Majesty: The fantasy Kingdom Sim (get the HD re-release).
Not only is it low-spec, it's also one of the greatest games of all time. At its core, it's an RTS, but it has a twist: you can't directly control your units, instead you need to treat them like RPG heroes (who want money for going out on quests, put a big bounty on something and the heroes will be interested in going out on "quests").
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You mean this one?
I played it for a bunch of hours (not clocked on Steam, since I played it offline), very good game :D
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Binding of Isaac is actually surprisingly demanding. Flash was never meant for such "heavy" games, and if you have a slightly outdated computer, you might actually end up with some slowdown. It would not surprise me if the remake/update/sequel is far less demanding.
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thankfully Rebirth doesnt have as much performance issues as the first one
in fact Ive yet to see any slowdown/glitches on my crappy dual core machine
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I know the feeling, currently stuck with my parents lappy till I have the chance to upgrade <.<
games like the half life series, age of empires 2 hd (for most part), Terraria, and such run great even on older pc-s
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I really wanted to replay HL series but when I tried, It gave me headaches (motion sickness?). AoE runs excellent :D and Terraria, I don't really understand it that much, but now that it has achievements it could be an extra incentive to try it again :P
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I cannot really 'recommend' it, since I didn't play it myself, but it drew my attention and I'm investigating it right now:
Brand new: Big Pharma
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Hero of the kingdom?
Knights of pen and paper?
Edit: i'm usually playing King's bounty on the laptop... it's fairly low spec and good game (HoMM style)
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also loved HotK!
and KoPaP is not very grindy. it is addictive, at least the first run. you need to do a second run for some of the achievements, and i haven't done that one yet...
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Definitely a good game, haven't played it much lately because my original save game is on my other dead laptop and it doesn't cloud. Considering trying to get it off the hard drive, but... meh. That's a lot of effort.
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if you like tower defense, defense grid 1 and 2.
terraria got an update some months ago, starbound just got one too.
if you like isometric shooters with rpg stuff (inventory, xp, skills, upgrades), there's the alien/zombie shooter franchise. a bundle was released recently.
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i should really get Terraria. it's one of the oldest games on my wishlist and i still haven't won it.
don't know why i haven't bought it yet
oh right, time...
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When I was stuck with old laptop I went though my "old" backlog, that were considered kinda ugly, compared to newer games therefore they were just sheveled back on the list. Games like Fallout 1, 2, Planescape Torment, Morrowind, Warcraft 3, Sanitarium, Baldur's Gate, Black and White come to my mind. Sorry if these happen to be too demanding, I honestly have no idea about specs :)
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Fallout 1 & 2 are still very beautiful in my opinion. that style never goes out of fashion :)
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Planescape is beautiful with the widescreen mod. The environments were hard to appreciate with the incredibly limited view you had in the core game, but when you actually can see a large chunk of it at once, you get an entirely different appreciation for how much work actually went into crafting those wonderful environments.
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Absolutely, I love the art style of these games. It's just a little weird, like you need to change gears, back to the older games. Because it's obviously not as life-like as newer ones, but still, in their own art style they were and are outstanding games :)
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I always recommend SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition to people with limited PC capabilities. It's got great dialogue, an amazing soundtrack, and should definitely keep you entertained for the amount you would spend on it.
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<put here list of thousand of indie games>....
Google is your friend.
Steam tag system even more. Not to mention incredible big amount of older game.
I will never get idea of asking about "recommending some games". What is the idea? There exist milions of PC games that anybody can write here....
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I will never get idea of asking about "recommending some games". What is the idea?
I don't want to test "millions" of games to find something decent, that's why I'm asking here. It doesn't mean I will try EVERY game mentioned, but atleats I will check the store page of these games and see if it's something I would like to play (I don't have time to check the whole Steam store).
I'm sorry if this thread bothers you.
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"I'm sorry if this thread bothers you."
Easy man
This is just my opinion. Forums are made for that ;p
I prefer spend several minutes finding some games by myself than asking this on forum and get incredible big amount of random propositions. Most of them you propably won't even play.
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You can totally go search on steam or otherwise to find games.
Or you can ask for the wisdom of tons of people to contribute to your search and possibly shorten your time spent looking.
Another point, it's hard to know what to search on steam even with tags.
"Only1Core?" that's kind of a difficult question.
For you searching alone might work and that's great you prefer it, but for others, getting a list of games that come recommended, and then searching through for what appeals to them saves people time.
Just my two cents on the forums. :)
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Triple Town, simple strategic game and very, VERY addictive ;) I also recommend Cook, Serve, Delicious! if you like menagement type.
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OMG I want this and would never have found it on my own...
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Cook, Serve, Delicious! you say? (took me like 30h)
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If you can find the non-gold version of Thief, I would actually recommend playing it instead. Gold introduces 3 new levels, but two of them are bad (overly long and poorly paced), and feel out of place (the 3rd one is good, but still feels out of place), and it changes another level into something completely different (same map, different enemies, but it changed the feel of the level).
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Thief the Dark Project (Gold) first, followed by Thief 2: The Metal age. Deadly Shadows is the 3rd game. All the games are great, though Deadly Shadows has a generally lower standard than the previous two (it does have what might be the best level of the series though, and I'm not talking about The Cradle)
Thi4f (or Thiaf) is not a Thief game (seriously it's beyond bad. My expectations were low, but they were not low enough for me to be able to overlook getting stuck in things constantly and having to reload. I don't think I've ever played a more poorly tested big budget game. Daggerfall had fewer game breaking bugs, and no, I'm not exaggerating, I had far less problems with Daggerfall than I did with Thiaf (yes they named it thiaf because 4=A, not e)).
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you should state your GPU, otherwise people will suggest you games such as STALKER that are definitely only enjoyable with at least a mid range GPU. lol
btw, asking if one is retarded is in some situations a very reasonable question. This is such a situation.
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Maybe I should ask you the same questions then, because clearly this is such a situation.
You failed to take into account the age of the game, and that many indie games require far more power than you clearly realised. And to top it off you didn't even have the initiative to check the minimum specs of the game before throwing insults around.
If the OP is able to play the majority of the games suggested in this thread, then he/she has more than enough power to run S.T.A.L.K.E.R. If you had referred to minimum specs, or had any knowledge of gaming specs you would have known that.
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If I recall correctly, my Gt650m struggles with STALKER games at mid-highish settings and 40-ish fps. Thus my reaction.
My suggested games are on the 2nd page and my 1st reaction when I hear "low-spec games" is for a gpu not much better than the integrated GMA3150. 310m is more of low-mid range
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It's an 8 year old game, yes I would call it low spec. A lot of people are recommending indie games and many don't realise that a lot of those require higher specs that you might imagine.
Min specs for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are 512mb RAM, 128mb GPU. That is low spec.
People in this thread are recommending things like:
Being 2D or Indie doesn't guarantee low specs. Do your research next time and maybe, just maybe, don't throw insults around when you don't know all the facts.
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Definitely have been enjoying Game Dev Tycoon, bro-in-law gave it to me for my birthday.
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Well, it does feel as an unpolished lazy job in many ways and I understand some of the negative reviews.
But personally, I enjoyed it and now I only have one level left to beat it.
It's not the best puzzle/physics sim ever but I liked it somehow :v
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Jagged Alliance 2 with 1.13 mod, still beats the crab out of the newer titles.
Not sure if you are in platformers, but Rayman Origins should do on an older PC. Also doesn't need Uplay IIRC
You also haven't played LIMBO yet, another great platformer.
And of course, Crypt of the Necrodancer
There are many more which others haven't said, but I won't overdo it at this time :D
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Don't Starve Together
Stronghold HD
Stronghold Crusader HD + Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD
Maybe some Red Alert 2/Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge...
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Years ago I got a CD from a PC games magazine, and it had a Stronghold demo. I loved that game, but I have no idea which one was it (the only thing I remember is that you had to feed your soldiers/villagers/whatever, otherwise they would leave/die)
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You have to feed your people in every Stronghold game so I can't tell you which one was that demo.
Personally I prefer the Crusader version. It has more missions and it looks slighty better that Stronghold HD.
I've finished it 3 timed but I'm still playing it.
Also, you can play it multiplayer using GameRanger. There are still a lot of players.
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Well, recently I was on a vacation with only a 7-years-old laptop. I had a lot of fun with Technobabylon bought especially specially for that. I guess, every other game by Wadjet Eye would also be a perfect choice, especially Gemini Rue and Primordia.
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Hello SteamGift(ers)!
I haven't had much time to play videogames lately, and my backlog has been growing really fast :( since I haven't found a job (yet) and I'm almost done with my thesis, I will have some free days/weeks where I'll be able to play again. My PC died recently, so I will have to use this old laptop for now.
So I'm looking for low-spec games to play, please recommend some :)
Oh and please do not recommend MOBAs (I don't like these), VNs (unless it is something very unique) or FPS (since I already have Wolfenstein/Blood/DOOM in my list).
EDIT: I already have 80+ games in my list, thank you very much to everyone for your suggestions! I will do my best to play (and beat) as many games as possible :) you can keep recommending games but I won't answer to every post as I have been doing in this thread (I will still consider any recommendation from now).
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