to hide from people. I went on Philosophy studies but after 1 year I gave up and thenthenI've I've spent whole year home. Literally. I was sitting in my house. No going out. No parties. No friends. For a whole year. I forgot how to talk to people so when I had a chance to chat with somebody they thought I'm some kind of weirdo and run away :D Finally, thanks to the power of internet, I've managed to find myself a girlfriend (after 5 years!). It was my longest relationship but full of ups and downs. In the end I've ended up depressed more than ever. I was thinking about "ultimate solution" too. Our break up was like a cure for me. She was a good girl but our characters didn't match in epic way.
This is an example that every bad turns out good in the end. I've learned that I shouldn't stay alone and hide from people. I was going out even when I didn't want to. I was trying to be active. I've signed up for Improv classes I always wanted to do. And this was it!
During Improv classes you learn how to deal with stress and how to create interesting scenes during show. The best part is: if you use this tips in real life you've learned how to deal with daily problems and how to create interesting LIFE.
Now I'm a happy man.
The biggest passion is Improv, obviously. I love music and football too. I like to going on concerts. I play some instruments myself too. I was playing in an amateur football league. To be honest I've played like crap but I loved it :3 I like to spend time on SG mostly because of nice people you can meet there :) And if I have some free time I play video games ;)
I have a girlfriend. She's the cutest and the greatest person I've ever met. I've met her for the very first time and I've already knew I'd like to be with her :)
We have a cat. She's the catest and the greatest cat I've ever had (second picture). She is a computer genious. She installed me RPG Maker, disabled keyboard and rotate desktop on my girlfriend's laptop 90°.
I have a job. It's the jobbest job I've ever had. But I'd like to change it soon. Today I've made a filash (third picture). Unintentionally of course. Originally it looked a llittle bit better but I overreacted.
First pic is also in Selfie thread :) Wasn't sure if I should add another photo with cat but I finally I abandoned the idea ^^
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"Meh since you did want to know"
gets no answer
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that's a bit of a tough question. i want to know so many stuff. i can't even put them in order. so many questions are boggling my mind.
oh, you mean about yourself. but should i take you as MuahahahaMeow and ask something related, or should i take you as a generic homo sapiens (no, you're not felis catus.) and ask something related? i DO make sense, right?
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Lol :p You can ask me anything, whether it's related to me as Meow, or me as an actual person.
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covered interrogations, case number 2371. session 1 started on 02.50 gmt.
interrogee is not aware what's going on yet. she thinks this is just an ordinary chat. it's still vague whether she thinks she is a cat or not. note to self: remember to question interrogee's self-awareness.
question #
1: what are your hobbies?
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I play games. Sometimes I'll walk when it's not cold out.
If you have any more questions then just go right ahead and ask away!
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question #
2: what do you see when you look in the mirror?
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It will always be steak. Any kind, prepared any way as long as it's cooked thoroughly.
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question #
4: do you go to a specific place from a specific route or do you wander around when you go for a walk?
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It's always different, it just depends on how far I want to walk, and what kind of scenery I want to walk by.
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question #
5: do you think you spend your time more than you should for makeup or on your hair?
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Yes I do. It used to be much worse, but now it takes me around 2 hours to get fully ready. If I hurry, I can take one hour. (These times do include showering)
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Yes. I have had quite a few pets in my lifetime so far. Currently, I have two cats, one dog and two axolotl fish.
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My room, in my parent's house (Where I currently reside)
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question #
8: are you satisfied with who you've become so far?
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question #
9: how did you feel when you lost your animal friends? as in dying pets, not the bears you killed.
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I've only had one die on me. That one was my baby. I had gotten him when I was 8, when he was 7 years old. He got really old at age 15 in 2011. My parents had put him down. At that time, it was the summer and I was visiting my biological father. My mom waited until I got him to tell me and I was really upset. Very upset. He was my baby, and he always will be. I still get upset thinking about him. And for the rest, we gave a lot of our pets away to people who wanted them more, and one of my last cats ran away but I was pretty upset about that.
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hush, my love. this is a serious interro- i mean chat. this is a serious chitchat.
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question #
10: do you like solitude or being in a crowd more?
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Solitude. But not forever, I don't like being lonely.
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question #
12: do you ever fall in a dilemma when you're enjoying your steak, which is was a baby of an animal?
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No, I love steak. Plus, I'd go hunting for venison if I wasn't so scared of injuring the deer instead of killing it. I love my meat, but I also don't want to see a living thing in pain. If it's already dead, I'll eat the fuck out of it as long as it's cooked.
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question #
13: do you take the same route when you're going to a specific place, say your home, or do you change the route time to time?
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I usually like to stick to the same route if I'm driving, I get confused easily and get lost sometimes.
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question #
14: are you patient with others as much as you'd want them with you?
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For the most part, yes. The only time I'm not is when I'm frustrated or upset.
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question #
15: are you sick of my vegan agenda on questions #
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question #
16: do you attend to parties? if so, what kind of parties?
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No. I've only ever attended birthday parties or family get-togethers. Both of those have always been calm, not like actual parties.
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question #
17: do you take any lessons (or study yourself) about something, like music instruments or foreign languages?
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No. I have a very hard time learning foreign language because I forget easily. I learned how to play the trumpet in school, but ended up quitting that.
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Why do you always have the need to stalk me? You just love me that much? <3
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question #
19: do you like being random, or do you have strict rules about everything?
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I can be pretty random, it just depends on the topic or my mood. For example, if I feel funny, I'll be random with people. But if I'm funny and someone starts a serious conversation with me, I tone it down and participate in the conversation appropriately.
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question #
20: who really is Sarah/Meow? how can you describe her?
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question #
22: have you ever got lost long enough to lose your nerves?
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i asked them on steam chat. yes, they're related to my plans on her boyfriend.
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i think that's enough for now. i need to focus on some other super secret plans. it's quite difficult to be a banana these days.
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Haha good luck on that! I'm up for questioning any time you want.
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Let's hope this one will take off as well as the selfie one did :D
I'm from Sweden. Just finished my mechanical engineering studies, and I am starting my own business... making everything work is a long process, but it's nice to be my own boss. It will also be nice finally having a salary again after many years of studies. Don't know when it will come, but hoping for later this year!
Besides playing games (my newest hobby, recently re-discovered it, played a lot in my youth/teens then had a several year period without playing games), I enjoy travelling, martial arts, motorcycles (especially going on track days), photography and music (both listening to it and playing bass in my band.) And of course, spending way too much time on Steamgifts :D
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Thanks! It's in the selfie thread, just thought I would post it here too.
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You are welcome. I don't look at photos, I just thought it was cool. Whenever I take photos of myself, they look so boring. xD
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Hmmm, when I'll go to an island again, I'll try to take a photo by the sea, when the sea is deserted and it's night time. I think this will look cool. xD
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Take the picture at dawn or dusk (so there's at least a little natural light), use a tripod, set the camera for long exposure (long enough to get a good exposure for the background) and use flash to freeze yourself in the image (preventing you from getting blurry from the long exposure), and I think it's going to be awesome :D Good luck!
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I was thinking something like giving my smartphone to a friend to take a photo of me with it. o.O But ok, your plan looks pro, but more expensive. xD
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The band is more of a metal band, but not 100% my kind of music. Talented fellow musicians and the music is very fun playing, so that's what drew me in, even if metal isn't my favourite kind of music. I enjoy some of it, but I'm more of a fan of 80's music. Mainly the post punk and new wave stuff from the 80's and music from more recent time inspired by that. But most of the music from the 80's was great, even the chart stuff.
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From your picture I would have guesed you are fan of Depeche Mode.
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...because it gives Personal Jesus-vibes? Sunglasses, desert and black clothes? :D
That wasn't the intention, but maybe not a bad reference. I do enjoy Depeche Mode, even if they aren't one of my top 20 bands. Most definitely on my top 100 list though.
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Zomby / M / 41 / Canada / Married / 4 kids (ages 13-23) / 1 house / 3 pets (dog / hamster / bearded dragon)
I am a software programmer by day, and a gamer by night. I also (unsuccessfully) try to sleep in the morning to make up for all that working/gaming.
I'm also known to make nice birthday cakes for my kids. (Also at night since they're not allowed to see them before the birthday party.)
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Ohmygosh, can I hire you to bake cakes for me?
I'll pay in gems and steam keys :3
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Sure, but I don't deliver. You have to come pick them up yourself. :P
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Bravo, wow, you have some awesome skills right there. :O
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Okay, I clicked the images without reading the text and I didn't even realize that was actually not a cup of coffee. You did a great job on those! :)
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damn those look good, as much i like cooking... baking is the one thing that i can't stand sadly :P
i'd love to be able to make awesome caek like that!
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I started with simple things like the basic bunny cake and the projects just grew bigger and bolder with each passing birthday. :P
Here's a little album with some of my creations.
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My name is Shamrock. Lucky Shamrock. :P Is this enough introduction? :P
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I'm comfortable, but I also like humor. xD Alexander, male, 26, Greek, food technologist (soon with a master degree). I like sports [watching (the real European) football and playing basketball] and watching movies. I am a pacifist and I hate any kind of racism or violence (except when defending). I am not special. We are all equal. If you mean what makes me different from the others, then it's just that I hate racism, as I said before. :P My dream is to go to Sweden (or any Scandinavian country) and marry a local woman. :D Did I say everything? :B
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Our virtues make us different than the others. All the other things aren't that important. I'm generally considered a calm person, but I can get angry very quickly. I dislike impolite people. I wanted to be a pro basketball player when I was younger. Then I tried to become an athlete runner, then a programmer, but eventually, food technology won my heart. xD I love humor, maybe too much sometimes, that makes people not understand when I'm serious and when I'm not. I think that I said everything about me. Anyway, ok, I'm sitting now. xD
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Copy/Paste from my Steam profile:
Name: Dāvis
Age: 22 (23 tomorrow)
Birthday: January 15th
Name day: December 30th
Nationality: Latvian
Location: Rīga, Latvia
Occupation: PHP programmer at Latvia's largest IT / Telecommunication company
Hobbies: Game programming, golf
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Hi, I'm Douglas. Well, let me see some basic information. I'm brazilian male, 25 years old.
Hobbies: play videogames, to draw, watch movies and animes
What I love/hate: well, there are so much things that I love and hate. I love to read books, and listen music (old rock musics), I love to sleep (oh god, this is so good) hahahaha. I hate to wake up in the morning (but I need) :(
I'm a calm person, but with a strong personlity (maybe 'cause my sign (escorpian)
Well, some thing about me, but there are so much more ;/
And you, who are you? :DD
(sorry some language mistakes, English isnt my first language)
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Tzaar (aka Cory)
Age: classified
Gender: meat and potatoes
Studied: mostly women and alcoholic beverages, but occasionally marketing/graphic design
Occupation: foul-mouthed carpenter, part-time musician, part-time concert security, full-time lazy
Personality: I walk the confusing line between Leo and Cancer
Like: music, painting, illustration, gaming, pizza, laughter, animals, and tirelessly questioning people
Dislike: Justin Bieber, drama, television, and that stuff that appears in your eyes after sleeping
Photo: from Eeev's thread
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Arguing has some positive sides to me.
First, I learn to articulate my ideas better, which isn't a strong skill of mine anyway. It can all make sense to me in my head, but for some reason sometimes people don't understand what I mean. I need to train myself to talk more coherently.
Second, I like to push buttons to see reactions, kind of like a social experiment. Without a specific goal or even focus. Okay, I do it for entertainment. It's like a bittersweet thing sometimes, so cringey, yet so amusing.
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All people think, that they look bad, when they see self in the picture.
In the picture you see self inverted than in the mirror, so it looks different and you do not like it.
And trust me, you look good :-) If you do not, I would not tell it to you.
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Dota high five!
I'm a nub feeder tho. http://www.dotabuff.com/players/159056683
Shit, don't look at it. I'm still having nightmares because of that randomed Rubick match.
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I'm Chase, from Utah. I'm 27 years old, I'm married, and we're expecting our first child (a girl) in less than a month (I may be freaking out a bit). I work in Information Security. Oh, and I play video games with my wife. I'm hoping to get into European Martial Arts (swordfighting) once I lose a bit of weight and feel a little more fit xD
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Yo! I'm Łukasz but everybody calls me Luk. Because who would like to twist his tongue with a strange letter like "Ł"? Only people from Poland I guess. And I live in Poland by the way. But it's getting harder to live here every day. So if there are any pretty girls (preferably rich) looking for a husband who is an avid gamer, well, I'm right here. Help : (
Also I'm 29. Currently working as transcriptionist. I love video games (duh...), basketball (NBA 4 life!), singing, reading, writing stuff and taking care of my dog (dalmatian, 5 years old). What I don't like? Sleeping too much. Feels like a waste of time. What do I dislike? Smoking cigarettes for sure. My avatar shows pretty much how I look right now. Oh, and I've got a strange sense of humor.
Best wishes for all of the SG community members! Peace.
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Shieeet... It should be "I'm almost 29" :/ May 24th is my birthday. So it's not too late. A lil' bit too early. But still it's very kind of you to do what you did! A big and sincere THANK YOU, Dianatrix ^_^
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Not older! You are 18 year old woman with 10+ years of experience.
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Age: 27 (in a week)
Gender: Female (would like to be a cat)
Country: Czech Republic
What do you do: QA Test Analyst (I check if people don't make mistakes)
Hobbies: Being lazy, drawing, games (of all kind), sports (for fun)
Interests: Cats! And cute things!
What do you love: Cats! And cute things!
What kind of person you are: Kind, laid back
What makes you special: Cats! And cute things!
I think this pretty much describes me and all you need to know.
And welcome to the site!
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I was kinda expecting your youtube link to be to this video. But yeah, cats are awesome :D
Happy cake/factory day!
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this is how I imagine you and I gotta admit I like it a lot xD
Happy Cat(ke) day!
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Well, I was obsessed with cats when you were too young to use the toilet!
Seriously, some of my earliest memories are of drawing only cats, sticking belts in my pants like it's a tail, making cat noises, even when I was like 5 or something, I was in that children's choir, everyone was singing lyrics, I was singing "meow meow". Weird stuff. Grew out of it though, nowadays cats aren't even close to my favorite animals. They're pretty but I don't like the personality (or lack of it, other than getting mad when stuff isn't going their way).
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singing meow? xD
sure dogs are easier to educate than cats but it doesn't mean you can't educate a cat the way you want. don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits!
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my sister's (we're not bloodrelated but she is family to me) has a cat which is like a dog) listens to everything you say to it, waits for approval and walks by your side instead of running in the front :) it's a catdog in some way I'd guess :D
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Could you take it without a leash to center of crowded NY and it will walk by your side always? Can you go swim with it? Does it let you hurt it (no, I'm not sadistic, let's assume it's medical reason) without getting mad at you/trying to escape/attacking you? Can it pee/poop only outside if you take it there every morning and evening?
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surprisingly yes to all xD
well crowded center of NY is more crowded than my city (300.000 inhabitants) but it would work out I'd guess. he would stop oftenly at a place he has never been to and sniff around but basically it would work out.
he's the type of cat no one can think of :) bff <3
but I know what you are speaking of. there are lots of asshole cats out there!
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I'd like to see that. Never known a cat that would be okay with it. I mean I could take my ex-cat to walk around my house, and it would stay close to me and walk, but the thing is that around my house was mostly a known place for her, and rarely any people, and she was just as terrified as any other cat when in public. It was like two different animals.
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Hi, I'm Stam and I lack of initiative. I had in my mind for quit some time to make a similar thread but fortunately you did it. Thank you!
I'm a 23yo male from Greece and I study networks and telecommunications. Just took a break from studying which I rarely do...the studying
Really like to learn and discover new things no matter the subject and I don't love or hate anything because I'm dead inside.No, okay I love my gf
In real life I'm a serious if you don't know me and a clown if you do know me. On the internet I don't know who I am. It depends on the day and the mood.
I'm a man of few words and I like the phrase "The man who doesn't talk is the man who knows the most" and from my experience, most of the times it's true.
I have the patient of a mule, I like being sarcastic , I like silence and enjoy sitting somewhere high and watch the view.
I also noticed that I use the "I" a lot but it's an "I" thread so I think it's okay.
The thing that makes me special is nothing. I don't think I'm special. I'm just another organism in one of the infinite worlds.
You should describe your self too!
Those aren't few words are they?!
EDIT: I'll just quote some things you reminded me with your description that also describe me but I didn't mentioned.
almost never has any emotional reaction to anything
the kid with a huge potential, if only the effort would match itLike: offensive humor , pissing off people for own amusement , PEPSI
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Hi, I'm Raymond. I live in the Netherlands and I'm 19 years old.
My hobbies are pretty obvious: playing guitar and gaming.
I'm going for a bachelor degree in Software Engineering.
To describe myself I usually only need one word: metalhead.
I'm pretty friendly (if I say so myself) and I love to have good discussions with random people on the internet (so with good arguments from both sides).
I don't hate much, more dislike stuff, but here are a couple of things I do hate:
People that think their opinion is fact;
People that are rude for no apparent reason;
People that say they hate metal, without ever listening to it well;
I also don't really like other metalheads that say they hate pop, without listening to it (I've listened to it, but don't really like it, though I can see why some do).
I can't really say myself what makes me special. I'll let other people decide on that. I can say though that I'm a metalhead and I'm proud of it! (and show it; I always wear band shirts, an Iron Maiden necklace (is that a word?), (leather) fingerless gloves with studs and a leather jacket).
For a picture just look at the selfie thread.
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Oh, I just saw your photo. I have a very similar guitar, ESP LTD MMV BO, Alexi Laiho style. I bought it when I was a little fangirl of CoB. I also had another guitar, Jackson KVX10, which I gave to my boyfriend, who actually plays it. I used to play a little, but got bored, never got into any band or anything serious at all though.
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Thanks bruh. I tried to Google your guitar, but no 100% matches, there's one Jackson that's similar, but the headstock is totally different, and also, Jackson likes to write its name there, and yours doesn't have it, so maybe it's replaced or painted or something? I don't know, look at it.
Actually, it looks a bit different from other parts too...
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Okay, I've been impolite and haven't introduced myself first. Here goes.
The name's Diana. 28/F/Estonia. No jobs, no studies. Just sitting on my ass all days, arguing with feminists and posting/reading memes. I'm into this MBTI thing and mostly visit MBTI themed groups and discussions online. Identifying as INTP, which should say more about me than the length of this post, to people who know MBTI. That's the beauty of it. To others, I'm just "that weird odd person who occasionally zones out, doesn't talk much but occasionally says something completely weird, and almost never has any emotional reaction to anything", or maybe "the kid with a huge potential, if only the effort would match it", as the teachers always told when I started skipping school.
I also sing karaoke for myself sometimes, or even record it. I may share the songs if anyone cares enough, but for now I keep them.
I've worked as a graphic designer in past, and sometimes take in some freelance work even now (very rarely though), mostly logo design (fast easy money), but could be other stuff too, as long as it can be done with Illustrator. I'm more of an idea person than a hard worker though, so I prefer to do things that are more creative and less work-heavy.
What I like: my boyfriend, my mother, metal/rock music, some games (recently played some very awesome ones like Portal 2 and Fallout New Vegas), smart and funny (in short, witty) people, offensive humor (from super dark to just fart jokes), pissing off people for own amusement, perfumes, make-up, nail polish and other cute stuff, potatoes, tomatoes, hamburgers, Coca-Cola.
What I dislike: children, social justice warriors, some things I can't say because I'd get banned, minions, anime, talking on phone, talking anywhere, Estonian weather.
Probably something more, I'll update when it occurs.
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Anyway, here's a little song. Not the most succeeded one, but it's vidya related. From Fallout 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8PmVlxxxu4
EDIT: damn, that actually sounds bad. I have a better version of it at home but I won't go there like a week so...
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I get what you mean, there's a certain type of guys who like deep voices on women. The kind who wants to be submissive to a strong femme fatale type of woman.
My voice is kind of monotonous though. Reflects my personality, but I find more enthusiastic and expressive voices better for singing.
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Anyway, here's one more that doesn't make me cover my ears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgzMrlUgJm8
Not sure about bands though, they probably require way higher skill, I mean there are plenty of people with better voices than mine who don't get anywhere with their bands, and it sounds like lots of work anyway.
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To others, I'm just "that weird odd person who occasionally zones out, doesn't talk much but occasionally says something completely weird, and almost never has any emotional reaction to anything" (are u talking about me? hahahahaah)
And thanks for update and tell us about you... did u finished Portal or is still playing it?
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If u liked Portal 2, I'm sure you'll love the first one. I'm playing it again (I love this kind of puzzle game) to do all achievements (yeah, I'm trying to do as much 'Perfect game' as I can
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Karaoke for myself sounds like something I do. A lot. But the only thing I've ever recorded was Eagle Eye Cherry's song - "Save Tonight". And that was more than 10 years ago. Me, two of my friends with guitars, few beers and voila. Funny token of rememberance from high school times.
Also I should take a break from computer because even though you said that you like "pissing off people", my dirty mind saw "on" instead of "off".
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I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3am...
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I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the fingernail that scrapes the blackboard of your soul.
So awsm, that show was great
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Of course! I was a kid in the 90s, good times. TAS was responsible for me falling in love of Batman actually, Superman TAS wasn't nearly as good, but I loved when they met each other and Batman Beyond.
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219 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
71 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Atombomb2097
240 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by FranckCastle
136 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by akfas
29,456 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by ManOman
266 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Marshdemallows
103 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Kyrrelin
164 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by Keka
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by khayolin
148 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamiix
Hey there. I'm quite new here, but noticed it's a nice community going on here. I don't know almost any of you though, and the selfie thread only goes so far.
So in this thread, please write a short introduction of yourself. The usual things, like age, gender, country, what do you study/work, hobbies, interests, what do you love, like or hate, what kind of person you are, what makes you special. You can even add a photo if you're brave, but I encourage you to use the mentioned selfie thread for that, because I definitely won't be updating the post with the photos the way it's done there.
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