If everyone had that attitude, Steam would still look like this: https://i.imgur.com/nuK4jsG.jpg
So, yes. It's progress. :)
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Exactly, I hate it when they mess with things that don't need to be messed with. Those changes are rarely for the better, mostly just making everything look bigger and uglier :/
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Well, its always like this. People arent sure about the new design thinking its going too big of a change. A month or two of use and everyones so used to it (except for hardcore believers) and the old design is already forgotten.
Happens always with everything. Perfect example - facebook. They have changed their design several times pretty drastically and every time bunch of people go on criticizing it saying old one was good. A month and everyones so used to the new design they dont even remember how it looked before.
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They had to improve their client many years ago. Its a pain to find something to play when you have more than 100 games. And I even can't imagine what feel people with 10k+ of games in their library
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Well, new library page looks half-decent.
I wonder, should we start taking bets on how they'll fuck it up on the back-end side ?
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I am not interested in any of these new features, not the re-design itself, not the focus on events nor what people in my friendslist do. And I never watch broadcasts. Personally, I see this (from those descriptions and the pic) as a wholly unneeded and unwanted change for me.
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I absolutely agree. I would have loved some kind of folder options (with subfolders) to sort games more quickly. Maybe even a way to sort them automatically by tags, genre, publisher. But these updates as they're featured on that preview screenshot confirm my worst fears. They'll turn my library page into another store page, with social and events crap. I do not even want to know what my friends are playing/doing. Actually if this goes live without any option to opt out, I might just clear my friends list in order to ensure that I don't get any news about friends playing some stupid multiplayer online game.
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I understand your concerns and I'm equally prone to have a negative outlook on changes for working systems, but I'm sure that Valve implements a revert feature for at least a transitional period of time to give users a chance to get accustomed to the new client.
I would also very much like an option to choose a lightweight themed client just for basic functionality, because apparently a fair amount of users like it minimalistic.
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They didn't implement any revert feature for that stupid curator update either. I really hate, how every wannabe expert can be a "curator" these days and how they tend to shove that information right into my face every time I look at their store page. But it's the store page, so I can just stay away or put the client in offline mode (which I do most of the time anyway) and ignore it. I really don't want to get accustomed to any social stuff on my library page.
Don't get me wrong, that library page definitely needs an overhaul. Better and faster ways to organize it and so on. It doesn't have to be minimalistic either, I just don't want it to turn into a second store page.
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Glad to see Steam's keeping their word. They excused the lack of visual and other updates for the client on having to accommodate for XP mainly (Vista as well). Now that they dropped them, they promised that they could finally start properly working on improving the client. It's been only 3.5 months and there's immediately a new overhaul to key aspects of their service? Yeah, I'm impressed. I'm down for an update. The client's looked pretty archaic for a long time now. Hopefully they won't sacrifice functionality for looks though :)
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I did try when i had half but with alot of games for me it could fit like 3 genres, and think when steam updates you lose it everytime, so thought to heck with it.
I know someone that made a dos database of pretty much every dos game that exist, screenshots and the lot, with kids, a job and disability and i got the time currently and i struggle to even put a dent in my backlog and clean up some of my tb's of unassorted files, i dunno where time flies. :p
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But I hate change :(
In all serousness I hope the library was designed with our massive amount of games in mind, I don't like the idea of a Origin/Uplay style interface but with thousands of little boxarts instead of a couple dozen, scrolling through that would be a pain.
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Meh. I'm as change resistant as the next person, but so long as they keep the options open for classic-style, or at least have different view types (tiled, list, etc) like they do now, it shouldn't be so bad.
It's the same with any other redesign. Twitter, youtube, etc. It happens periodically, and they're rarely as bad as they initially feel, it's just that we're usually forced to get used to figuring out where the buttons and features have all moved to. That little extra delay can be frustrating for a bit, like having some strangers come and reorganise your room one day. The tidy-up and layout can be nice on its own but it's an unnecessary hiccup in a place we prefer not to have to play hide and seek with stuff we normally use :p
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I wish they stopped fucking with things that no one wants or needs and instead worked on the things that actually need to be worked on.
Finding groups or users is still damn near impossible, games in our libraries still can't be sorted/searched for by tags, we still can't remove a game from our wishist directly from the store page, they still don't have any sort of quality control...
But hey, who cares! Let's make the library uglier instead, with huge thumbnails and everything!
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You know, I'm fairly sure I heard someone saying that removing games from wishlist directly from the store page was possible but it doesn't seem to be true. Perhaps it was some Beta feature that they might or might not release some time in the future, or perhaps it was a glitch because Steam can be weird AF at times :D
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Though making sites and services uglier seems the hot new thing, I don't know why every service ever thinks we are all 100% phonebased and need GIGANTIC IMAGES EVERYWHERE, only the moddle 40% of a widescreen with bars on the side and as much unused space filler nothingness as possible.
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its all useless bloat.
game page will move slower as it has to load a bunch of info and pics, when all i want to do is click play.
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That's fine to me, I've been using Despressurizer since I reached 1k games and it's perfect, but having it's functionality built-in is even better.
About the event thing, I don't think it's useless, because there's always nice games receiving updates that we may skip without noticing, but I think it'll be a headache to clean spamming ones.
I'm pretty more up to know how the Game Menu will behave, when we click on the game and the options are show, I really need a better and a clean way to do that.
Also, the Game Overlay is a mess and should be improved somehow with streaming features, a Booster button to stop background services from windows (I know about what you're thinking), improved API to work even when the game is crashed so we can be able to close it without using task manager, maybe GPU API to change settings directly from Steam and save them on cloud. A Tetris mini-game should be optional.
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PCGamer has an article about it as well.
It has a little bit more information, and it looks like users will be able to search their libraries by tag now (and sort by tag as well).
I'm all for more options to organize/find things in my library, so it all looks good to me so far.
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The friends list is now integrated into a right-hand column - But I don't always want to see them, then it's just in the way.
The top module shows recent games you've been playing with a library view reminiscent of Plex or the Apple TV - I don't need that.
The rest of your collection is shown with nice vertical thumbnails that can be scaled to show larger icons or more games - I just want a bloody text list thank you, what other clients fail to do, imagine going through 8000 screenshots to get to your game or scroll through.
The left-hand games list has a new look but is fairly similar to the existing design - It doesn't look great.
Keep it Simple Stupid.
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I just want a bloody text list thank you
Exactly! Why does everything need to be huge and ugly? Sometimes, there is beauty in simplicity.
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The library looks really cool, the only thing about it that i don't like is probably the size if my window will be like this then this might be a bad update.
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