I saw that you cheater!
Oh... for a second it said message deleted... besides I said games NOT on my wishlist :o
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You are not helping me at all. :(
Heavy Bullets
Ittle Dew
Dynasty Warriors
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See after trying REALLY hard to like The Talos Principle... I can't really enjoy that type of puzzle games. I admit I didn't get far in Talos but I also don't seem to be able to focus on that type of puzzle games for too long. Those are very hit and miss with me because if I don't get hooked in my first attempt playing... I probably will never touch it again.
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See that wouldn't work with me very well. As much as I enjoyed Grim Fandango (before steam when you'd have to play the game from CD 1 then switch to CD 3 then back to CD 1 then go to CD 2 XD) I raged so much at that game because of the ridiculous amount of times I got stuck in it. I think I don't have the patience for most puzzle games anymore I still play some though mostly for the nostalgic feeling :p
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Dang, that's a long wishlist. I'm still gonna try to pick something.
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HA HA HA HA HA bullet hell. I'm sorry you must think I'm a really calm guy who doesn't get upset at games because they're just games. Yeah... no. I rage like a madman and I take games to heart. I will NEVER again play a bullet hell game. orz
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Would you tell Hulk to embrace his rage? No? Well I become Hulk when I rage on video games...
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Serious question, though. How is Neptunia? In terms of a JRPG and not "ermehgerd nekkid animu gurlz!1!one!!" because that's always put me off of it. The reviews for the most part seem to be mostly jokes but I get the impression it's a... good game?
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It's good, it has a relatively simple combat system and crafting items for shops works out better than I expected. If I had to say something bad about it, dungeons are pretty short by jRPG standards (probably because PC port is based on the Vita remake) and there's quite a bit of recycling of assets because of the relatively low budget.
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After I wasn't able to enjoy Talos I don't think DeadCore is for me and I know for a fact Hotline Miami isn't :c
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I guess we have very different tastes XD
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I and II
Dragon Age: Origins
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
FINAL FANTASY (those not on your WL)
To The Moon
Thief 1-3 (the original ones)
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers
The Next Big Thing
Broken Sword 1-3
Puzzle Agent 1 and 2
SpellForce games
Portal 1 and 2
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Huh... KOTOR games should have been on my wishlist. I'm not sure what happened there. Fixed now
I finished Morrowind and ALL of it's major mods/expansions/whatever you want to call them. Granted that it was before I even knew what steam was but I think the Morrowind chapter is closed for me... which is why it's not on my wishlist alongside Oblivion. (I might get it at some point for collection/nostalgic purpose) The same goes for DA:O which I finished with several different groups.
The FF games not on my wishlist are already owned for the ps2/3.
I have played Vampire Masquerade but I know I didn't finish that one and I've already had my heart broken by Let's play "To the Moon" so I can't truly enjoy it (since I know everything about it)
I tried the original Thief but it didn't quite hook me. The new one on the other hand has my interest. I knooooooow. I'm one of those guys who likes the remake more then the original... shame on me!
Added a bunch of other games from the ones listed to my wishlist. Thank you! ^^
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I see you don't own Kotor 2 either :o! Might wanna check here
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Added! I think I have a few other similar games on my wishlist... not this one though.
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The witness looked like a walking simulator to me. Not really my cup of tea.
Jotun added
Dex... I own that game in some bundle somewhere... can't remember which one or where @_@
The Magic Circle isn't for me
Soul Axiom is not the type of Early Access I'd invest in. Survival or gtfo... with some exceptions
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Then I probably got it from some mystery game thing or something random like that o.o I know I've seen this before and decided to keep it for a while because I wasn't very interested in it
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My interest in platformers comes and goes all the time. That's why I haven't activated it or gave it away yet. Maybe I'll change my mind at some point but right now it hasn't picked my interest enough.
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Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now might be dated but still great and with good music
Rayman Raving Rabbids
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I enjoyed the raw Carmageddon 2 more =/ I know... I need to seek help
Rayman looks too derp for me. I got plenty of derp since I got my pug puppy ^^
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Drive Any Track - Driving game where the track is generated by music you pick out.
Looks interesting enough that I'm considering buying several for giveaways and regular gifting.
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I really suck at anything that needs me to coordinate with the background music orz. My first action in any game is to turn the music as low as possible. There are a few exceptions.
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As far as I know I already have everything fallout related in my wishlist ^^
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I don't intend to spend all my munny on 2 games though D:
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Did you enjoy ARPG games?
Like these two?
Tbh these two are better than Diablo III xD
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Grim dawn is on my wishlist already and I believe I have titan quest... in some bundle somewhere.
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no clue if there on there but fuck i the souls series and and doom bfg edition
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I'm on mobile and I didn't checknyour wishlist but here are some recommendations (maybe I'll be lucky enough to fit your taste):
Novus Inceptio
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Invisible Inc
The Cave
Satellite Reign
The Flame In The Flood
The Mean Greens
Blues and Bullets
Prototype 1 & 2
The Secret World
Hard West
Layers of Fear
Angels Fall First
Alice: Madness Returns
Eden Star
L.A. Noire
Kingdoms of Amalur
Torchlight 2
The Darkness II
Alpha Protocol
Castlevania series
Commandos series
Remember Me
Sleeping Dogs
Sorry, no links :(
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Is there anything not on your wishlist o_0
So, ya, gonna toss a few out here, if they are already there, so be it.
Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/Hong Kong, the latter of which just got a big update same day as the Steam Sale started adding another campaign.
The Deadly Tower of Monsters, I love it.
Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries. Short, and the studio that did it went Chapter 11, but still enjoyable. If you've ever played Alice: Madness Returns, it reminds me a bit of that. If you haven't played it, then add that to your list too lol.
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Just a bump! Totally not sticking to my word or anything
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Well, have to get the really obvious one out of the way: BIOSHOCK!!!!! It is absolutely the best video game EVER MADE and not only you don't own it yet, but you haven't even wishlisted it... WHY????? After that, we have the Max Payne games (ALL OF THEM), Batman Arkham Asylum (you've only wishlisted Akrham Knight, like WTF???), entire Thief series, F.E.A.R., Far Cry series, Advent Rising, Call of Juarez Gunslinger, Prince of Persia series and many, many more that I simply don;t have the time to list now
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So... I guess I had stuff for sale on the steam market and I suddenly got 200 steam munny. Start advertising games that aren't on my wishlist already (...totally don't have more games wishlisted then owned or anything).
If I really like some of the games advertised you might end up seeing some of them given out here
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