Are you thinking of trying out the game?
45GB? I can barely download 5GB in a night, probably.
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Yep, I didn't really enjoy it at first but once I found weapons I liked (The Alternator is my favorite, along with the missile launcher) it was pretty fun; I like the asymmetry of fighting pilots with mechs (especially using a Legion with an active targeting core :3) or fighting mechs with pilots.
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I started with the EPG-1 grenade launcher myself as my pilot primary, as it felt natural for me as a seasoned Quake player (Rocket Launcher, anyone?), but it's probably a terrible choice for anyone just starting out. Then I switched to the EVA-8 Shotgun and had so much fun with it that I leveled that mother all the way up to G10. I recently grew tired of it and "rediscovered" the Alternator, great choice and surprisingly effective at range if you tap fire it. Legion also happens to be my current mainstay Titan, Smart Core is ridiculously fun. Taking on the metallic giants as a nimble pilot is also a rewarding challenge. They really made the asymmetry work.
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I know what you mean. I was fortunate enough to get this rodeo chain once (gif link). And another time I used a combination of well timed cloak, level geometry and pure luck to rodeo the same Titan three times in a row (video link) before he finally got me. Was worth it, though :)
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Climbing on an enemy Titan as a pilot to steal their battery/throw a grenade inside to deal damage is called "rodeoing" a Titan. It's a high risk/high reward maneuver as it requires good timing and skill, and can easily get you killed. I feel like an action movie hero every time I pull it off though 😎
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To the Ronin's credit, he timed his phase shift perfectly to avoid taking damage from the battery steal, or I would have gotten him in the doomed state by the third rodeo :) But yeah, melee can definitely be iffy in this game. At least they fixed some of the issues for pilot melee in the current update according to the patch notes.
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EA, in their infinite wisdom, sent it out to die in an attempt to take on COD: IW, and then it got cannibalised by the 300 pound gorilla in the room, AKA, Battlefield. Brilliant strategy, EA.
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I love this game. I have not played a Call of Duty since whatever was the one right before Modern Warfare and I did not play Titanfall 1, but this has skyrocketed to my top shooters list despite me being less than talented at the mechanics at first.
The campaign, although short, is worth the price alone in my opinion.
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I wanted to play Titanfall 1, but none of my friends would purchase it with me and I didn't want to play it alone.
As for Call of Duty, I'm not really a fan. I've tried a couple of the Modern Warfare's and Black Ops and it just doesn't do it for me.
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This sounds more like a "hey, this time it is actually a good game, please someone play and buy it already" promotion. Shame. As I heard, it is almost passable for a console shooter, but it is difficult nowadays to do anything against the two-bit CoD/BF plebs.
Still, 30 EUR is more than three times I would ever pay for a kiddie shooter. I think I'll just continue waiting for Serious Sam 4 instead.
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Value evaluations are personal affairs, and I understand fully if 30 EUR is too high a price for anyone. However, you do the game and yourself a disservice if you dismiss it as being nothing more than "almost passable for console" and a "kiddie shooter". I'm as PC-centric and as dyed in the wool as it gets when it comes to FPSes, and even I think you're being unfair and needlessly elitist with that appraisal.
Since you mention Serious Sam 4, it's probably safe to say that game will be a very different experience to what you have here. Sure, both are defined by frenetic action and well crafted shooter mechanics (one would hope in the the case of the latter), except Titanfall really attempts nothing short of re-invention, and is marked by a genuine earnestness that you may find surprising, even if it boils down to pot-boiler sci-fi themes. It's hard to explain in words only, and do I recommend you watch the video I linked above if you haven't already.
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Let me clarify: for me all shooters with regenerating health, limited weapon availability and "you need to switch weapons to pick this up" mechanics, and a stick-to-cover button are console/kiddie shooters. In my little world, a real shooter is like the new Doom, Painkiller, or Serious Sam. No bullshit, just hardcore action and player skills. No hiding behind a chest-high wall or in some spiffy space armour suit like a sissy and waiting for the wounds to heal.
That said, T2 is probably the first game in the past decade in this genre I may actually play and enjoy doing so.
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And I'm saying that's bullshit. For the record, this game doesn't even have stick-to-cover, and at the fast pace and breakneck movement speed the game encourages, a mechanic like that would only spell your doom. There's no need to be dogmatic about a mechanic like regenerating health either, if the gameplay is enhanced by it for the better like it is here (and unlike, say COD: BLOPS 3), then hell, I'll embrace it and run with it. Make no mistake, when appraising the skill ceilings of Doom, Painkiller, Serious Sam and this game, the number of possibilities afforded by the wealth of mechanics and the skills needed to master them make Titanfall 2 stand easily head and shoulders above those. The former look pretty limited and a bit dumb in comparison, actually. I used to play Doom and Quake as a kid, so those are literal kiddie shooters to me. I remember them fondly and I have little doubt I would still enjoy my time with them now. But as a grown up, I find Titanfall just fine.
EDIT: Didn't see your last edit. It sounded like you didn't even want to bother with the game and were dismissing it out of hand. I do encourage you to try it and see if you actually enjoy it, it's free after all.
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That, sadly, would mean little. I enjoyed the Bulletstorm demo back in 2011 a fuckton, but then the game got released and I got fed up with the linear corridor cover-based bullshit about one-third in. I have watched a longplay stream on T2, it looked like fun enough behind the usual spectacle moments, and even the levels weren't totally corridor linear. But to be honest, so far the writing seems to be its biggest selling point.
Edit: Still, this promo worries me. Even at launch this game and the marketing behind it seemed desperate. I know T1 pretty much flopped despite all the attempts to spin it otherwise (that amount of player loss in half a year is a flop, I don't care if they manage to scrape up a thousand payers or so every day up until now), but T2 seems to have real effort put into it, and even some real game design skills. I hoped that maybe this one could sway the market to some better directions.
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I guess you're referring to the singleplayer? The campaign is short but sweet, it is linear in essence, but some levels give you more to work with than others. If you're thinking of not bothering with the multiplayer at all, granted 30 EUR is a bit on the steep side for a tight blockbuster campaign. (It would be a shame though, as the multiplayer is so good, as I have been pontificating all over this thread). In honesty, the writing stands out mostly because the rest of the field is so hopelessly bad. It's solid, but it's not exactly literature :)
EA really dropped the ball on handling the release of this one, it has to be one of the most egregious blunders from a marketing/business strategy standpoint in recent times. It's a pity, no doubt, especially considering how the actual devs (Respawn) did everything to avoid the pitfalls of its predecessor: solid singleplayer campaign, no paid maps/season pass, all future gameplay content for free, reasonably priced cosmetics and no obnoxious loot crate gambling. It's pretty sad.
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Yes, the SP. I don't play MP, ever. I don't have the time to properly train with a team and I don't have the patience to play with a bunch of random fuckwits who think "team game = we all individually run around like a bunch of idiots and shoot at moving stuff". (To Blizzard's small credit, at least Overwatch's modes and levels try to funnel teams to be together.
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Understandable, as I'm in much the same boat. And yet I somehow accrued over 200 hours of enjoyable MP in the past few months playing as a lone wolf. Team play really isn't as mandatory for having a good time in Titanfall 2. The main modes are perfectly good fun while you essentially do your own thing with a group of strangers clumped together as a team. And It works surprisingly well. Other modes like Last Titan Standing (Titan only combat) and Live Fire (quick time limited rounds, no respawning) and of course the tried and true Capture the Flag require more coordination to be enjoyed at their fullest potential.
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I believe you, but I am a team player and a support type in general. I am not comfortable in deathmatch type at all, and even when the game mode is not TDM, somehow everyone still plays at it as TDM. To put it in other words: if I would play Overwatch, I would most likely be Mercy 90% of the time.
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T2's release date was pitted right against BF1 and CoD, which resulted in poor sales independent from game-quality.
T1's player loss happens to basically 94.72% of all mp games, not surprising. With 10+ mio sold copies however it wasn't a flop.
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Wait you think ARCADEY shooters are REAL shooters and ones with an actual variety of mechanics are kiddie shooters?
We're living in two completely separate worlds. For me in first person shooters all about games like ArmA, Titanfall 2, Shadow Warrior, Rainbow Six, Killing Floor 2, and etc. For me the "kiddie" shooters are things like COD, Doom, Battlefield, Serious Sam, and everything else that plays more like a shooting gallery instead of an actual shooter with more fleshed out mechanics that require actual skill rather than a capacity to aim and shoot.
The polar opposite in our ways of thinking is very interesting. I've always wondered why it is humans are capable in living two completely separate realities even when they all experience the same thing.
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Yes. It doesn't take skill to shoot a human enemy down with a three-story robot armed with explosive ordinance that could level a city block, nor to take out a robot by exploiting its gigantic blind spot and attach a Magical Robot-Killing Doohickey of Doom® on its back by the complex mechanic of "spam X to don't lose grab".
It also takes little skill to kill a human opponent in a game where every second gun can kill in one or two shots, the game has built-in aim assists, movement is slower than a rheumatic slug, and level design favours large-ass open areas of little cover. (Granted, Titanfall 1/2 on human vs. human levels fixes some of those issues. Except aim assist. To its credit, at least it doesn't even try to hide it, it rather advertises it.)
What it takes skill is to win under circumstances where weapon damage can vary between 2 to 20 shots of killing someone, where level design allows you to use knowledge of layout and item placement to your advantage and exploit it either in playing tag with your opponent or racing for the good stuff. Where the enemies are not either sitting under their cover until they pop out one by one for you to conveniently one-shot them with a hyper-precise iron sight or flat out stand in the open while you conveniently hide behind your own cover waiting for the magical health bar to refill so you can shoot them while they gracefully wait on the other side of the corridor for you to kill them, but they ram into you, go behind you for better aim, or flat-out surround you and force you to either be on the move and always know exactly where enemy aggression is coming from to stay alive.
Although, to be frank, I'm more inclined to classify the new Shadow Warriors into real shooters, albeit the spectacle shooter sub-genre. As for Rainbow Six, it used to be a tactical shooter, don't know if they consolified the series since 2004 or not. Never really cared about anything that started with "Tomy Clancy's".
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in Titanfall when you are in the Titan you mainly fight other titans. The human enemies don't stand there waiting to get shot though they run around with anti-titan weaponry and can kill you quite easily if you don't have the skill that you claim you don't need. I for one have gotten blown up tons of times by human enemies. It is VERY skill based otherwise some humans wouldn't be able to kill the titans wheras others get shot immediately and boom dead like you seem to assume all of them do. And you don't attach any doohickeys of doom to anything in this, what are you talking about? Have you actually tried this game before? The closest thing I think you might be talking about is pulling out a Titan's battery, but no one that has played the game for more than 10 hours that I know of ever usually loses their batteries. It's really easy to kill a pilot trying to do that and even if you fail, it doesn't kill you. You just lose a bar of health which you can go get back by killing that pilot and sticking the battery back into your titan. Titanfall 2 has just as much skill involved in it as shadow warrior and rainbow six if not more honestly. A much faster-paced type of skill (one I can't always keep up with), but a lot more than kiddie shooters like doom where you just spam shoot the random mobs with whatever you have ammo for and only put an actual effort into the boss fights where you literally just have to learn where to move at what times while continuously spam-shooting them. The only real challenge of any of those games I've played is the bullet sponginess of some of the bosses. Everything else about those kinds of shooters is so easy that I grew past them about 6 years ago and had to move onto things that require actual skill like the games I mentioned. (ArmA, Rainbow six, shadow warrior, Killing floor 2, etc.) At least obviously that's my opinion, but it's hard to respond in a way that makes it sound like an opinion when you are stating your own opinions and alternative facts in some cases (IE: Saying a game sucks for having cover mechanics meanwhile it doesn't have cover mechanics) so bluntly.
Speaking of which, why do you keep talking about some imaginary cover mechanics that exist in literally none of the games I mentioned as an argument against the shooters /I/ consider to be the best? Never one do I recall mentioning Gears of War, Army of two, future soldier, mass effect, or any other cover-based shooter in my post.
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I'm confused..are you having an argument with someone else and are confusing me with them? You say "try to keep using one game" when you refer to me talking about doom.I have only made 2 posts. One of which I listed 4 games, not one. And then the one I named "doom" alone in a generalized context. How can I try to keep doing something without even making a subsequent post in which I actually do repeat my action?
Do you actually know what "keep using" means...? To say someone keeps using/doing something is to say they they've done it more than once. No offense intended, but is English your first language? I can't tell if there's a communication barrier or if you're just trying to troll me or something.
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It is not my first, although it is my job. :)
And no, I was not confusing, it was a plural "you". Both you and emotionengine used answers detailing T2's mechanics, I was referring to that my original post was not meant to be about this one game alone. But I guess this thing is getting a tad sidetracked in general by now… x_x
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OH I see thank you for clearing that up. When someone says "you" i just automatically assume "me". I wasn't paying attention to any other conversations that were happening here. I think the reason me and someone else decided to focus in on DOOM at the same time is because it is the singular most popular game series that represents the type of shooter you're talking about. (In my opinion anyway.) Those old Star Wars Dark Forces games would fit the bill too, they do not jump to mind as easily.
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Eh, many games would fit quite a few examples if we really wanted to get the bottom of it; in the 2000–2007 period, shooters experimented with quite a few routes to take, it just happens that mostly the linear corridor shooters and open-world fuckaroundery shooters won int he end.
(But, then again, I see 1.7m owners for Doom 4 on Steam, as much as CoD: IW + Blops3 combined, so there may be some hope left in humanity. :D)
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COD though isn't very popular on PC. And most of the persons that own COD on PC got it on the Windows Store, not steam, due to the pre-order deal. Its main playerbase is on console where it vastly outsells any other shooter in existence sadly.
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Kiddie shooter? Are you serious? This is better than Serious Sam, Serious Sam doesn't have PvP multiplayer, titans, large arsenal of weapons, grappling hooks, multitudes of grenades, plethora of executions, parlour, abilities, etc. Why you gotta be so harsh? This is better than Call of Duty and Battlefield because of its mechanics and such, it's realy unique and not a simple shooter.
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Serious Sam doesn't have (…) titans, large arsenal of weapons, grappling hooks, multitudes of grenades, plethora of executions, parlour, abilities, etc
Yes. This is why it is a better shooter game. It gives you an arsenal and pits you against the enemies. No fancy stuff, no additional toys to overpower you, no running away through the walls if you get a booboo: you have your weapons, your raw skill, and that's it. It is like the difference between rugby and American handegg. :)
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I'm not sure sidestrafing and walking backwards through the same room in circles while continuously shooting and kiting an endless horde of enemies that charge you in a straigt line qualifies as skillbased. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Serious Sam games back in the day but they are as simple as they can get and I always considered the over the top humour and nice levels the biggest strenght of the franchise. But gameplaywise it was exactly the same as Painkiller if I remember correctly.
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Almost. Painkiller has the card system and the soul-gathering of fallen enemies, so it has a few get-out-oh-deep-shit cards—literally. In exchange, the enemies are more brutal and numerous sometimes, and the levels are tighter, not always that arena-like.
You are right though, Doom would have most likely been a better example. Or maybe QL.
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Isn't naming Call of Duty and Battlefield in the same sentence a little odd because (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played neither properly) those 2 couldn't be more different ?
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It depends how granular you want to be. If you delve into the separate mechanics and break them down, then yes, those two function very differently. The former is faster paced and emphasises individual performance in smaller areas, while the latter is more of a strategic team-led effort in large play areas. CoD does not have vehicular combat, while it is a core part of Battlefield. There's much more, of course. If we zoom out a bit, both games are "(semi-)realistic" military first person shooters with quick twitchy gunplay and fast time to kills and respawning. They're broadly comparable in this manner.
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titanfall 2 got denuvo delisted, nice i will try it soon)
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Check the game out guys, it's really worth it. It has something for everyone. Pilot gameplay is fast and chaotic whereas Titan combat is slower and more strategic. And the two flow so well together. Also the dlc practice of this game is just awesome. They've just released their second free map as well as free weapons and a new game mode. All the paid content is just cosmetic and there is no rng, you pay for what you want. It's really commendable considering what every other game is doing.
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It took me a bit to get used to the speed at first, even though I had played Titanfall 1 before.
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Beating the drum for this one a bit, as I want more people to experience it.
I forgot to add a "no Steam, no try/buy" option for the poll. I wonder how many people just write the game off because of this or due to some kind of (irrational) refusal to deal with Origin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I have to say I don't get this at all. I mean, I do get the desire for less clutter, less stuff taking up space, etc., but is it really that bad? Would it hurt so much to add just one more program to the hundreds (or thousands) you already have installed on your PC?
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Bad Origin. I read that Origin gives you anti-privacy cancer, but luckily you will be cured by teh Gaben himself if you uninstall and re-install the the Steam beta client 333 times. I read it on a Steam forum, so it has to be true 😍
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I LOVE Titanfall 2. I got it shortly after it released and it's one of the best recent shooters I've played recently. I haven't played Wildlands yet though but this is definitely my favorite shooter of 2016. Definitely worth the money to buy it let alone a free trial. A fun singleplayer campaign AND a multiplayer that's actually fun and doesn't suck like COD/Battlefield. My only complaint is that the titans are a little squishier this time around. I wish they'd beef them up a bit more.
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The free trial is live now and runs til 03 April. The trial includes access to the multiplayer modes, the training level and one single player level from late in the campaign (about two thirds in). Game is also 50% off during this time.
The singleplayer campaign is comparatively short but very decent, introducing new elements and shaking up the mechanics with nearly every chapter. There's a fair bit of FPS puzzling and playing around with the level geometry, too. It's quite the standout in today's world of cookie-cutter-dumb-as-a-brick modern FPS campaigns. As solid as the singleplayer is, the meat of the game lies undoubtedly in the multiplayer. I say this as someone who normally doesn't bother with the hassle of online multiplayer at all. In fact, I find what I have tried of the Call of Battlefields dull as dishwater, their unrelenting cycles of killing and getting killed pointless and unappealing.
But I'm also someone who cut their teeth on Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament back in the day, and I find that the extremely flexible movement mechanics and the very high skill ceiling of Titanfall 2 are a godsend. Super Bunnyhop has a video where he explains the significance of this very well. I have clocked over 200 hours in the multiplayer since I got the game last Black Friday, and although I'm far from good, I feel the game gives me enough room to experiment and find my niche so I don't get frustrated even when I'm losing. Regarding the titular Titans (huge robots), it's a faster paced game than your MechWarriors of old but the Titan combat is pretty solid and compliments the on foot gameplay well. It's a delicate balance that works very well, in all.
If you've wondered what the fuss is about and have been on the fence about this game, now is the time to jump in and see for yourself.
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