A person that never liked batman but the games made change my mind.

The last week i played Arkham Asylum after i played Arkham city on Wii U, now i started Arkham city on pc and just a reminder for how good are these games, its a rare recipe by them to deliver the most awesome experience. Every quest or side mission is top norch, every collectable is a puzzle, the fight system with power and satisfaction, the gadget system clever and unique and general the feel of the games are epic.
I still need to play Arkham Origins but people say its not that good (made by other game studio).

I believe the upcoming title Arkham Knight will deliver the same quality as the previous ones.

Thank you Rocksteady and please keep it comming!

10 years ago*

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I was never a Batman fan myself. Never really got into any comic book type stuff.. A couple friends convinced me to try Arkham Asylum - and I was hooked! What an amazing game!!

City was great - but for me - Origins was the best - not necessarily in terms of the game itself, but for someone that didn't really know anything about Batman - ti really filled in a lot of gaps in how things came to be, and why they are the way they are.

Now - since playing the games, I have watched basically all of the Batman movies, watch Gotham weekly, and have pre-ordered Arkham Knight!

10 years ago

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Thanks, you give me hope for Origins after all :)

10 years ago

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I'm a Batman fan since I was 5-6yo maybe less (now 22). Batman costume, school bag, comics, action figures etc. But I didn't got hooked by the games. Dunno why,maybe because I don't play much games as I used to and I'm only wasting my time on CSGO... I'm thinking every now and then redownloading them but it always stays on the thought and not the action. The little I played though, they seem pretty good games.

10 years ago

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Maybe its not your cup of tea genre, when i was younger fps was my favorite genre, now i prefer a couch with xbox controller, something not recommended for fps games. :)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the info, i start the game when im done with city :)

10 years ago

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well, not a fan, but got the games in bundle/discount and they are quite descent.

origins was not inferior to previous ones.

but its somewhat repetetive and the puzzles are mostly pretty straightforward. played all once, but will probably not play a second time.

in my view all those games are 8/10

10 years ago

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Well, if you approach Arkham Origins as a completely new game, new experience, you'll have a great ttime. Gameplay is the same, story is a bit wonky but not bad. You should have played Origins first, then Asylum, then City, because you would have not only understand the story in a chronologically right way, but you would have also started with the worst game in the series, and then moved up the ladder.

10 years ago

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Yep. People saying Origins is better than City LOL. But it's not a bad game.

10 years ago

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I love it too

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by petrospetran.