there is this "controversial" advice that if you expect someone else to love you you first must learn to love yourself, i guess the point is to know yourself as best as you can, learn to be comfortable with you and with who you are, if there are things you dont like then learn how to work on them, etc.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EEW-9NDM5k :(
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Just want company. Not after religion. Didn't even say I wanted friends. Nit the same thing as company. Besides, real friends are just people who come to you when they want to kill themselves but don't really want to.
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Just equating finding a fix for life with finding a religion. And yes, recently a friend told me he wanted to kill himself and after i convinced him not to just told me all over again a week later after putting himself in hospital under suicide watch. And his case is not unique. I spend too much time trying to convince people they're worth being alive.
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I'm in a long distance relationship too but sleeping with webcams on, that's just borderline creepy.
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Can't see how, since normal couples sleep together anyway.
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I don't see how it's creepy as long as both are into it, if one was hacking the other's cam to do it, that'd be creepy.
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I've done it. It's a wonderful way to feel close emotionally when you're far apart geographically.
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Assuming of course that both parties arr even sexually active.
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I'm lonely by circumstance, namely health.
It's not good.
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Well, silence is golden, remember that. By the way I have a remedy for you. Try playing public dota2 matches, boy, you will start hatin people at the speed of light!
And if we talk serious, gatdam why you calling people who dont have time for you - "friends"?
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Idk really. I guess because originally we were but then they decided that adult life meant that talking to others has to be reduced to meeting over coffee once a year.
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Love? HAH! Just a joke. It doesn't really exist. 9 years? My last steady girlfriend, who left me, was at the end of 1999. I had an ex who we gave a third shot a couple of years ago but then I found out she was still with another guy at the same time.
Just give up on that farce people call love. You want to talk about lonely? Try living MY life.
Friendship can have its downsides as well. Best to just stop worrying about being with someone and work on yourself. Be alone.Make yourself a better individual.
And to those that I may have offended in this, allow me to give the one finger salute.
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I know how you feel bro.) https://youtu.be/bVLk9-YpRi0
I don't have normal relations since 2009. And mostly sad - when you trying to met someone - it's crushing instantly. :D
Now I'm just afraid to begin a new relations, even met and talk with someone. :D
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I wish but moving to another country is a big decision, and if i did the person who doesnt move will need to financially support the other until they can get employed...and Then there's the legal issues. i'm planning on visiting but i'm still saving atm...
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just do what you love to do.
For example I love swimming, so I was going to the pool and I meet one group of people there... They do triahlon, now I can join their sport and meet other people. But I am not forcing self to be with people, just I do what I love to do.
Do what makes you happy.
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Well...thing is ive been depressed for so long that nothing made me happy. Right now, i have no hobbies but my YouTube. And that's disastrous. But it keeps me busy I guess. On the other hand, it doesnt keep me company.
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Is moving an option?
In any case, love doesn't cure depression, but it sure helps. The crucial thing is realize things are different and you don't need your habits/self medication methods anymore.
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Not yet but once I've visited and we know we can get along like on webcam I'm planning on moving indefinitely. I still need meds to function but now...idk I feel like I'm finally not getting depressed from just being alive. It's nice knowing I'm wanted and Im capable of forming an attachment.
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I find that looking at nature helps and helps more if you live in a suburban area, so there would be less noise. Something about plants makes everything in your life feel more calm and peaceful. I'm not trying to mean you should "be one with nature", but just stare at nature for 5 to 10 minutes.
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I keep hoping for rain so I can sleep easier. I do not get it :c honestly, rain makes being lonely a lot less noticqble.
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I can see my partner demanding food from me tbh
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If it's not when i go out to dinner i'm asked to describe my meal.
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Oh, i was mostly joking. I have no problem with weight. I dont eat much, but I love food just as much and recipes are great conversational pieces. I'm skinny, but I don't starve myself deliberately or purge after a meal, despite what people in high school said.
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Also, are you attracted to fat women?
Cause if so, here's a link to a post of mine in another thread.
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Nice face and personality wins over most other things. I'm indifferent. I've dated all sorts but the shallow ones made skinny irrelevant.
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Oh I have a dog. Problem is she cant speak and won't stay in the same room with me for very long because she has to check all the other rooms equally. You know, just in case food.
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I've been empty for a few years now. I don't know how to human - am not living life.
Everything in one's life is up to them - not to overlook circumstances beyond our control, but you've still got (")control(") over your reaction to it.
There are those who can muster the drive; there are those who can't.
"I want to stay positive and avoid getting back into the habit of depressing myself."
Rarely do dreams congeal into reality, so then it comes down to being able to reckon your desires with the reality.
Nobody ever asks for life, but you gotta do you. Because. (otherwise oblivion)
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I'm alone because I can't talk to people. social anxiety got so bad I couldn't even talk to old friends, so I lost them.
My Depression is mostly due to other stuff.
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I don't know if I'm in the same boat. Maybe a similar boat?
I've always prefered to be alone and thought I'd be better off like that in the long run. Still kinda think that, but at the same time being lonely is starting to really gnaw at me. Turned 27 in January and it made me realize a lot of terrible things about my life. One of those things is the fact that if I don't start changing something about myself and the way I look at the world and being this misanthropic person, I will fucking die alone and miserable. And I kinda don't want that but feel like it's too late.
IDK. I've been in a really dark place these last few months and don't know how to get out of it.
Don't really have any advice or even anything positive to tell you, really. Sorry.
FWIW, I've sent you a friend request because you seem like a cool person and I saw you played Insurgency on your youtube channel and I'm trying to get into that game at the moment, so that caught my attention. Feel free to ignore the request tho. :)
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Yes, being with someone is hard, but loneliness is hard as well. Dependably of one's inside one can be harder then another, but at the end human is a social being, no one can be truly happy at complete loneliness. We are with you.
One little note though on your comment about real friends. Hope I'll not touch you in any way, just consider. Even if that is true what you said (and I hope that for some of your real friends it isn't) aren't you a bit harsh there? I doubt anyone wants to "kill themselves" just for fun. Isn't that a sign they care about you? Want to help you? And in some degree that you are more important to them then themselves?
Also I'm keeping my thumbs on that, one of you will find the way to contact another. If you both cared deeply about each other I hope true love will win.
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Loneliness has been part of my life since I can remember though somehow I can handle it most of the time (which doesn't mean I'm happy- at all). As me life suck on more level there are these days that you feel so tired of everything that you don't even want to get up from bed. The worst thing about it is that sad circe, do nothing - feel useless - suicide thoughts - feel guilty , and it always repeat and repeat and repeat, over and over. It can change shape and times but it will always come back, always. Based on what I feel through these years it start to become nihilism, making you doubt even about the value of your own life. Starting to wander why you exist, to see you like a little grain of dust between ever moving gears. Someday one could also realize the irony of it, thinking about some famous poets and philophers which winda felt the same way as you, making them reach those deep thoughts which leads them to immortality. Anyway, human relationship? I can even count the few people that are aware of my existance. Don't get me started about love. To me it almost lead to suicide, for real.
Probably my english is not too good to speak about these thing. Are you into anime? Try Welcome to the NHK, the theme is this. It helped me a bit.
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780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Basically for the past year I have -- despite my opinion on the concept -- been in a long distance relationship. I'm talking constant skyping. Sleeping with the webcams on. First thing on waking up, messaging the other. Every moment I could spare. Then my partner's psychotic parent did his thing. The result: partner on the job market with no wifi. I've gone from having the best company in the world to being completely and utterly lonely. My friends have always been 'too busy' to spend time with me, which was fine, I guess, because I had someone who DID want me around. Right now idk.
The shit thing is my 9 year long depressive spell was actually over the last few months as I began to understood the importance of, you know, love I guess. I was actually doing well. I havent had suicidal thoughts since October. I'm even prepared for accepting another presence in my daily routine, and as an antisocial that's a big thing.
Ofc this doesnt change much but the fact I now have nobody to talk to, especially late at night where i'd usually technically not be sleeping alone, and it's bumming me out. I can't sleep, i have no reason to do anything, but above all else I dont want to regress. I want to stay positive and avoid getting back into the habit of depressing myself. Is anybody else in a similar boat? Lack of company, loneliness causes depression? Idk just someone to talk to without feeling unnecessary would be great.
Self indulgent rant over.
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