A couple points to remember:
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Depends. First week cash-ins probably earn more on consoles, slow burners with long term support probably earn more on PC.
The former - because PC users are accustomed to not paying full price, and so not many sales are generated before the fake pre-release hype wears off. Also, (pure speculation on my part) because PC users are better informed and thus less likely to buy overhyped crap.
The latter - because updating a console game is overly time consuming and costly, so long term support is less likely. Also, community building is way more difficult.
Edit: Oh, and, of course, games with small marketing budgets pretty much always do better on PC, due to the larger digital distribution market.
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Depends on the game and region; Call of Duty is going to ooze sales for consoles, but not the PC. The Witcher series is going to sell well on PC (and the developer sells many copies directly), but not as well on consoles. Dark Souls on the PC sold more copies than there were sold in Japan all together, and it is considered by many, including the devs, a shitty port and didn't sell well by PC hit standards.
TL;DR: It's all subjective.
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For any company that makes a multiplatform release, consoles will outsell PCs by a wide margin.
Even just accounting for a single console, say 360 or PS3 vs PC, consoles will most times sell more units and by connection make the company more money.
Yes, PCs as a whole have a much MUCH larger market share, however, you cant really include every PC as a viable gaming platform.
Yes, piracy exists on the PC, but that also holds true for consoles. Gameboy-3ds, ps-ps3, GC-wiiU, and so on all have methods to pirate games.
Consoles also have that pesky used game/rental market, which MS was kind enough to start removing.
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Companies make about as much on PC as any one platform, but a 360/PS3 release will net them a lot more sales. But they'll also make more for each copy sold on PC. In the end, its kind of a wash for large publishers.
EA, for example, got very similar revenues from 360, PC, and PS3 (34%, 29%, and 23%, if I remember the 2012 numbers correctly). That's even more interesting, considering their sports titles sell far better on consoles than PC, and they have a lot of them.
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I think you have to consider who is publishing the game. They have to buy licences for consoles if im not mistaken so the bigger the company the smaller the licence impact is going to be.
That being said, I have no clue how much console licences cost.
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For triple-A multiplatform releases, easily the consoles.
for indies, generally PC, but that's shifting a little.
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According to AAA developers, consoles are horrible because of the used game sales and that is why Microsoft is putting an end to it on XboxOne.
"You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing. The numbers do not work people" - Cliffy B
Although, the fact that they typically create the game for console then port it to PC along with delayed launches seem to indicate that consoles are their main focus. If you aren't making money from them, why would they be your main focus?
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Thanks for answering my rhetorical and sarcastic question.
Before I reply, is there anything else you've read on the internet and would like to reiterate to me?
Consoles have piracy which require modifications which are sometimes software based and if not, typically only require basic soldering. Once they're modified, it's no harder than piracy on the PC. As for piracy being worse than used games, I've actually seen a lot more stories of developers praising piracy for various reasons than cursing it for ruining their game so I'd disagree.
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My brother and I had an argument over whether PC or consoles generate more revenues for video game companies.
I said PC generates more revenue because Steam has really cheap game sales, which in turn generates more sales, thus making developers earn more money.
But my brother said consoles generate more revenue because the games normally aren't cheap, thus when they're sold in a massive amount, the developers earn more money. (I think that's what he said)
What do you guys think?
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