I sent Steam Support a request to have it fixed and included a screenshot of the gift. (Feel free to use mine. If your account says that you have Dawn of War II - Retribution - The Last Standalone, and it was given to you as a gift which you expected to include the core game, this is likely the correct image.)

I pointed out that attempting to buy the core game from the Steam Store resulted in a button that says I already own the game.

I also pointed out that my library lists the core game and that it does not list The Last Standalone. (In my case, starting what my library labeled the core game started The Last Standalone instead.)

Good luck!

12 years ago*

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The gift that you got was only supposed to be for the Last Standalone. It's kind of confusing. The Last Standalone is just a "standalone" multiplayer mode, you don't have to have the full game to play it.

But in the library it shows up as a DLC for DoW II: Retribution. So it doesn't require you to have the base game to own the Standalone, but since it shows as a DLC for Retribution, it has to put Retribution in your library. But the Campaign for Retribution ALSO shows up as a DLC in the library entry. That way it's able to put Retribution in your library to play the Last Standalone without giving you the full campaign.

tl;dr The gift you got is only supposed to be for Last Standalone, not the full game.

12 years ago

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  1. There is no DLC of the main campaign to buy, so it doesn't make sense for it to work like DLC (whether that is the way it works or not, I don't care. Steam prohibited me from buying the game.)
  2. Look at the screenshot. It says right on it that it is the base game.
  3. My library said I owned the base game.
  4. The Steam Store said I owned the base game.
  5. Steam Support fixed the problem when I told them these facts. This would suggest that Steam and I agree that I'm supposed to have the full game.

Tl;dr: Steam fixed the problem and (appears to have) agreed with me.

12 years ago

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Like I said, it's confusing.

  1. Maybe it doesn't make sense, but it IS the way it works. If you just buy DoW II: Retribution, you get the library entry, and when you go to DLC it shows you own DoW II Retribution: Campaign

  2. I know what that gift looks like, I got one myself before I got the full game from the Amazon bundle (in which I got a key for The Last Standalone in addition to a key for the main campaign and all the others). The title of the gift is The Last Standalone, but it shows you get those two items because it has to put DoW II Retribution in your library in order to put the Last Standalone DLC in there. You're not supposed to get the campaign "DLC"

3-4. Yep. Because of the fucked up way they did things, it thinks you own the base game when you don't. You're unable to purchase it. Happened to me too, couldn't enter for giveaways for the full game.

  1. You were not supposed to have the full game, but, there was no way you get the full game through Steam (activating a key bought elsewhere would work though). They probably gave it to you because they know this, and you called them on it. You weren't actually supposed to have the full game though. Lucky you, free game!

tl;dr either steamgifts or kait's plugin fucks with your numbers and that last one is supposed to be 5 ;)

12 years ago

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  1. Yeah, I understand that might be the way it worked. I just said that I don't care if it is or not. That's Steam's problem, not mine. All I care about is the labeling and that Steam prohibited buying the base game. There was no DoW campaign for sale in the Steam Store.
  2. I'm not sure where the "not supposed to" is coming from. "Supposed" comes from what you're offered/promised/told, right? The gift promises the base game, so I'm supposed to get the base game.

(Skipping the rest of the numbers because they're covered.)

Anyway, others should call them on it too - they might get the game that Steam is promising them.

12 years ago

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"Supposed" comes from what you're offered/promised/told, right? The gift promises the base game, so I'm supposed to get the base game.

The "supposed" comes from what that gift item was intended to give you when it was given to the original purchaser. It's intended to give someone access to The Last Standalone. In order to give someone access to The Last Standalone, it has to put an entry in their library for DoW II Retribution. So when that gift is activated, it tells Steam to put those two items on your account. What is DOESN'T say to do is to give you the campaign. Like I said from the beginning, it's confusing, it's poorly worded, it's messed up. But you're not supposed to get the campaign with the specific gift you got. I don't know how else I can say it. And if you DO understand that (which I think you do), then all you're doing now is trying to justify how you beat the system on a technicality.

12 years ago

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Also, I saw you got it in a giveaway. He didn't give you the right game, and it should probably be marked as not received.

If someone only has The Last Standalone, and then buys the DoW II franchise pack, they get a gift copy of The Last Standalone to give to a friend. That's how my buddy got his that he gave to me. That's most likely how your gifter got his copy.

12 years ago

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I don't know how she got it, but the gift she had says DoW II: Retribution on it, so I can't blame her. If the package says DoW II, it must be DoW II, right?

12 years ago

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Just look at the title of the gift. It's for the Last Standalone. Steam views it as a DLC for Retribution (even though it's a standalone game), so the gift has to make a library entry for Retribution. The full game is the "Campaign" DLC.

But you got your game, she got undeserved contributor value, everyone's happy I guess.

12 years ago

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The title of the gift is only a title. Underneath the title, it says, literally, "includes Dawn of War II - Retribution." An actual sentence making a promise takes priority over a title. That's how this language works, and that's how (United States) law works.

12 years ago

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I think what bobofatt is trying to say is... take a look at this. Do you see the first DLC? It's the Campaign DLC. That's the "core" game, which is bundled with a purchase of the regular Dawn of War II - Retribution.

I guess another way to look at it is this. The gift you received was for Dawn of war II - Retribution - The Last Standalone, which comes with the base game and the Last Standalone DLC. The "core game" is made up of the base game,the Campaign DLC and the Multiplayer DLC.

It's not that the gift misrepresented itself, it's just that it's extremely confusing when most people would consider getting the title of the game to mean getting the core content of which the game is made up, whereas in this case a different approach was taken, where all parts of the game are distributed as DLC.

Steam support is probably just not realizing the problems that would occur by allowing such an approach to be taken, and as such is probably compensating for it until they fix it, assuming they do fix it and realize there is a problem. That's my best guess anyways.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the screenshot. I have all the DLC so you can't even see those two on the screen at the same time.

12 years ago

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Look at my reply below for some confirmation that Steam agrees with your perspective as well as mine.

12 years ago

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Yeah. This also might explain why Steam Support's initial reply to my question was essentially "Please buy more DLC for your game."

From an internal Valve, inner-workings-of-Steam standpoint, bobofatt is very accurate. From an external customer/legal perspective my complaint is also accurate.

12 years ago

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I think your perspective of it is skewed, because you won a giveaway for DoW II: Retribution. So you expected that gift to be for DoW II: Retribution. You were mislead by the person who created the giveaway, not by Steam.

12 years ago

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The person who created the giveaway was mislead as well. Amazon said it was one product (assuming there wasn't another way to get this item), but Steam said it was another product instead.

(On another note, the person who made the giveaway offered to buy me the game if I didn't get this sorted out.)

12 years ago

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Sorry for being a bit off-topic here:

Well, as long as we're talking about DoW II Retribution, let me ask a question about Retribution's DLC: I bought DoW Retribution from the Amazon THQ Pack, and when I activated it on Steam, it told me I had three DLC's for it. Unfortunately, I can't tell what they are because the dialog box doesn't expand to show all the content, and the DLC doesn't appear on my account details page. Anyone know what DLC I have?

12 years ago

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You can try going to http://store.steampowered.com/app/56437/ and click on all of the DLC. It should say "You already own * "

12 years ago

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Go to the dow2 retribtuion store page and then click add all dlc to cart. When u go to cart the dlcs you own will say you already own this, so delete them from the cart:)

12 years ago

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The three DLCs you get are Campaign, Last Stand and Multiplayer - right-click and look into Properties.

Since we're on that, I have a question myself. What is the fourth DLC in this screenshot? The only DLC I bought is the Tau Commander on the bottom of the list.

12 years ago

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It's a free alternative paint scheme for the Imperial Fists chapter that Relic released some time ago. But unlike the very elaborate paint jobs that you got with the paid DLC for the other chapters, it only seems to have changed the Force Commander.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Will have to try that out, thanks. It would be a pleasant surprise if the models are as detailed as the DLC versions of the Ultramarines and the Dark Angels!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Well, I use every chance I get to proclaim how fun Last Stand mode actually is and urge everyone to give it a try. You'll suck at first, bt trust me, it's worth persevering until you grasp the fundamentals and your chosen hero gains a few levels. I stopped bothering with the campaign all together after discovering Last Stand, it's addictive as hell, and the community is great.

12 years ago

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There is still a community for this? Hell yeah! I haven't played since Retribution first came out, but definitely putting it back on my to-do list now!

12 years ago

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Unfortunately it isn't nearly as large as in its prime but the Last Stand community is still going strong. It can take a bit until you find a game with in-game matchmaking sometimes but it never takes too long. And what I really like is that there are plenty of good players around who know what they're doing and everyone is very friendly.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I never got why some people leave as soon as they die. Don't they lose all XP for that round if they disconnect (assuming they aren't level 20 already)? Thankfully though it seems most players are dropping due to connection issues rather than quitting mid-game.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Valzi.