1 decade ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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6, and that's my final answer

1 decade ago

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I like decent things, 3

1 decade ago

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Number 3.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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All of them look pretty bad.

1 decade ago

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I'll vote for #6.

1 decade ago

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6! BECAUSE IT IS ONE THIRD OF THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST! Owait, I did the wrong maths I guess.

1 decade ago

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Im gonna go with #6

1 decade ago

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I thought 6 was pretty cool ^.^

1 decade ago

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6 is winning!

1 decade ago

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1 ALL the way baby

1 decade ago

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Let's play Wallpaper Idols, and I'll be the terrible judge! Hooray!

1 is nice. It's a bit wild and not al that well laid-out (I'd remove some of the crap behind the skull, since you can't even see what it is), but it has a clear idea behind it and actually looks like a wallpaper. 7/10
2 is very nice, but the logo looks very out of place which kind of ruins the whole point, and drags down the design as a whole. 6/10
3 is boring as hell. It has the same problem as #2, namely the out-of-place logo, but unlike #2 it has nothing else going on. The background looks like something people would actually use as a wallpaper, but for a design contest it is too generic and boring. 4/10
4 is simple but effective. The layout isn't very good though, with the big text on the right unbalancing the design. Whatever terrible filter is used on the logo doesn't earn any points either. 5/10
5 is... bad. I'm sorry, but it looks like some random crap copypasted into a standard Windows background. 1/10
6 made me smile. It's not great, but I like the simple elegance of it. The 'feeling' of the wallpaper just doesn't fit well with the logo used. Besides that, this is another one where the bad photoshop filter is dragging down the score. 6/10
7 is another terrible one, but at least it's all a bit more tied together and the background doesn't look like it's copypasted from the standard Windows wallpaper. 3/10
8 is also terrible. Random crap copypasted in a background with some photoshop filters thrown at it is not a good design! 2/10

So yeah, I'm voting for #1.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Gonna vote for #6

1 decade ago

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i like 1 and 3
i will vote 3 cause 1 has too many votes :P

1 decade ago

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My vote is for #1, but #6 is great as well.

1 decade ago

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I think number 1 is out of the rule. It have no the original avatar and have no the word by specified font.
Number 5 also have a word but no avatar.
Number 2,3,4,6,7,8 is OK.
I will choose the best from these, 2,3,4,6,7,8.
Number 4, 7 & 8 looks not beautiful.
So, I choose 2,3,6.

1 decade ago

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1 takes my vote.

1 decade ago

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3 gets my vote.

1 decade ago

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How about I just make a better wallpaper and take the game?
Only two of these are decent (2 and 3) and even those are pretty generic.

1 decade ago

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So why haven't you participated in this event sooner?

1 decade ago

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Cause I just found out about it like 5 minutes ago.

1 decade ago

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Yeah same here, I havent seen where you were taking entries

1 decade ago

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He made a thread on here a few weeks ago asking for entries.

1 decade ago

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I like 6, that's what I vote for.

1 decade ago

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my vote is for #6

1 decade ago

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6 for me.

1 decade ago

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I think #1 is the best, nothing stands out in a bad way and, while the composite is rather basic it does look good in comparison with the others.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Deleted-0900268.